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From john, Child's Age 12 - 07/02/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
this diet thing has been so hard for sammie. every time i see her reach for something unhealthy, i remind her of her goals. yesterday, she even started crying when i made her give up a hamburger and fries. we went to the pool a few days ago, and she wore a tankini. her stomach was too big for it, though, and bursted out. she didn't even go swimming, though, just sat and ate a pretzel and some soda. there wasactually this little belt to put on over the bathing suitm so i tried to get it on. i finally squeezed it over her belly, and closed it on the last notch. for a while she went around, looking squeezed in, and when she sat down, it opened, and popped off. looking at her belly, compared to the other overweight girls, she looked like she was much fatter than all of them. i was wearing a belt with my pants before i cahnged into my bathing suit, and it was too big on me, so i tried it on... (view more)

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/28/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
do the marks from rings around your stomach ever go away when you get thinner? please let me know, because my daughter has alot of them, and she reeally wants to model the bikini line, one of her goals, in abercrombie and fitch!!
Reply from Christine, Age 17 - 07/03/09  - IP#:
Reply from Jocelyn - 06/28/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/28/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/28/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
well, today, sammie ate a litte better than normal.
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/29/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/25/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
thanks for all of the advice. especially between kyle and sammie. i got kyle alone, and calmly asked him what his problem is. he tried to ignore the real question, and told me about how much sammie ate yesterday. after a while of trying to get through to him, he told me he was scared about her, and didn't want her to keep gaining weight. he told me he's afraid she'll get a health condition, and makes fun of her to try to get her to see she has to lose weight. by the way, kyle just got a call from abercrombie and fitch this morning, after staying up the entire night to hear the results. he made it! i told him i was proud of him, but would be even more proud of him if he went and told his sister what he told me, in a nice way. first, he tried to stall, by calling his girlfriend, but then i saw him awkwardly enter sammie's room. at first, her began muttering about all the food wrappers,... (view more)
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/25/09  - IP#:
Reply from Veronica, Age 16 - 06/25/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/24/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hi all. today, i went out to a party, and i made Sammie stay home so she wouldn't gain more weight from all the food eating there. well, anyway, she screamed, and was crying when i left. when i came home, Sammie was at the table, eating chicken, steak chicken nuggets, hot dogs, cake, ice cream, chips, hamburgers, and a whole bunch of candy layed out on the table. i didn't bother yelling at her. then, when she was almost done with it all, she went over to the fridge for more. my wife was on a buisiness trip for almost the whole day, so i was alone with her and kyle. he asked her howlong she'd beeneating for, and she said, since we had left for the party. after she wasdone eating the second round, she took a break and sat down. i was about to yell at her for eating all the food, when i heard a popping sound. her button down shirt came halfway undone, and her jean button popped right open, ... (view more)
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/26/09  - IP#:
Reply from Yale - 06/26/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 06/25/09  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 06/25/09  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 06/25/09  - IP#:
Reply from Yale - 06/24/09  - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/24/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hello, everyone. later today, i apologized to my daughter, and she accepted it. she is good at hiding her feelings when she wants to. like today, i cleaned up her room while she went to the grocery store, and i found her journal. one of the entries went like this. It's not fair. Why can't i be the model?it's so embarrassing when i go anywhere, and i want to be homeschooled so badly. my friend told me to join her for dance, a few days ago, but my leotard ripped when i tried to get it on. i don't want to say anything to mom and dad, becuase they will laugh.__
i feel so helpless. she weighs more than double me, my wife, and her brother. i guess i should tell you about it. when she wasborn, she was a healthy weight, up until she was two years old. she always asked for more when we fed her, and i assumed she was just hungry. when she was three i noticed she was little chubby and thought ... (view more)

Reply from Shazza, Child's Age 14 - 06/16/15  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 06/25/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/23/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
yesterday, i sat down my daughter, and tried to have a talk with her. i asked her why she ate so much on the cruise, and she started yelling, why do you always watch what i ea, but never kyle? by the way, he is 15, i accidentally messed up the numbers before. but i said, because he has no weight problem!, and she started screaming, and saying she can eat whatever he wants, and i told her no. so she went right to the fridge, grabbed a large chunk of cake with her hands, went up to my face, and shoved it in her mouth. then, she spit some onto me, and i went crazy yelling. i lifted up part of her shirt, and poked her stomach, and said where did that come from, huh? she cried even louder, and kyle laughed, and my wife told her to take a jog around the block with kyle. when they came back, kyle was mad, saying everyone was asking if he was the personal trainer, and laughing at sammie, who... (view more)
Reply from lily, Child's Age 14 - 06/17/10  - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/24/09  - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/23/09  - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/23/09  - IP#:

From Kya, Child's Age 12 - 06/22/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is now 5'3 but she still has lots of fat in her stomach, when she sits down she has love handles. Any advice on how to lose that fat? I just want her to be happy and she has very low self esteem when shopping for cloths... please post tips and advice!

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/20/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
we are back from our cruise vacation, early in the morning. i feel so guilty for letting sammie eat so much on the ship now, bacause i didn't know she would really eat all day. she definitely looks like she has gained weight. when we left the ship, her stomach was literally sticking out of her shirt. it isn't flabby, though, it is firm, and round,she does have love handles and fat rolls, but it dosen't hang down unless she sits. yesterday, when my wife finally convinced her to go swimming, we found her bathing suit no longer fit her, either, mainly in the waist part. also, we found out she gained an extra thirty pounds. she just keeps getting bigger and bigger, and even a member on the ship said to her with a laugh:i saw you all the time by that buffet table. that stomach of your sure looks like it knows how to fit it all in!
we heard another rude comment while leaving, from a... (view more)

Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 06/24/09  - IP#:
Reply from Jocelyn - 06/20/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/18/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
i was able to get internet access on the ship, so i will keep you posted with updates in my daughter. i am a little worried about her. since we've gotten on the ship, all she has done is eat. my wife told her to take a break, and go do something with her brother, but she started to cry, and said she was hungry.whenever we go on cruises, she usually gains alotof weight, but she has never eaten this intensely before. i am worried it is because we told her we were okay with whatever she looked like. by the afternoon, it was time for the chocolate and desserts buffet to open, and truthfully, she never left the room. when she sat down, i saw that her belly extended a little past her knees. she continued to eat until it was time for bed. kyle told me that her pants looked too tight, so i went over to check it out. she looked completely bloated, even her double chin looked bigger than usual,... (view more)
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 06/23/09  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 06/23/09  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 06/22/09  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 06/22/09  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 06/20/09  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 06/19/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/17/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
yesterday, we went to a pretty fancy resteraunt, we like to go out to eat alot, and my daughter ate a humongous amount of food. she would not touch the salad, but drank two bowls of soup, and had the whole plate of cheesy fries, which was our appetizer. again, she had to wear one of my belts, too keep her shirt on over her stomach. next, she refilled her soda four times, and ordered a hot dog and hamburger duo, her favorites. after wolfing the meal down, she ordered another of the same dish. she was about to order one more, when i heard her groaning, and rubbing her belly. i went over to help her, and found that her stomach was being squeezed by the belt. i put it on the highest notch for her, and she proceded to eat the third plate of food. by then, it was time for dessert, she has a very large appetite, so we let her get the mini cake for herself, plus a chocolate milkshake. she then... (view more)

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/17/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
thank you, taylor, for that caring remark. when i typed that, i was implying that she be healthy, since healthy is better when you are thinner. i wouldn't mind if she were 500 pounds, but it is hurting her self esteem, and truthfully, i do feel embarrassed. not of her, of myself. i let her become the size she is now, and people like to make fun, especially if they are from a thin family. also, i want her to be thin because i want her dreams of a model to come true. but she is happy when she eats, so i will let her eat. i just hope somehow she can be healthier, and have a slimmer appearence.

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/15/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I tried to talk to my daughter, Sammie. i told her that she needs to realize she is obese, and is setting unrealistic goals for herself, such as to be a swimsuit model like her brother has done once. she asked me why i pick on her because she isn't fat. i think she knows she is, but is embarrassed. we recently went to a dinner party, and a relative we haven't seen in a while thought she was the older sister. when we told her no, she patted sammie's large belly, and told her all the weight is unhealthy for her to have. she joked, and said she took her family's stomachs on herself. i can't really blame my relative, sammie wore a very tight button down shirt, and a skimpy skirt with one of my belts on the highest notch. the buttons were stretched over her, and her belly bulged over the top and bottom of the belt. what's worse is she ate two double hamburgers, and a giant slice of cake.... (view more)
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 06/15/09  - IP#:

From john, Child's Age 12 - 06/12/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
hello, i have a problem with my daughter, nd don't know what to do. i have two kids,a boy, and a girl. my son is sixteen, the oldest. he has no weight problem at all, other than he may be too thin. he has a very skinny waistline, and no stomach at all, he's flat as a board. this is because he does alot of activities, such as surfing, skateboarding, and other sports. not only that, but he has been interested in modeling too. my daughter, on the other hand, is only 12, and is the biggest in her family. alot of the weight is in her belly. also, she has a large double chin, and waddles when she walks, since she has gotten so big. whenever she get into fights with her brother, he pulls up her shirt, and grabs some of her belly with his hands. he tells her she is an obese whale with a belly the size of a mountain. then, she screams, and jumps on him, almost crushing him. we all know he is... (view more)

From Kya, Child's Age 12 - 06/11/09 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is 5 ft. and 2.5 inches tall. she weighs 125 lbs. and carrys most of it in her stomach, any tips to lose that fat in her belly? please post it
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 15 - 06/25/09  - IP#:
Reply from Kya, Child's Age 12 - 06/22/09  - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 06/18/09  - IP#:
Reply from Kate - 06/13/09  - IP#:

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