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From angela, Child's Age 15 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
if anyone is on here it is 11:05 eastern time usa...if some one wants to come onto the chat room
Reply from lola, Child's Age 16 - 11/27/15  - IP#:

From Elizabeth, Child's Age 5 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I'm a young single mother of a 5 year old girl. My problem is that i'm a compulsive overeater. And I let my little girl sometimes eat with me. I know that this is wrong but I don't know what to do about it right now. My little girl already weights 55 pounds. And it makes me quite sad to know that she is overweight because of me. We mostly eat fast food and icecream because that is what i crave. of your my girl loves to go to McD. and stuff like that.
If anyone can help me, could you please give me your emailaddress and I will mail you back.
Reply from Joe, Child's Age 18 - 08/14/08  - IP#:

From shay, Child's Age 11 - 08/13/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi my child is 5'6 and weights 179.She wears a size 14 in women and most of the weight is in her stomach.My child is very beautiful but has severe stretch marks all over her body ,she has not started puberty yet but keeps growing 5 inches this year.I love her and teach her to love her body no matter what size she is and i know she gets her eating habits from me.I have been watching my eating habits,so she can learn from example.will she cont. to gain weight when she starts her period and what kind of excerise is good for the stomach,thanks
Reply from Lori, Child's Age 16 - 10/27/08  - IP#:

From Angela, Child's Age 15 - 08/08/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. My daughter Milly is having weight problems. She is 5'5 and 190 lbs according to the doctor that I took her to last year. She carries almost all her weight in her belly. She always has her hand on it and her back arched back like it is so heavy, like she is pregnate. I told her that I would not buy her any new clothes until she loses weight. I;m guessing she gained because she now wears her pants under her sagging belly with it peeking out under her shirt. I also bought her bikinis because I can't find one pieces to fit around her. I figured that a bikini would give her big belly ennough room. Is that ok? I never really noticed how big she was a couple of months ago, until i went into her room at night to turn of her light that she accidently left on, her shirt had rolled up in her sleep and the covers were off. She was on her side, and all of her belly fat was just hanging ... (view more)
Reply from Lori, Child's Age 16 - 10/27/08  - IP#:
Reply from Jeremy, Child's Age 16 - 09/27/08  - IP#:
Reply from alex, Child's Age 13 - 08/13/08  - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Child's Age 8 - 08/12/08  - IP#:
Reply from Alex, Child's Age 8 - 08/11/08  - IP#:

From Amy, Child's Age 8 - 07/28/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My boyfriends daughter is 8 years old and weighs 120 lbs. She lives with her mother and he gets her every other weekend. We aren't sure what to do. The doctor told the mother that she was over weight and she said he was nuts.
Reply from CCC, Child's Age 11 - 11/17/08  - IP#:
Reply from Karren, Child's Age 2 - 07/31/08  - IP#:

From monika, Child's Age 10 - 07/21/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is 10-yrs old and weights 148 pounds she stands 4 feet and 5 inches, she wants diet pills she has become obcessed with the fact that she is heavy, its affecting her moods she hides around other children.
Reply from Elizabeth, Child's Age 5 - 08/13/08  - IP#:

From Pam, Child's Age 4 - 07/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My DS is weighing in at 103lbs. He is 48 in tall. We have been going to the Well Child Clinic at our local Children's Hospital since May. He has gained 7 pounds since we started. They subscribe to Ellyn Satter's philosophy in feeding. I have been trying to get doctors to pay attention to this problem for 2 1/2 years. It took that long to get here. I have not given him any juice since them, don't bring junk food into the house, have tried limiting food in past, but now trying Satters way of limiting food times. I just feel at a complete lost.
Can anyone point me to get support forums besides this one, especially ones that support Satter's style.
P.S. He also got diagnosed with sleep apnea this year but hasn't gotten his machine set for the right diagnose because we weren't able to get in for another sleep study until end of August.
Reply from Julie, Child's Age 7 - 07/19/08  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 07/17/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
have your children go on the bulletin board,my daughter posts on this computer. it is greatweightlossplan as the entry. read all of them, notall arwe on the same page.
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 7 - 07/18/08  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 12 - 07/17/08  - IP#:

From Matt, Child's Age 12 - 07/12/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My oldest daughter is obese 5'1 and 168 pounds (12 stone) she carries most of the weight in her stomach and looks pregnant. I
Reply from francess, Child's Age 9 - 07/14/08  - IP#:

From Linda, Child's Age 15 - 07/10/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hey everyone it is linda Brittany's mom, i just wanted to write and say thank you to everyone who has helped me with my daughter i appreciate the advice. I did what yall said but i cant get my daughter to get on a scale to get weighed. How do you get your kid to weigh themself? i dont want to be mean to her but she just hates being weighed and if i let her weigh herself while im not around she wont tell me her weight so i have to make her do it in front of me. And i had to buy a bigger scale because she had gotten to heavy for our old one. It is so sad my lil girl couldnt be weighed on one of the normal scales they have at the doctors office. They had to take her to another part of the office when we went where all the obese people go so she could be weighed on one of the bigger scales that would weigh her. It is so sad and i cant tell if she has lost any weight or not. coudl someone give me advice as to how i could get my daughter to just weigh herself for me? thank you very much
Reply from George, Child's Age 11 - 07/10/08  - IP#:

From Courtney, Child's Age 11 - 06/23/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have a daughter name Jasmine and she is 11 years old. She is about 5 feet 3 inches tall, which is pretty tall compared to the rest of the kids in her class. She weighs about 144 punds and she thikns she is overweight. I try to tell her that because she is really tall that she weighs like that. She doesn't believe me. I tried the Weight Calculator and they said she was obese, but I am not sure. My daughter doesn't even look fat. Her stomach doesn't even stick out a lot. She is also going through puberty, I got my period at her age, so I am also telling her she is gaining weight because of that. Please reply with any help.
Reply from ellie, Child's Age 15 - 07/21/08  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 07/18/08  - IP#:
Reply from Courtney, Child's Age 11 - 07/09/08  - IP#:
Reply from Jane, Child's Age 17 - 07/06/08  - IP#:
Reply from ellie, Child's Age 15 - 06/28/08  - IP#:
Reply from Courtney, Child's Age 11 - 06/23/08  - IP#:

From Elizabeth, Child's Age 5 - 06/19/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
How do you explain to a five year old that you are suffering from compulsive overeating? I do and I'm a single mother of a five year old girl. My daughter is also overweight and I just don't know what to tell her, why I'm eating so much!
Reply from Stephanie, Child's Age 5 - 10/31/12  - IP#:

From Laura, Child's Age 11 - 06/18/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I have posted here several times about my daughter Lisa. She just turned 11 last week. Well, she is still getting bigger. On monday I took her to the doctors office and she is now 4'10 and weight in at 231 pounds. She is so heavy, she has real trouble with walking longer than 5 minutes. The doctor recommended that Lisa should go to a special clinic to loose weight but she said to me she doesn't want to go. She wants to diet with me at home. But I am not sure what to do now.
Reply from Joseph - 02/06/09  - IP#:
Reply from alex, Child's Age 13 - 08/14/08  - IP#:
Reply from fara, Child's Age 13 - 08/05/08  - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 11 - 07/26/08  - IP#:
Reply from Linda, Child's Age 15 - 07/08/08  - IP#:
Reply from monica, Child's Age 13 - 06/30/08  - IP#:
Reply from tanya, Child's Age 13 - 06/22/08  - IP#:
Reply from Brandy, Child's Age 8 - 06/20/08  - IP#:

From Jeremy, Child's Age 12 - 06/16/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Okay, so I'm not a parent I'm an older brother. I'm 17 and I have an extremly overweight younger sister named Jessica. She ie 5'3" and 362 pounds! She wasn't always so big, but she started putting on weight very quickly at age 8, when our father left our mom. I love her so much, and it tears me apart to see her like this. She just eats and eats, and it's really taking a toll on her. She's obviously having a lot of trouble getting around, and she's still getting bigger! I don't know what to do. I've talked to my mother about it, but she just makes excuses and says "She's going through a rough time in her life. Just let her be." My mom has been severely depressed since my father left and in this matter I don't think she'll be of any help, because she just lets Jessie eat whatever the heck she wants. I've attempted to talk to Jessie about it myself, but she's a very sweet and sensitive girl... (view more)
Reply from Brittany, Child's Age 15 - 07/11/08  - IP#:
Reply from Jason, Child's Age 6 - 06/19/08  - IP#:
Reply from Jeremy, Child's Age 12 - 06/17/08  - IP#:
Reply from Karren, Child's Age 2 - 06/17/08  - IP#:

From Linda, Child's Age 15 - 06/01/08 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello my name is Linda and my daughter Brittany is 15 years old. I am very concerned about her. About a month ago i started to notice she wasn't wearing any of her old clothes she used to and when i asked why she just said she didn't like them anymore. And everytime i told her i wanted her to go weigh herself she said she was fine and she had been watching her weight so i let things go for a couple of weeks. Last week i decided to take her to the doctor. About a year ago she weighed 364 which is already massive and i found out she had gained 68 lbs and now weighed in at 432. i was very disturbed when i heard she had gained so much weight over the course of a year. Me and my husband have tried putting her on diets and exercise programs but she is too big to really exercise much and she says she eats because she likes being "fat" and gaining weight and having a huge stomach.I dont understand this at all and i really need someones help to get my daughter to change her mind and want to lose weight. Please someone help me do something. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Reply from Linda, Child's Age 18 - 02/04/14  - IP#:
Reply from Karren, Child's Age 2 - 06/17/08  - IP#:
Reply from John, Child's Age 17 - 06/10/08  - IP#:
Reply from Elle, Child's Age 12 - 06/02/08  - IP#:

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