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From Tim, Child's Age 16 - 05/02/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son has put on 40 pounds in the last 6 months! I dont think he has really eaten more or stopped exercising, and am too scared to ask him about it! is this bad? what shall i do?
Reply from Jessica, Child's Age 12 - 07/10/10  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 05/06/10  - IP#:
Reply from Tim, Child's Age 16 - 05/05/10  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 05/04/10  - IP#:

From Ann, Child's Age 8 - 03/29/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hiya guys, As an obese single mum I am very concerned about my daughters weight. My job involves sitting at a computer all day and i usually eat a lot whilst doing my job. I'll go through 10 packets of potato chips a day and I'll have a pie for lunch maybe a snadwich as a snack and i mostly drink coca cola. Im really concerned as my daughter is 8 and weighs 111 lbs and she seems to be copying my eaating habits and going through potato chips, donuts, yogurts, ice cream and candy as fast as me. She has a ginormous gut like me and it hangs right over her pants. What should I do? I know its just a bit of puppy fat but I don't want her to end up 84lbs overweight like me!
Reply from Kellie, Child's Age 10 - 04/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 04/07/10  - IP#:

From lin, Child's Age 10 - 02/18/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter has been overweight her entire life. I love her with every inch of my soul. I have tried very hard to help her slim down. Nothing is working for us. My cousin is a boxer she train's 3x a week! She also has dance lesson's 2x a week. We eat healthy, there are no veggie's the child won't eat. I have taught her that she is beautifull, to keep her head up, and to always be proud of herself. I want this weight loss for her so badly, she is strong but I know it hurt's her. Can anyone help us?? Been to doctors been to nutritionist... Had bloodwork-- done it all!! ??????
Reply from Brittany, Child's Age 17 - 07/15/10  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 02/22/10  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/18/10  - IP#:

From Jim, Child's Age 7 - 02/08/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My 7 year old daughter is about 20 pounds overweight. Can anyone recommend any good parenting books that offer practical advice?
Reply from Julie, Child's Age 2 - 02/08/10  - IP#:

From anna, Child's Age 9 - 02/05/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
my daughter is 9 and is about 5foot 1 and is 125lbs is she over wieght
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 02/05/10  - IP#:

From Carrie, Child's Age 9 - 02/03/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 9 and she has a weight problem. I say weight problem because, I'm not so sure it is an eating problem. We keep a food diary and she eats healthy ( according to her nutritionist). She dances for 2 hours a week as well as plays soccer after school. We have tried everything, I am at a loss because dispite our efforts she continues to gain. We have done tests at the doctors and all came out normal. I fear that even though I think we are eating right and she is plenty active, I may have some blinders on to what I am doing wrong. Her nutritionist asks her if her food diary is correct ( and it is, there would be no point for a nutritionist otherwise). Anyway- to my point, I have come to the realization that as hard as I try to "healthy up my family" as we call it at home, when it comes to her, I can't do it alone and really neeed help.I have been thinking of sending her to a weight loss camp. I have looked at several and have one that focuses on nutrition, activity, positivity and being healthy not being thin. Has anyone ever turned to a camp for help?
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 16 - 02/04/10  - IP#:
Reply from Carrie- reply, Child's Age 9 - 02/04/10  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 16 - 02/04/10  - IP#:

From Shannon, Child's Age 1 - 01/14/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
A researcher at Boston University is looking for the opinions of parents who have children with weight issues. For more information and to participate, please follow this link:
We thank you very much for your participation.

From Toni, Child's Age 10 - 01/09/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have two daughters, ages 10 and 13. It's strange that I find myself here since I myself have never been overweight, and have never really had a weight problem. Because of this, I guess that I was blind to see that my children do, in fact, have weight issues. I don't know how to talk to them. When I was a teen, I was bulemic for a short time, along with many of my friends. It just seemed like the "in" thing to do. I don't want this to happen to my children. They get criticized at school and by other adults. They don't like team sports, so they're not involved in those. They're very artistic and quiet, sweet kids. I have noticed that the first place that they go after school is straight to the kitchen, and they begin to binge. However, the way that I parent is whenever the children do something that they are not supposed to do, I tell them why. Telling them, "Honey, put down ... (view more)

Reply from Kellie, Child's Age 10 - 04/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from Nomi, Age 16 - 03/01/10  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 16 - 01/21/10  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 01/20/10  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 01/09/10  - IP#:

From Linda, Child's Age 16 - 12/27/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter Brittany is 16, almost 17 and i am very concerned about her weight. She went to the doctor the other day for just a simple check up and she begged them not to weigh her. Of course they have to but i was not present while the weighing was being done. When we were waiting for the doctor i asked her what she weighed in at and she told me 300lbs. Looking at her i was just shocked because we had just bought her new clothes again because she could not fit into her old ones. Then they made her put on a gown and while she was taking her clothes off it really hit me how large she had become. Finally the doctor came in and checked everything and then started telling me about Brittany's weight. I found out then that she really weighed in at 394lbs. i was in shock and could not even talk. Of course when we got in the car i talked to Brittany about it, but she did not want to talk about... (view more)
Reply from Hey Mary, and Linda, Child's Age 14 - 04/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from Mary, Child's Age 12 - 12/29/09  - IP#:

From Mary, Child's Age 13 - 12/25/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter. Is 13 years old and weighs 289 pounds. We had a doctors visit last month. And we walked in fine not thinking about her large belly at all. I never realized how large she truly was .she is my daughter I think she is perfect. We got called back and I knew when the nurse weighed her it was the office the always say the weight just so you know it before you get to see the doctor. The only reason they would not say it out loud is I they don't want your child to know. So we went to wait for the doctor in the room. She changed into one of those little paper overall types cover ups. Since there are no sides for thefirst time I saw her huge her stomach was there are strech marks And rolls all over her. The doctor came in and checked her over. When it was done she asked Taylor to stand in the hall for a minute.when the door was firmly shut she brought up her weight. What... (view more)
Reply from Hey Mary, Mary, and Linda, Child's Age 14 - 04/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from Linda, Child's Age 16 - 12/27/09  - IP#:
Reply from Mary, Child's Age 12 - 12/25/09  - IP#:

From michelle, Child's Age 5 - 10/17/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
child has large belly and gained 20lbs in 1 year. no other symptoms I am worried for her as I am overwieght since I was a child as well.
Reply from Ashlie - 10/24/09  - IP#:

From Linda, Child's Age 10 - 09/28/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
There is some good news about my son. He got moved to another class because of the bullying and he's doing much better. He's even made a real friend who sticks up for him when anyone teases him about his weight. He's much happier now that he doesn't get teased so much at school. He's also only gained two pounds since last month so the weight gain may finally be slowing down. He is still having a hard time adjusting to the physical burden of the extra weight. Carrying an extra 62 pounds would be hard for anyone. It's especially hard for a kid who's almost the shortest in his class and was never overweight before. He complains a lot about being tired and uncomfortable. Now that he's not gaining weight as quickly I hope he will have a better chance to get used to it. I also hope he will grow into the weight in a few years. Does anyone know how long it normally takes for someone to adjust to gaining a lot of weight?
Reply from Tom, Child's Age 15 - 05/06/11  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 10/08/09  - IP#:

From Jess, Child's Age 12 - 09/06/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi my name Jess, my son is 12 years old and was very over weight and as a result of this was subject to relentless persecution, not only by his class mates and frenamies but also society on the whole. After a horrible experience at a the pool last summer I decided to take a stand. I also decided that I wasn't going to use a scale because of the long journey that lay ahead of us and the shame that is caused by the act of the "dreaded weigh in".
Just by luck I happened to catch The Discover Channel doing a piece on a really amazing product that has helped us a great deal. It's called the Quantum Scale. What makes this so fantastic is that never displays the users weight ! It secretly records the starting weight at the beginning of your diet and will only show a loss or gain but at no point ever displays how much you weigh. It is inspiring and a great motivator. As we know staying... (view more)

Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/27/09  - IP#:
Reply from Veronica, Child's Age 16 - 09/27/09  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/21/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 09/20/09  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/19/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 09/19/09  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/17/09  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/17/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 09/17/09  - IP#:
Reply from lol - 09/17/09  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 09/06/09  - IP#:
Reply from Evelyn, Child's Age 14 - 09/06/09  - IP#:

From Kim, Child's Age 6 - 08/26/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 6. She is obese…as confirmed by her doctor. She is also tall for her age. We have seen the dietitian several times and done food diaries. She is very active but loves to eat. We can control portions when she is with us, but we work full-time and she started 1st grade so she has to learn to make better food decisions on her own.
She has a wonderful self image. I absolutely love that she knows she is beautiful. She has many, many friends and has always been popular and well-liked among her peers. I don’t want to do anything that will put any negative self-esteem thoughts in her head.
Her older brother is a tall, skinny kid. We emphasize eating well for proper health for both of them, not for weight control. But I know I am more careful about what I put in her lunch and give her as a snack. My husband and his mother have Type 2 diabetes ... (view more)

Reply from Julie - 08/28/09  - IP#:

From Linda, Child's Age 10 - 08/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son takes medication for his behavior problems. The only prescription that works causes terrible weight gain. He started taking the pills a year ago and gained 60 pounds in that time with 25 being gained just this summer. His behavior is good now but he's miserable from the weight. He keeps begging me to stop the medication but we tried that and his behavior problems came back worse than ever. He's short for his age and wasn't fat before so his friends all tease him for getting so fat. They call him pregnant and fat factory. The weight isn't proportional on his body. It's gone mostly to his belly and that's why they call him pregnant. He's always exhausted now from hauling around the extra weight and he complains about his belly being uncomfortable. He says it's too heavy when he's standing up and it feels squeezed when he's sitting down. He had to quit soccer because it's too hard to... (view more)
Reply from tilz, Child's Age 13 - 01/09/11  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 16 - 09/01/09  - IP#:
Reply from Linda, Child's Age 10 - 08/31/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 16 - 08/25/09  - IP#:

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