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From Ava, Child's Age 12 - 02/01/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I met the most kind selfless lady yesterday shopping for a dress for my 12 year old daughter for my mothers 70th birthday. We didn't know what size she needed so I asked the associate. My daughter was in the bathroom and I told the associate she was 5'2", but a bit fat, and we didn't know what size she would be. I also told her that my daughter hates shopping. She then said "I think I get it, does she get kind of embarrassed when the matter of size comes up?" So my daughter came out and the associate went up to her and made her a deal, every dress she tried on the associate would try on as well, and if it fit the associate it would be good. ( the associate was about the same size). They started with the first step which was getting measured. For anyone under 13 they take your height and weight rather than waist, hips, and bust. First she measures and weighed my daughter who was 5'2" and ... (view more)

From Jolene, Child's Age 13 - 01/19/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hello everyone. I posted here last summer about my son John. My husbanded and I adopted him two years ago (he's my husband's cousin's son and had been terribly neglected). John has steadily gained weight and has gone from very underweight to very overweight. He has a huge appetite and all efforts I've made to control his intake have failed because my husband doesn't agree with me and John just loves to eat so much that I don't want to forbid him. He has gone out for wrestling at his Middle School (8th grade) and his weight gain has slowed but not stopped. A week ago when he wrestled he told me he weighed in at 193 (he's about 5 feet 3 inches tall).
My problem and where I need your advice is this: last Thursday my husband and I got called to my son's school because he had been in a fight. We were shocked and when we got to school found that John had a cot his face. It turns out that ... (view more)

Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/27/15  - IP#:
Reply from Matt, Child's Age 13 - 04/25/15  - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Child's Age 15 - 01/20/15  - IP#:

From Debra, Child's Age 11 - 01/03/15 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My child is 196lbs and i am so worried she can't do any exercise because when she does a sit up so can't get back up as she can't hold her own weight and when she tries to do a press up her belly touches the floor and that's when her arms are fully extended well when she says they are but they aren't because she can't. She can't run as she gets out of breath even if she has been doing it for 20 secs!!
Reply from Debra, Child's Age 11 - 02/01/15  - IP#:
Reply from Helen, Child's Age 11 - 01/05/15  - IP#:

From Mark, Child's Age 15 - 12/26/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi All,
I posted here a while back (i believe August), and overall my other 3 sons have lost a fair amount of weight. However since I moved to London this summer,my wife and I have noticed that my step-son Mark has put on some weight. Back in New Jersey, he was very athletic and ran cross country. We have noticed that here in the UK he is more depressed and is eating a lot more rubbish from the sweet shop. I find it odd how he didn't like NJ and wanted to desperately go back to England, and now since we are here, he has changed so much. Based on my calculations, he gained roughly 20-25 pounds since my last posting in August. I have booked an appointment with the psychologist, but that is 6 weeks away and I don't want him to gain another 10 pounds during that time span.
Please give suggestions as I am out of ideas. Thanks and Happy Holidays
Reply from Mark, Child's Age 15 - 03/28/15  - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Child's Age 13 - 03/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Child's Age 15 - 12/26/14  - IP#:

From Jeremy, Child's Age 12 - 12/21/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My son is twelve years old and close to 300lbs i would like to help him get fit. I dont want to lose him from his weight problems . I dont know how i can help. Can anyone help me?
Reply from Helen, Child's Age 11 - 01/05/15  - IP#:

From Eric, Child's Age 16 - 12/02/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I am a physical therapist by trade, and I'm in great shape. Two and a half years ago I moved from sunny California to New Hampshire with my wife and four (yes, four) sons as I got the chance to open my own gym up here (a personal dream of mine). It been great, the gym that is, but the dreary weather makes all of us miss home.
My oldest son, Jackson, is 16 now, and was especially angry about the move as he was leaving all his friends behind, many of whom he knew since grade school. The twins, Luke and Liam (14) also were pretty annoyed, though my youngest Aaron was too young to be really distraught as he was 9 at the time.
Anyway, before the move they all were active, healthy kids. None were overweight. In fact, up until a few days ago I was under the honest-to-god opinion that they were perfectly fine. I walked in on Liam changing his shirt, and couldn't help but notice he was ... (view more)

Reply from Mark, Child's Age 16 - 12/05/14  - IP#:
Reply from Mark, Child's Age 16 - 12/03/14  - IP#:

From Sara, Child's Age 13 - 11/30/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi. I have a 13 year old daughter who is obese. She is about 5"3 1/2 in height and her pant size is 10 but I don't know if it is in Woman's or Juniors. She is an average athlete. She runs miles in 8 minutes and 30 seconds or less.My daughter weighs 142 lb, but in the summer she lost 5 pounds and seemed to gain it back.i am very worried for her, even though she has many friends and is almost at the top of her class.i tried to talk to her about her weight but she keeps shutting me down. Lately she's been sneaking food and lying to our faces. I just want her to be skinny or at least 110 pounds. I myself am 43 and weight 165 and my husband who is 50 weighs 170. My older son weighs 200 lbs but is only 5"7. He is 17 almost 18 and is very lazy. I just don't want to see my baby girl go down that same road. Please help!
Reply from Beverly, Child's Age 4 - 01/13/15  - IP#:

From dylhan, Child's Age 16 - 10/28/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
actually, I'm not the parent ... I'm the child. I am 16 years old I weigh 250lbs and I am 5'3 1/2" I have an underactive thyroid and I hadn't been informed of it until a few years ago... I also have sleep apnea which doesn't exactly help either I try to take my medication for my thyroid around the same time every day but it never works that way and I do not use my c-pap at night either but I have been on diet after diet and I never lose a pound! I am so desperate I feel like my fat is suffocating me and I have been researching for residential placement for overweight children because I cannot do this ! its so hard and I cant stay motivated I have a problem and I need to fix it I wouldn't worry as much if I didn't have medical problems due to my weight such as sleep apnea which was caused because I gained weight from my underactive thyroid I had no idea about. I am never made fun of... (view more)
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 13 - 10/29/14  - IP#:

From Nikki, Child's Age 15 - 10/21/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hi everyone. I'm writing about my daughter who is 15 about to be 16. She is extremely over weight. Shes 5'3 & 265 pds I feel so bad for her she has always been over weight. Also she was born with club feet and has had a few surgerys done. Mostly she eats well.Some times junk with friends or with her father but at home where she is 95 percent of the time she eats home cooked balanced meals.agree d she could cut down in portion sizes but I feel bad and dont want her to be hungry. I cant motivate her at all.I've even tried to work out with her and noluck. She lost a total of 5 pds which is great and we all expressed how proud we where of her.That didnt last long and she put it back on.She shouldn't be as heavy as she is for what she does eat and she has been tested for everything that I know of. I just dont know what to do for her and im scared for her.I feel there should be programs for... (view more)
Reply from Darcia, Child's Age 11 - 05/26/15  - IP#:
Reply from Bea, Child's Age 15 - 04/23/15  - IP#:
Reply from lynn, Child's Age 14 - 10/23/14  - IP#:

From Joe, Child's Age 16 - 10/12/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
I don't know if my daughter is actually fat but she looks chubby. She is 180lbs and 5 ft 3 she wants to gain more weight and doesn't care what people think
Reply from lynn, Child's Age 14 - 10/21/14  - IP#:

From lynn, Child's Age 14 - 10/08/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My daughter is getting to be the point where she is obese she keeps gaining weight. All she will do is sit around play on the computer. All day long she eats and eats. She goes to school but that's mostly it. I don't know what to do. I need some advice I'm really worried about her.

From Taylor, Child's Age 14 - 08/10/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
Hey there, my daughter is 14, weighs about 137 pounds, and is 5'4. I just came here to ask if she is overweight or not.
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 15 - 03/20/15  - IP#:
Reply from Jennifer, Age 12 - 09/03/14  - IP#:

From Misty, Child's Age 15 - 08/05/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
My cousins daughter is severely overweight ..500 lbs and I am very concerned for her. Her mother apparently unconcerned about it she attends online school and has no interaction outside of the house.Anyone have any suggestions for getting her some help??
Reply from lynn, Child's Age 14 - 10/23/14  - IP#:

From Mark, Child's Age 16 - 08/04/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
About a month ago, I wrote on this board about 2 of my (now) 4 sons. This time it is about Adrian, my oldest. He is 16, 5'9 and 265 pounds. At the time of my last posting, Adrian was about 248-250 pounds. So this is about a 15 pound gain in a month. He likes to eat, and eats a lot throught the day (mostly junk). His weight has gone up sharply in the past months but this months gain is ridiculous. He wears a size 46 pants and he is in a bit of denial about his weight. He says that people keep teasing him because he is fat, but has no desire to lose. Please give advice, and thank you.
Reply from Jolene, Child's Age 13 - 08/17/14  - IP#:

From annie, Child's Age 11 - 07/17/14 - IP#: Click here to reply  
We had been doing the program almost without a single problem until my son went camping for a week with family. He came home weighing five pounds heavier. We are discouraged and depressed and stuck still. HELP!

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