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From Kayla, Age 20 - 03/10/11 - IP#: 75.42.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 219.5 lb (BMI: 38), Goal: 170 lb - I lost 5 more pounds! 29 down, 50 to go and I am feeling great! I was really worried about this weigh in so I am oober ecstatic about 5 pounds. So what I am experiencing in my journey right now is being tired of food. It will be dinner time and I will be hungry but I just don't want anything...I am tired of chicken and turkey, I am not a fan of fish. It's kind of funny that I am bored and don't know what to do with food and yet I am a culinary student. But if anyone has simply tasty recipes or knows where to get some let me know please. Well thats all from me, hope everyone is doing well.
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Bethany, Age 22 - 03/08/11 - IP#: 67.84.239.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 276 lb, Today: 254 lb (BMI: 35), Goal: 169 lb - It's hard, I need more motivation. I've started giving myself a cheat meal once a week, so I don't end up bingeing. It's just enough to get me through this. I hope to lose another 20ish lbs by May. Good luck to everyone else.
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/08/11 - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 228 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 135 lb - Another pound down, this processes is becoming a very slow one but it's better than not losing any weight at all. I see alot of changes in my body but for some reason that's just not enough. I need to get out of the 200's soon because it's really bothering me but i am proud of where i stand today compared to nine months ago. This is not easy man!!

From Kayla, Age 20 - 03/06/11 - IP#: 75.42.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 224.5 lb (BMI: 39), Goal: 170 lb - Okay, weigh in week is here and I am not at all excited. Having a menstrual cycle sucks. I have been tired and hungry. I seriously feel like an animal, I ravaged through food at night and slept all day. But I am crossing my fingers that I have at least gone down one pound. I am not happy with myself but I know it's just my period. I hope everyone else is doing well :)
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Ally13, Age 23 - 03/06/11 - IP#: 108.74.126.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 125.8 lb (BMI: 24), Goal: 110 lb - I have a question for all you girls out there: does your mentrual cycle mess up your weight loss at all? Mine's becoming a real issue: I CAN'T stop eating to save my life. Seriously, anything I set my eyes on, I eat - it's insane! I'm just now recovering from my all-out binge and I"m worried it's going to happen again next month. If anyone has problems with weight gain during their period, do you have any useful tips or suggestions that could help?
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 03/07/11  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 20 - 03/06/11  - IP#: 75.42.67.xxx

From Sabrina, Age 22 - 03/05/11 - IP#: 65.79.248.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 239 lb, Today: 219 lb (BMI: 40), Goal: 145 lb - So..I first came across this site a couple years ago when I was meeting my goal weight of 145. Well over the past 3 years I was diagnosed with a medical condition that was making me pack on pounds again!!! I was completely horrified to see the scale go back over 200 pounds because the highest I originally weighed was 202. So now I am that plus some and slowly getting it off. I have to do a low carb low sugar diet and am having some troubles finding things I can eat on the go, or things I don't get tired of quickly. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Bianca, Age 20 - 03/03/11 - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 239.8 lb, Today: 184.7 lb (BMI: 32), Goal: 135 lb - so i lost two pounds since my last post---->which is awesome. but...i really want to run. miles. any running/ or jogging tips? i got walking down packed, i need more...i want to sweat!!! lol *excited 4 change*
Reply from gio, Age 23 - 01/30/15  - IP#: 172.56.9.xxx

From lish, Age 21 - 03/02/11 - IP#: 174.150.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 260 lb, Today: 240 lb (BMI: 38), Goal: 170 lb - So I am officially down 20 pounds!!! Feels good. Despite my cheat day and my slip ups today. That goes to show you that for long term weight loss results, in my opinion you should allow yourself one cheat day a week. It helps you stay on track by the fact that you won't feel deprived plus the high calories for that day with shock your body and cause it to work burning those calories because you figure the other 6 days you are normally eating low calories. My opinion and it seems to work for me. I wish everyone continued success its hard and a long process but it well worth it.

From Kay, Age 19 - 03/02/11 - IP#: 75.93.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 180 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 140 lb - So I used to use this site when I was younger and trying to loose weight. I met my goals and then some crazy family things happened and I had to become the parent of my two siblings and I began to gain the weight back. So now I am back at the point where I was 3 years ago. I have access to a gym at my college and I am trying to start to work out again. My biggest issue is eating the right foods. I am make dinner it is easiest to just make something quick and unhealthy, and to top it off healthy food is a bit more expensive. I was just wondering what cook books people use and what supplimnets people use that seem to help them?
Thanks for all your support and help.

From Lizz, Age 21 - 03/02/11 - IP#: 113.199.117.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 170 lb, Today: 126 lb (BMI: 22), Goal: 115 lb - Damn baby weight is like a friend that doesn't get the hint they aren't welcomed anymore. I gained a pound but I think it's just muscle. Been stuck at 126 for 2 weeks. I've fallen off the wagon a little bit. I had pizza today and chocolate the other day. Next week its supposed to be warm ... going to start to jog, what I need is cardio

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/01/11 - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 229 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 135 lb - I wieghed myself yesterday and 2 pounds gone!!!!!! I am soo happy i was stuck at the 230's for about 2 months and now both of my size 16 pants actually fit. I'm only 14 pounds away from losing a total of 50 pounds it's been 9 long months with ups and downs but i'm really proud of myself for not giving up on something that in the past has always hold me back. For everyone out there who feels like giving up this isn't easy but we are all strong enough to make this happen. Take it one day at a time and keep your long term goal in mind but remember it'll take time and you may fall but just get back up because picking yourself up is what will make you complete this. Good Luck for the rest of the week guys and thank all of you for your tips and sweet comments =)

From Rachel, Age 19 - 03/01/11 - IP#: 99.127.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 195 lb, Today: 309 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 135 lb - Hi, I'm Rachel. I hate the word "fat" and had always claimed to everyone I wasn't fat, just big-boned because I was too scared to face the truth. I really have gotten fat. I hadn't weighed myself for several years until 2 days ago, and was startled to see the weight I've gained! I eat whenever I am not occupied with something else, and lately this habit has become even worse. I am almost always eating something, usually fast food. After learning about my startling weight gain, 195 to 309, I really looked myself. I barely noticed how large my stomach has become. I can no longer fit in most chairs, and have to purchase 2 airline tickets because I cant fit in a single seat. A few weeks ago I was flying to see my grandparents, and it was so so embarrassing. I tried to fit myself into one seat, but I just couldn't! The button on my jeans (which, apparently, are too... (view more)
Reply from elsa, Age 18 - 04/25/11  - IP#: 174.252.103.xxx
Reply from bianca, Age 20 - 03/03/11  - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx
Reply from bianca, Age 20 - 03/03/11  - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 03/01/11  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From Bianca, Age 20 - 02/28/11 - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 239.8 lb, Today: 186.7 lb (BMI: 32), Goal: 135 lb - so i've had some diet success and thought i would share what works for me.....
1) I eat 3 small meals a day on a six inch dessert plate----> instant portion control,and i still satisfy my need tofinish my plate.
i eat slow, enjoy what i am eating,and don't go for seconds!
2) this is kinda weird but when i first started dieting i took my bed and my sofa out my bedroom no where to be lazy and you won't be lazy i literally slept on the floor for 5 months to break me of the lazy habits. it's not coomfortable at all believe me you won't be chillin on the floor lol
3)i honestly lost all the weight up until this point without "exercising" i just move extra....when no one is looking i do little dances or stretch or tap my hands or swing my legs, it adds up i am sure cus i never had to enter a gym or step on a treadmill. the weight fell off lol
now that i am in the 180's i want to start moving and toning so my next endeavor is to run. i am starting a walk/run/jog plan that hopefully will speed up some weight loss-----> i wanna hit my goal by august!!!

From Kayla, Age 20 - 02/28/11 - IP#: 75.42.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 224.5 lb (BMI: 39), Goal: 170 lb - Well I had my official weigh in last Thursday and I wish I could say that I am happy with my number but I'm not. I am happy that my weight is still going down but i kinda wish it would go down quicker. But I guess it just means I need to work a little harder, which I am prepared (not happy) to do. Since I am about to go into month three of my journey I am going to bump up my cardio time from 40 minutes to 45 minutes. And kind of off topic but good for you to know the new Special K Cracker Chips are delicious! Plus you get a huge serving size (27 chips!) for only 110 calories. So if you are a chip eater try them! :)
Ok, I will stop yapping, hope everyone is doing well on there journey :) Good luck!!!!!
Reply from bianca, Age 20 - 02/28/11  - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 02/27/11 - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 232 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 135 lb - So in one month i've only lost 2 pounds. It gets me very angry because i've been working really hard in the gym. Since i'm away in college it's hard to know exactly what i'm eating but i have decided to start counting calories to keep my eating in check. I really want to get out of the 200's 33 pounds to go and hopefully i can get there before June but for now i just want to keep losing even if it's only 1 pound per week. Well i hope everyone is doing well good luck this week everyone =)
Reply from Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/01/11  - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx
Reply from bianca, Age 20 - 02/28/11  - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx
Reply from Emily, Age 20 - 02/27/11  - IP#: 71.225.181.xxx

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