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From Ellen, Child's Age 12 - 03/27/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Ok, so I am actually an overweight pre-teen. I wanted to ask you parents, how to persuade your mum you need to lose weight. I weigh 148 lbs and need to lose around 20lbs. I know I'm overweight and I struggle to lsoe because I have no support from my family. Every time i tell my mum I want to lose weight, she tells me I dont need to, but I know i do really. They often make comments about my weight, but they dont really help. They think ill become anorexic. How should I persuade them to help me lose?
Reply from Ellen, Age 12 - 04/18/11  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 04/04/11  - IP#:
Reply from Linda, Age 13 - 03/31/11  - IP#:

From Shelia, Child's Age 10 - 03/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I just discovered this website and I am thrilled. My daughter is 10, 4' 9" and weighs 130 pounds. i do not want her to have to fight all her life with food issues ans weight issues so I am trying to limit her portions and watch what I bring into the house. today she told me her friend gave her three snack size Butterfingers at school. How do I encourage her and make her realize she needs to loose weight for health reasons. I am so scared that she will end up with an eatin disorder like anarexia or bulimia so I don't know how to approach the issue with her without making her have a complex and possibly causing her to have an eating disorder.
Reply from Mary, Child's Age 12 - 03/27/11  - IP#:

From Geraldine, Child's Age 12 - 03/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is overweight and she knows iit. She is around 140 lbs and although she is growing she is gaining quite alot. I am concerned as her brother calls her "pig" and no maatter what I say to him, he wont stop. This is worrying me as anorexia and bullimia run in our family and I don't want my child to get either of these. Although she is quite tall fo her age, she is double the weight of some of her friends. She participate in PE, Netball, running and also cycles and plays football and rugby at the weekend, however she pig outs alot. She says she'd like to be 100lbs, but that is much too thin, considering she is also very stocky built. And one last thing- is it possible that she is just very stocky built, she can lift one friend on each arm???????? Thank you
Please reply
Reply from Lucy - 03/26/11  - IP#:
Reply from Robert - 03/25/11  - IP#:

From Krista, Child's Age 13 - 03/06/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter was 75 pounds in the fourth grade. In sixth grade, she was 131.6. Now she is in seventh grade. She was 151.8 last week, but today, she was 149.4. But all she did was bulge all week and she never onced exercise. What does this mean? I never tell her that she is overweight, but now I feel like I have to bring it up sometime. Today, she mentioned to me that she was going to try to lose some weight. She wants to be 100 pounds before August. Any suggestions?
Reply from Ashlie - 03/14/11  - IP#:

From Dominique, Child's Age 11 - 03/01/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi everyone,I just want to share my story my 11 year old daughter is 145lbs and hates it.She is in a class of very skinny girls and only a few that are not.My daughter's class is quite mature they go on "dates" and my daughter would kill to go on one "date" she cries to me and i try to help but we just can't seem to get her weight down.I really want her to enjoy being a girl and having a body instead of hiding it.Comment and help me and give me tips=)Thanks for reading.
Reply from Ashlie - 03/08/11  - IP#:

From John, Child's Age 14 - 02/15/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son is 14 years old - 6 foot 2 and weighs 222 pounds. 41 inch waist (not pant size but actual waist measurement with a tape measure). Big, tall kid (definitely mine haha). After getting a physical recently, it came to our attention that he had gained 35 pounds in one year (obviously we weren't oblivious to it, he looked different to put it politely but his mom and I were surprised with just how much weight he had gained). We have always had a good relationship so I broached the subject gently with him - he has always been a little overweight but now that he's nearly 50 pounds overweight (a 14 year boy at 6 foot 2 should not weigh more than 178 pounds). I felt it was my duty to talk to him. He very politely told me he was OK with how he looked. I dropped the subject but I am now trying to garner advice on what is going on here. He looks fine but he has gone from looking regular big to ... (view more)
Reply from Blanch - 02/20/11  - IP#:

From Megs, Child's Age 6 - 01/13/11 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is overweight and a very picky eater which makes it so hard. She is however very active, loves sports and is always out running or climbing. Both my husband and I struggle with our weight, but we try very hard to set a good example to our kids. I read the book, Your Child's Weight - helping without harming, and really thought it was good, practical advise. Unfortunately, my daughter would only go for bread at the dinner table, night after night after night, and actually ended up gaining weight. Has anyone else had success with this? Any tips for getting picky eaters to eat more veggies? She loves fruit, so that is ok, but she doesn't eat meat or veggies....she loves carbs unfortunately
Reply from Ashlie - 01/21/11  - IP#:

From Ms. B, Child's Age 14 - 12/22/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son is fourteen and severely overweight. During his baby and toddler years my mother babysitted often. She is also Extremely overweight. She is now a diabetic. My son has gotten into a lot of her habits. If my Mom had a taste for a pickle she would eat the entire jar, not just one.
I received a call from my son's gym teacher. She reported that her class was sent to the cafeteria during a lock-down procedure. My son refused to sit down. Instead he continued to walk back and forth to the vending machines. He asked her for a quarter which she did not have. So he began to check all the vending machine coin slots for any change they may have been left behind. He never found any change and began to throw a fit like a 3 year old. The next day my sons class was in the cafeteria again and he went straight to the vending machines and purchased an ice cream. The teacher reprimanded... (view more)

Reply from Robert - 12/23/10  - IP#:

From hallie, Child's Age 11 - 11/16/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
i am posting about my obese child. i really need some tips and advice.i cant belive i let her get this big-i always thougt she was just a little over weight but her stomach is now 72 inches and she weighs 221 pounds.
Reply from Nina, Age 14 - 05/07/12  - IP#:
Reply from carlene, Child's Age 14 - 12/02/10  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 11/23/10  - IP#:

From mia, Child's Age 15 - 11/07/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hey everyone. my dsughter is 15 years old and is in grade 10. she is 5 feet and currently weighs about 130. i try and help her so much with the eating and exercising. she does competitive swimming twice a week and is pretty good. she is starting to cut down on the crap food and exercise more but she only sticks to a diet for about a week. i tell her not to think of it as a diet and u can eat junk but in mioderation. i know that she cuts out junk for the week which is great but then she crashes on the weekend and over eats like crazy. she doesnt like to do many exercses and i cant afford a gym right now.
she is a nice sweet girl and she as lots of great friends and some guy friends but i know that she wants to get a boyfriend but she thinks shes ugly and fat! so she doesnt think anyguy would like her.
plz can u help me and give me some tips, solutions, good exercises, good foods to eat, advice bout guys... thank u for reading this and i hope there is something i could do to help her. :)
Reply from Taylor, Age 17 - 12/18/10  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 11/14/10  - IP#:

From Heather, Child's Age 8 - 10/25/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am worried about my step-son...but seem to be the only one worried as his parents aren't doing anything about it. He is 8.5 and weighs 95 pounds. He is 4ft 1inch tall... He is sedetary, does nothing. I have tried to enroll him in everything under the sun, but he hates everything, so his parents let him quit. He played soccer last year, but only goalie, and later said he only liked soccer because of snack time. Lately he has been 'sneaking' food, and we've had to lock our fridge and pantry. His parents are both 'biggerish'..but not obese. Over thanksgiving I had purchased whipped cream and oreos as I was going to make a cheesecake for dessert ... (which by the way..we never eat dessert..but it was thanksgiving)..and when I came home from work he had polished off the entire bag of oreo's and entire tup of whipped cream.. in the morning before going to school. It's so frustrating.... (view more)
Reply from Ashlie - 11/05/10  - IP#:

From Debra, Child's Age 8 - 07/28/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is Taylor and she will be 9 in September. Taylor is 170 lbs and very pretty. We have been struggling with the weight since she was about 4. Because she is so young, she doesnt quite understand the health problems that may come from this and the cruelty that will come later on. I continuosly tell her how beautiful she is so that she never gets lost in the weight. We have tried diets, cutting back and exercising. She doesnt eat a lot, she just likes to eat the foods that she likes. Any advice would be great!
Reply from Taylor, Age 17 - 12/18/10  - IP#:
Reply from Ashlie - 08/05/10  - IP#:

From Jessica, Child's Age 12 - 07/10/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I'm writting this about my son, David. He's 12 now. When David was about 6, he begain to gain massive weight, even though he had a small appitite (sp?) and played soccer, basketball, and baseball. When I took him to the doctor, the first thing he did was press on his stomache, which David CRIED! We found out then that he had developed a rare version of IBS, which didnt allow for him to go to the bathroom. We were refered to a nurtionist. Now, I'm not telling parents to do this for your children, my son is a rare case, but David basically lives on SlimFast, Carnation instant breakfast, and lowfat milk. Once every other day he can have a solid meal, but only an apple, grilled chicken, fish, or meat, high fiber veggies. It hurts to know he can not eat like a normal child, but the inpact has made a HUGE difference. He lost close to 25 pounds in one week (going to the bathroom). He regained... (view more)
Reply from Jessica, Child's Age 12 - 07/10/10  - IP#:
Reply from Robert - 07/10/10  - IP#:

From Bina, Child's Age 13 - 06/27/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have 13 year old twins. They are about the same height (5'3") but one weighs 110, and the other weighs 211! How do I help the overweight one lose weight without depriving the normal weight one?
Reply from Blanch - 06/29/10  - IP#:

From Simone, Child's Age 14 - 05/30/10 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I didn't see my son was fat for a very long time. I'm a single mom and I work a lot, he was never teased in school about his weight and he never said anything about it either. We were going on a vacation a few weeks ago and when we got to the desk to check-in at the airport, the lady there drew me aside and pointed out that I would have to purchase an extra seat for Andrew, my son, because he was not going to fit on one. I argued it and argued it but she wouldn't give in and I gave up and bought an extra one for him. He was absolutely mortified on the plane when he couldn't get into a single seat. I had never seen him so visibly upset as in that moment. It ruined the rest of the holiday for him. Normally he's the first one in the pool, shirt off enjoying himself but he just sat wearing a t-shirt on the pool side and refused to go in. Since we've got back I've noticed he's been eating... (view more)
Reply from Michael, Age 18 - 01/29/14  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 07/07/10  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 06/12/10  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch, Child's Age 16 - 06/10/10  - IP#:
Reply from Simone, Child's Age 14 - 06/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from annie, Child's Age 16 - 06/08/10  - IP#:
Reply from Simone, Child's Age 14 - 05/31/10  - IP#:
Reply from Christine, Age 18 - 05/31/10  - IP#:

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