From Rebecca, Child's Age 13 - 08/24/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is 13. She's a size 12 teens. Trys to eat healthy but sometimes gives up. Excercises moslty but is online a lot. She weighs about 155 pounds and is 5'4. I want her to lose at least 25 pounds. I find it hard to do though. She wants to lose it too but she doesn't seem committed. Are there any ways i can help her? Any excercises that she should feel good about? Any ways to get her to lose 2 pounds a week?
Reply from tracey, Child's Age 12 - 12/26/06 - IP#:
Reply from Willow, Child's Age 13 - 11/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 09/14/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lu, Child's Age 18 - 09/09/06 - IP#:
Reply from missy, Child's Age 13 - 08/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from rebecca, Child's Age 13 - 08/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Georgie, Child's Age 14 - 08/26/06 - IP#:
From M, Child's Age 15 - 08/23/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is 15 she is 180 lbs at 5'7''. My ex thinks she's only 145. My daughter doesn't look obesebut she is a lil overweight. She eats fine over here. She won't exercise though. All day she sits on the computer on I can't get her off of it. At my ex's house all he eats is junk. Him his gf and daughter eat junnk and there all over 200 lbs. I don't want my daughter to be like them. She also parties alot over at her fathers house and I know she drinks and I can't stop her. I have her on a diet here she eats certain foods at certain times. She was skinny till she broke up with her first bf at 10. She lived with her father at that time and all she did was eat. She ate so much food she could of saved a city. And now all this food has caught up to her. She says she wants to loss weight but she doesn't know how. We don't have enough money to send her to a gym. She won't walk... (view more)My daughter is 15 she is 180 lbs at 5'7''. My ex thinks she's only 145. My daughter doesn't look obesebut she is a lil overweight. She eats fine over here. She won't exercise though. All day she sits on the computer on I can't get her off of it. At my ex's house all he eats is junk. Him his gf and daughter eat junnk and there all over 200 lbs. I don't want my daughter to be like them. She also parties alot over at her fathers house and I know she drinks and I can't stop her. I have her on a diet here she eats certain foods at certain times. She was skinny till she broke up with her first bf at 10. She lived with her father at that time and all she did was eat. She ate so much food she could of saved a city. And now all this food has caught up to her. She says she wants to loss weight but she doesn't know how. We don't have enough money to send her to a gym. She won't walk outside. She starts school tomorrow she has to walk to school and we pick her up after practice. Except on Fridays where she doesn't have practice. Can someone give me tips for her to loss weight or get her off of myspace she's always on it. Please help!!!!! (view less)
Reply from melissa, Child's Age 11 - 09/08/06 - IP#:
Reply from Rebecca, Child's Age 15 - 08/24/06 - IP#:
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/24/06 - IP#:
Reply from tina, Child's Age 14 - 08/23/06 - IP#:
From Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/20/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is at 129 now, in the last year she has gained around 30+ pounds. My husband and I are both overweight and runs in both our families. I have started sending her breakfast to daycare and lunch to school, when we eat at home she gets a healthy dinner, is not allowed juice or sugared drinks. I plan to talk to her doctor when we go for her ADHD checkup at the end of this month. In the last couple of months, she seems to be gaining 1 to 2 pounds per week. All summer at daycare they exercised everyday and then most days went on a trip. I just don't know what to do and have read the articles about mother's dieting causing eating disorders in kids and don't want to cause that. My husband is no help in this area, he thinks I should leave her alone, I cannot agree to that. Any suggestions?
Reply from Rebecca, Child's Age 15 - 08/24/06 - IP#:
Reply from Caitlyne, Child's Age 8 - 08/22/06 - IP#:
From Janet, Child's Age 15 - 08/10/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter was athletic and lean all her life. In the past two years, along with her growing about 4 inches, she has also gained over 60 pounds of fat! all in her thighs and belly. She doesn't seem to mind, and she laughs it off if I bring it up.
Reply from Kya, Age 12 - 06/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from Willow, Child's Age 13 - 11/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from georgia, Child's Age 15 - 08/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Alice, Child's Age 14 - 08/14/06 - IP#:
From Johnny, Child's Age 15 - 08/07/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi... I was just wondering in you have caught any of your children posting pictures/videos of themselves on the internet. The other day I found a video of my obese (237 lb.) son on youtube! I didn't know how to handle the situation. I was wondering if any of you have found your children doing similar things and how you delt with it.
Reply from Ryan - 11/23/15 - IP#:
Reply from Ryan - 07/09/15 - IP#:
Reply from Jeff, Child's Age 13 - 02/24/07 - IP#:
Reply from Kelsey, Child's Age 37 - 09/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from T, Child's Age 13 - 08/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from Kelsey, Child's Age 37 - 08/23/06 - IP#:
Reply from caitlyne, Child's Age 8 - 08/07/06 - IP#:
From Cathy, Child's Age 9 - 08/06/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My stepdaughter is 9 and weighs 122lbs. She had leukemia when she was 4 and is nearing her 5 year mark in remission. Her being overweight is not only hereditary but due to the steroids she was on during her treatments. She lives with her dad and I most of the time because her birth mother works. Her dad and I and the kids went to a diatician upon her oncologists suggestion to see what and how we should feed her and how she should exercise. Unfortunately the birth mother didn't go. The birth mother is also overweight and thinks she "knows how" to feed her daughter. When she does have the little girl, she usually takes her to an "all you can eat" buffet or McDonald's for breakfast, or a steak place for lunch or dinner. The birth mother only gets her kids like on the weekends and most of the time she takes them out to eat at least two to three times on that weekend. She thinks she ... (view more)My stepdaughter is 9 and weighs 122lbs. She had leukemia when she was 4 and is nearing her 5 year mark in remission. Her being overweight is not only hereditary but due to the steroids she was on during her treatments. She lives with her dad and I most of the time because her birth mother works. Her dad and I and the kids went to a diatician upon her oncologists suggestion to see what and how we should feed her and how she should exercise. Unfortunately the birth mother didn't go. The birth mother is also overweight and thinks she "knows how" to feed her daughter. When she does have the little girl, she usually takes her to an "all you can eat" buffet or McDonald's for breakfast, or a steak place for lunch or dinner. The birth mother only gets her kids like on the weekends and most of the time she takes them out to eat at least two to three times on that weekend. She thinks she is not the problem with the little girls weight because she only gets her twice a week and we have her most of the time. According to the dietician, the birth mother taking her out to eat at least three times a week is one of the main reasons the poor kid can't loose weight. The birth mother is undoing what we have done all week. The little girl is in a sport every season of the year, so it's not like she just lays around. She is also very respectful and understands the limitations we put on her with respect to deserts and only drinking water and milk, she never fights us about the nutrition we are working with with respect to the dieticians suggestions. Does anyone have any suggestions about what to do with the birth mother to get her to understand what she is doing to her daughter??!! The oncologist is concerned with juvenile diabetes. What's said is the birth mother's step-father died from diabetes and she doesn't seem to get it! HELP! (view less)
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/20/06 - IP#:
From Lauren, Child's Age 7 - 08/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hi my daughter Sydney is 9 and is 106 pounds. She used to be skinny untill about age 7. I dont no what to do because she is always eating and doesnt really like playing outside. What should I do? She eats a lot of cookies but I dont no what to do ?
Reply from Heather, Child's Age 10 - 08/16/06 - IP#:
Reply from Sarah, Child's Age 14 - 08/05/06 - IP#:
From Susanna, Child's Age 13 - 08/03/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
So i took my daughter shopping....she's a size 12 in womens. she weighs like 150-157 around there. i told her she should lose weight. she just put on weight like crazy.she has one huge fat roll and one small fat roll. i gave her a binkini and we went to the pool but when she sat down from the side her stomach was like two times the size of mine. she has a little double chin. im jsut worried my little girl is going to turn into a bigger fatter person when she's older. does anybosy have any comments or tips i can give to her? she's tried dieting and it doesnt seem to help much. she runs a lot, walks a lot, and does situps a lot. i jsut need tips that really work. comments?
Reply from Kya, Child's Age 12 - 06/07/09 - IP#:
Reply from georgia, Child's Age 15 - 08/28/06 - IP#:
Reply from Emilee, Child's Age 8 - 08/16/06 - IP#:
Reply from caitlyne, Child's Age 8 - 08/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Emma, Child's Age 4 - 08/05/06 - IP#:
From Rick, Child's Age 14 - 08/02/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
I will start with thank you for all the info i found here on this site. I have been herefor 3 plus hours reading and learning. Here's why, Last night the person I love and care most about in the world handed me a note on her way to bed that said she was not happy with the way she looked and would be willing to do any thing to lose some weight. She said "I might be bigger then you dad. I am very uncomfortable with myself and HATE the way I look. I mean those words." This is my baby girl, if your a dad you understand what i mean when i say all I see is perfection and my baby girl who I would die for and do anything for. She told me she was tipping the scales at 206 I was floored and shocked. Then I got worried about her health. Some where in the last 14 years she has grow up and the first year of high school and this home coming dance thing that is in two mounths became important. Who... (view more)I will start with thank you for all the info i found here on this site. I have been herefor 3 plus hours reading and learning. Here's why, Last night the person I love and care most about in the world handed me a note on her way to bed that said she was not happy with the way she looked and would be willing to do any thing to lose some weight. She said "I might be bigger then you dad. I am very uncomfortable with myself and HATE the way I look. I mean those words." This is my baby girl, if your a dad you understand what i mean when i say all I see is perfection and my baby girl who I would die for and do anything for. She told me she was tipping the scales at 206 I was floored and shocked. Then I got worried about her health. Some where in the last 14 years she has grow up and the first year of high school and this home coming dance thing that is in two mounths became important. Who knew? Not Dad. She told me that the dress will cost 200 dollars and she wants to buy a size 9-10 and she is now in a 18. I used your BMI tools and other meausureing tools you provided. And I dont see this being possible for her. Not healthy. I am a single dad, I guess all you moms had that figured out by now. Help!!~!!!! I got it figured at a safe good diet and a personal trainer for the work outs at best if she truely willing to do anything Feb. 07 she could be at 135/140 Am I close and will the doctor tell use whats safe to lose a mo. for a 14. Females are gods greatest gifts and A Dads most important job. What do I tell her 16 year old brother about the new food and new rules about what will be in the new healther kitchen. HE and i are not blessed with that gene. My mom, sister, aunts, all have had to deal with this. I cant belive it was such a shock to me I just saw by little girl. Any help or advise is welcome. Thank You Rick (view less)
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/20/06 - IP#:
Reply from Julie, Child's Age 8 - 08/04/06 - IP#:
From pat, Child's Age 19 - 07/26/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
well its been a while since I posted about my daughter she was around 600lbs last time I posted. Well it finally happened she had to be brought to the hospital for conjestive heart failure she almost died on me and my wife. It happened yesterday and I dont know what to do. the hospital put her at around 900lbs she had almost no mobility and she still doesnt want to quit eating the hospital has here on a diet but she says as soon as she gets home she will eat all she wants. I need help I dont know who to go to. someone please help
Reply from Joe, Child's Age 15 - 12/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from Willow, Child's Age 13 - 11/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from Melanie, Child's Age 12 - 10/22/06 - IP#:
Reply from T, Child's Age 13 - 08/29/06 - IP#:
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/20/06 - IP#:
Reply from john, Child's Age 12 - 07/31/06 - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 07/27/06 - IP#:
Reply from Matthew, Child's Age 7 - 07/27/06 - IP#:
From Libby, Child's Age 14 - 07/19/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
I know this is not for me but I want to know if you guys can give me some much needed advice. I'm basically very worried about my daughter’s weight, and I really don't know what to do. Some background info, I have one daughter named Sara and she's always been a chubby girl all her life. I really never worried about her weight and let her have w/e and everything she wanted, no matter how large. I know this wasn't smart but I didn't really know what to do but make my little girl happy. As she grew older I realized she wasn't just chubby or pudgy anymore, but becoming quite fat for her age, especially around ages 8 and 9. I still hesitated, and continued to indulge in her horrible and large diet, which I now realize is my fault. This became the worst during her preteens, when early puberty caused her appetite to reach new heights, and of course I stupidly I continued to give... (view more)I know this is not for me but I want to know if you guys can give me some much needed advice. I'm basically very worried about my daughter’s weight, and I really don't know what to do. Some background info, I have one daughter named Sara and she's always been a chubby girl all her life. I really never worried about her weight and let her have w/e and everything she wanted, no matter how large. I know this wasn't smart but I didn't really know what to do but make my little girl happy. As she grew older I realized she wasn't just chubby or pudgy anymore, but becoming quite fat for her age, especially around ages 8 and 9. I still hesitated, and continued to indulge in her horrible and large diet, which I now realize is my fault. This became the worst during her preteens, when early puberty caused her appetite to reach new heights, and of course I stupidly I continued to give her all and w/e foods she wanted. Her weight naturally sky rocketed to the point where even I was taken back, and yet I still didn't do anything. Sara continued to gain and get bigger and bigger while I pretended nothing was wrong. I just kept telling myself that she's happy and that’s all that matters. Meanwhile her meals were becoming larger and she was continuously getting fatter, and I recently realized something needed to be done. The reason why I am finally realizing this now is because last week Sara went to the doctors for a physical. She's 14 yrs old today and was weighed in as 302lbs. I was so shocked that I couldn't believe it. Yes I knew Sara was very overweight and she was getting bigger but in my mind I always thought of her as in the early 200lbs, and that’s why I hesitated. But seeing my baby girl being weighed in as over 300 at only 14 knocked me out of w/e denial I was in. Now I truly see all the mistakes I've made over her life and desperately want to fix them. Since that visit I really see differently the way Sara eats and live. She eats huge meals (unbelievably I make them), doesn't exercise (I never made her), always snacks (I never made rules), and doesn't care at all about her weight (at the doctors she wasn't even listening). She’s become so overweight she’s three times as large as me and twice as large as most people on the street. I can’t even hold my baby girl anymore because I can’t get my arms around her, and it makes me want to cry. I realize most of these are my fault and she’s only going to get bigger if I don't take action. But I just don't know how to approach or follow up on the citation. How can I start teaching about health and exercise when I never taught it b4? How can I make her see how bad it is to be her size? How can I enforce diet and exercise when she becomes sad about her weight? And lastly what else can she do to lose weight? Please, I really need advice as I don't know what to do. I want her to be happy and healthy at the same time, but it looks impossible. She's become so fat now; I really need to get her healthy. Pls reply, Libby. (view less)
Reply from Katy, Child's Age 14 - 09/01/15 - IP#:
Reply from Debbie, Child's Age 9 - 08/20/06 - IP#:
Reply from Lina, Child's Age 12 - 07/19/06 - IP#:
From john, Child's Age 10 - 07/05/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
my daughter only wants to wear a two peice like her friends do. do you think anyone will say anything if i let her?i see alot of overweight children in two peices,but she is 10 and 187 pounds and is bigger than them. she also refuses to wear a one peice because everyone thinks it is babyish.what should i do? did anyone ever have this problem with their daughter?if so, please respond.
Reply from Karren, Child's Age 2 - 06/16/08 - IP#:
Reply from Taylor, Child's Age 14 - 02/23/08 - IP#:
Reply from mandie sue, Child's Age 13 - 07/27/06 - IP#:
Reply from Casey, Child's Age 21 - 07/17/06 - IP#:
Reply from Tayler, Child's Age 10 - 07/11/06 - IP#:
Reply from Joe, Child's Age 15 - 07/09/06 - IP#:
Reply from ash, Child's Age 14 - 07/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from lin, Child's Age 12 - 07/07/06 - IP#:
Reply from Christina, Child's Age 12 - 07/04/06 - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 9 - 07/03/06 - IP#:
From Mari, Child's Age 15 - 06/20/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is 15. She is 186 lbs and we have a huge problem. She was doing okay on her diet. She doesn't drink any sodas or anything. But on Father's Day her and a group of friends were jumping on our trampoline into the pool. Well it was going well for about two hours. So my husband and I said we would be back around 8 because we had to pick up my son from his friends and go grocery shopping. Well about 6:30 I get a phone call from one of my daughters friends saying she is being rushed to the Emergency Room and her boyfriend is in the ambulance with her. Well I get to the hospital about 20 min later. They wouldn't let me in the ER so I talked to her friends. Well it seems she jumped into the pool and her ankle missed the pool and hit the edge of the pool. After 2 hours of waiting a doctor comes back saying she needed surgery. She broke it in six different places. Then she went into... (view more)My daughter is 15. She is 186 lbs and we have a huge problem. She was doing okay on her diet. She doesn't drink any sodas or anything. But on Father's Day her and a group of friends were jumping on our trampoline into the pool. Well it was going well for about two hours. So my husband and I said we would be back around 8 because we had to pick up my son from his friends and go grocery shopping. Well about 6:30 I get a phone call from one of my daughters friends saying she is being rushed to the Emergency Room and her boyfriend is in the ambulance with her. Well I get to the hospital about 20 min later. They wouldn't let me in the ER so I talked to her friends. Well it seems she jumped into the pool and her ankle missed the pool and hit the edge of the pool. After 2 hours of waiting a doctor comes back saying she needed surgery. She broke it in six different places. Then she went into surgery for about four hours. After that she comes out. Her friends see her first then I do. She was still sleeping. I talked to the doctor, he said she won't be able to walk on her foot for 4 months. She came home this morning with her friends. I was wondering if any knows what I could feed her or help her do to loss weight before school starts. She can't walk and her crutches prevent her from doing alot to. Does anyone have any advice for me? I really need someones help. And would achohol help her gain weight. I think she drinks but I've never caught her. But a lot of her friends do and she parties with them so I really thinks she does. Please help me thanks. (view less)
Reply from Maddie, Child's Age 13 - 07/16/06 - IP#:
Reply from Alice, Child's Age 14 - 07/06/06 - IP#:
Reply from shelly, Child's Age 17 - 07/03/06 - IP#:
Reply from Crystal, Child's Age 6 - 06/26/06 - IP#:
From Gina, Child's Age 13 - 06/18/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My child james is 5'4 and weghs 179 pounds the docter clearly says he has a weight problem. He hates to go outdoors or play sports he never has played a sport and eats constantly junk food last night I found a carton of vinilla Ice cream in his room. I never knew he was this obese until yesterday at the pool he took off his shirt and his stomach extended at least a foot and a half and his breasts were about 6 in long and when he sat down he had 8 massive fat folds my other 16 and 12 year olds are like this to. another thing is we live next to Mcdonalds and Burger King and we eat there often. Help my family is obese!!!!!!!
Reply from Mia, Child's Age 13 - 11/10/06 - IP#:
Reply from Laura, Child's Age 9 - 06/21/06 - IP#:
Reply from Penny, Child's Age 7 - 06/20/06 - IP#:
Reply from joe, Child's Age 14 - 06/20/06 - IP#:
From Jennifer, Child's Age 12 - 06/10/06 - IP#: Click here to reply
My daughter is 12, and she weighs 166 lbs. I am extremely worried for my daughter, and she is always depressed after eating. It breaks my heart to see my child like this. I want her to be happy and feel good about herself! Every time I suggest exersizing, she gets angry at me and won't come out of her room for at least an hour. I'm just trying to help, but I don't want her angry and sad. Please, tell me what to do!
Reply from caitlyne, Child's Age 8 - 08/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from jan, Child's Age 14 - 07/05/06 - IP#:
Reply from matthew, Child's Age 6 - 06/12/06 - IP#: