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From Ally13, Age 22 - 06/24/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 146 lb (BMI: 28), Goal: 115 lb - I was 144 on June 7, so I'm a bit bummed that I've gained a couple of pounds. Granted, my brother-in-law is out visiting us for a month so we've been eating a TON more junk/restaurant food than we normally do. All in all, for the amount of things I've ingested, 146 isn't too bad, but still, I'm on a timeline to be at my goal weight of 115 by mid-November since we'll be spending the month of December in Australia for Christmas with my in-laws and no one out there has seen me since my heaviest (204).
I haven't really been working out either since it's summer and heat/sweating gets me in a bad mood really fast, haha. Does anyone have any suggestions for things to do in summer to tone muscle, but that's also fun?

From Amanda, Age 19 - 06/23/10 - IP#: 207.241.137.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 198 lb, Today: 198 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Okay you guys, I really don't want to hit the 200 lb. mark so I'm changing it all now. My main problem is I forget to eat less. I don't think about being on a diet until I've already ate unhealthily..I don't understand it but I think I've figured a way to fix that. Do you guys have any advice of how to keep yourself from eating when it's unneccessary? I mean obviously eating regular meals but when I'm not doing anything or when I'm talking to someone I always find myself eating...definitely not cool. Thank you guys for any advice you can give. (By the way feel free to give me any tips that work for you in other aspects of weight loss too. =] )
Reply from Ally13, Age 22 - 06/24/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 06/22/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI: 24), Goal: 145 lb - holy craaaaap! i've lost like... roughly 10 pounds in the last month or so! I can't believe it! i feel and look so much better, i never thought id break my plateau of hovering around 165-167!! I'm so pumped! only 7 more pounds til my first goal of 150 then 5 left til my ultimate goal! eek!!! can't contain my happiness haha! I hope everyones doing amazing! keep it up guys :)
Reply from Amanda, Age 21 - 06/25/10  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 06/23/10  - IP#: 207.241.137.xxx

From Courtnie, Age 20 - 06/15/10 - IP#: 71.37.12.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 215 lb, Today: 215 lb (BMI: 35), Goal: 160 lb - I use to go on here when I actually wasn't that big and as the years went I have seemed to gain weight.! However since I started my new job I can see a difference in my face and chest. I'm still trying to figure out what kind of diet to go on. ALl I really know is my work out schedule. I just don't know what kind of food I want to eat. or if I want to do the jenny craig program! I'm going home to see my family in August and my goal is to lose at least 20 lbs by then! Any advice is great!

From Julie, Age 19 - 06/14/10 - IP#: 173.32.148.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 210 lb, Today: 205 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - hey everyone,
i used to come on here about 4 or 5 years ago but then just kind of slowly stopped, and since then i've gained weight. basically my problem with losing it is i need motivation, i just dont feel like exersizing, but i know i need to lose it cause summer is basically here and i'm definitley not comfortable with my body. so i'm going to try this site again for motivation and support and maybe some of you guys will help push me and keep me motivated? :) thanks in advance!
Reply from Nini, Age 19 - 08/21/10  - IP#: 98.255.200.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 06/02/10 - IP#: 63.135.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 162.2 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 145 lb - oh my gosssshhhh this is the lowest weight I have ever been! :D well in my teenaged/adult life anyway, i'm sure i weighed around this much when i was like 10 or something. lol (i was a fat kid) only 2.2 more pounds til i hit my mini goal of 160, then its onto the 150's! omg i cant believe how close i'm getting :D hope everyones doing amazing, and good luck!

From Ally13, Age 22 - 06/02/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI: 28), Goal: 115 lb - I'm starting to think that the 140's is a plateau period in my weight loss goals. I can't seem to lose much right now. I'm eating and exercising the same so I'm not sure what's going on. Has anyone ever experienced a plateau, where it seems like no matter what you do, you're stuck at or near the same weight for a long time? If so, are there any tips/things I can do to push myself past this hurdle?
Reply from meleony, Age 14 - 06/14/10  - IP#: 72.235.227.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 22 - 06/08/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx
Reply from Emily, Age 20 - 06/05/10  - IP#: 173.79.45.xxx

From Ally13, Age 22 - 05/26/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 148.6 lb (BMI: 28), Goal: 115 lb - I've NEVER been in the 140's - this is awesome! I know losing weight doesn't solve everything and make life perfect, but it's still a pretty good feeling, especially when others start noticing and commenting. Does anyone else here feel more motivated when friends/family/co-workers complement you on your weight loss? I still have a ways to go, but man, I'm happy =).

From Leanne, Age 18 - 05/25/10 - IP#: 74.75.173.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 180 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 130 lb - So I guess I've always been overweight, and I've always known it. I've told myself multiple times that now was the time to lose weight. But I never followed through. It wasn't until a few days ago when started feeling completely disgusted by the way I look. So now really is the time; I'm going to do it, I'm going to lose the weight. I'm not asking to lose all the weight really fast. I know that it's not just going to fall off. I have to work to loss it. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. Wish me luck :) And good luck to everyone else! It will be worth it in the end!
Reply from Ally13, Age 22 - 05/25/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From Ally13, Age 22 - 05/13/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 153 lb (BMI: 29), Goal: 115 lb - Hi all! I've been off and on this site since I was in my teens (wish I would've just stuck to it the first time, lol). Anyway, I just wanted to post what my journey's been like so far. This is more to motivate myself than anthing =).
So my heaviest weight was 204, which was back in February/March 2009, which is ALSO the first time I met my fiance's family, who live in Australia. Let me tell you, I did not feel like the girl I wanted to be =p. Our wedding date was set for December '09 and I was determined to lose some weight before then, so, by the time it hit December, I was down to 166.
Since then, my husband and I have been adjusting to married life and me learning how to properly cook so naturally, we've been consuming a lot of fast food, haha. With working out and trying out new, healthy recipes, I've gotten myself down to 153 (been fluctuating for the last couple of... (view more)

From Mandy, Age 18 - 05/12/10 - IP#: 99.105.45.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 205 lb, Today: 205 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Hi guys! My friend told me about this site so I thought I would give it a try! She said she got some great responses so maybe I will to. I have always been chubby but I have recently been putting on more weight. I am always eating. It's not that I'm hungry, I'm just never full. Which I like to feel full in order to be satisfied. I am embarassed around my friends about how much I eat that I will eat something before I go out with them in order to make it seem like I don't eat that much. And that is usually fast food cuz it's quick and cheap. All my clothes are getting tight and my stomach is starting to hang over my pants. So it's getting hard to cover up. I have never been on a diet before because I was ok with my chubbiness. I was always about 40 lbs overweight but I have put on 30 lbs in a couple months and have gone past 200. Any tips on where to start?
Reply from Jess, Age 21 - 05/14/10  - IP#: 98.245.85.xxx

From Jess, Age 21 - 05/10/10 - IP#: 98.245.85.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 160 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 130 lb - I overeat all the time- I just really like the feeling of being full. I've been trying to think of food as fuel and not a pastime, but it's so easy to overeat, especially if you're out with friends. I mean, who can finish a Chipotle burrito? I can. Those portions are outrageous. I know I need to exercise more, and hopefully now that I'm posting I'll feel like I really need to stick to my goal. Good luck guys!
Reply from Ally13, Age 22 - 05/11/10  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 05/03/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 164 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 150 lb - So, the weirdest thing happened. I ate like I was a whale for about a week straight (that time of the month) and gained soooo much water weight.. (went up to 172.. yikes) then today, after it was all over i got on the scale only to find that I've LOST a pound. How the heck does that happen? haha I'm not going to complain. that means I'm 4 pounds away from my mini goal of 160 :) I hope I can keep this up. I've been watching what i eat for the past day or two and I've been drinking a lottttt of green tea. Hopefully that helps. Good luck people!

From Amanda, Age 21 - 04/26/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 150 lb - hey guys! so i haven't been losing anything lately at all, but thats because i've been eating like a pig. Meanwhile, i haven't gained an ounce, which astonishes me, as usually i gain very fast when i just eat whatever. (Hey, i'm not complaining!) anyway, with summer just around the corner i want to crack down and lose 5-10 pounds just for some self-confidence in the warmer months (i'd like to not sweat my a** off in the sun, wearing jeans and sweaters lol) hope everyones doing awesome! good luck :) :)

From Kabie, Age 18 - 04/04/10 - IP#: 130.253.137.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 165 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 135 lb - So, nothing I've tried so far works, so I'm going to try a new approach. I'm just going to try and cut down on soda a food gradually, and hit the gym 3 times a week instead of trying to cut all food out at once. I think I'll cut out soda, french fries, and cake first. Then, what happens will happen...

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