~ 18+ B-BOARD PAGE 22 ~

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From Jasmine, Age 20 - 04/06/11 - IP#: 76.114.10.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 250 lb, Today: 246 lb (BMI: 39), Goal: 150 lb - obviously i have a lot to lose and i was good when this year started i was going to the gym everyday and what not last year this time i was almost under 200 and i havent been under that ugly number since maybe freshman year of high school :( all my friends tell me im not overweight when clearly i AM! but they are just being nice. i havent been working out cause school consumes my life i did just get a puppy recently but i cant take her out for walks yet cause she hasnt had all her shots urgh my 21st birthday is this june and i wanted to go to vegas in cute dresses but at this rate i dont think thats happening anytime soon :( i need motivation, tips, help and a friend :( any takers?
-good luck
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx

From Amanda, Age 22 - 04/06/11 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 150 lb - my god i've been slacking. if i had stuck to my healthy eating and working out in january, i could be like 20 pounds lighter by now! so yesterday i decided to start all over again. so far so good, i ate 1200 calories yesterday and did 45 minutes of cardio, and today ive eaten very healthy but can't workout because i work until 10 and have class in the morning, but my job consists of standing and walking a lot and lifting etc. so i should be fine. If anyone wants to know how to calculate how long itll take to lose whatever amount of pounds in whatever amount of time, go to this website... http://www.cookingnook.com/calorie-calculator.html it even tells you how many calories to eat. i find it very helpful. well i hope everyones doing great, keep it up guys
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx

From Alyssia, Age 21 - 04/06/11 - IP#: 98.212.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 307 lb, Today: 263.2 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 150 lb - So, I just looked back at my weight log and I was wondering how long I have been in the 260's. Well since November 27th! That is just ridiculous. It's my fault too, since I'm always going off and on with my eating healthy. I really need to get into the 250's, that's my main goal right now.
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx

From sarah, Age 19 - 04/04/11 - IP#: 92.22.94.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 319 lb, Today: 319 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - Hey Guys
Just thought that if im going to start this journey then i may as well get completely stuck in and write a message as well. Today is the day i start a fresh and lose 180lbs. Its going to be hard i know but im hoping that each lb i lose will help me motivate myself further. By the way does any one know any easy exercises to start off with as i am very unfit and cant run :(
Well done to all of you out there who are losing weight keep going :)
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx
Reply from Alyssia, Age 19 - 04/05/11  - IP#: 98.253.95.xxx

From Alyssia, Age 21 - 03/30/11 - IP#: 98.212.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 307 lb, Today: 265 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 150 lb - Hi everyone. I used to post on this website many years ago. I decided to look for it again. I'm so excited to have people to talk to about my struggles. I'm really wanting somebody to talk to about weight loss. Where is everyone on here from? I'm from Indiana.
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/27/11 - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 226 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 135 lb - so this week was horrible, working and school have made me very stressed which has caused me to eat. I know there should be no excuses so in general it's my fault. I'm so close to losing a total of 50 pounds and i'm just going to pick up the slack this week. I know how bad it was so i wont weigh myself now, i'll work really hard this week and hope that i can get down to atleast 225. LETS DO THIS LOL =)
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx

From Elyssa, Age 20 - 03/27/11 - IP#: 97.67.110.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'11", Start: 226 lb, Today: 179 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 150 lb - Wow. School is almost over and I'll be going home soon. This is scary. Does this scare anyone else? I worry because I have made pretty good progress in my weight loss and am about 5lbs away from a "healthy bmi" but I fear that when I return home, my diet is going to fall apart. I've always been fat growing up and the food my family eats is very different from what has helped me succeed up to this point. I really have fallen into a groove. Eat my cal limit, hit 110 grams of protein, only "clean" foods, and 5-6 mealls/day. My family does not do this at all and it may make them upset. How have you guys dealt with this?
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx
Reply from Ally, Age 23 - 03/28/11  - IP#: 99.106.167.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/24/11 - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 226 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 135 lb - So i weighed myself sunday and lost two pounds. I am very happy that i'm losing weight but I get so frustrated that i'm losing the weight so slowly. I know that we should lose 1 to 3 pounds a week and i don't expect to lose 5 or 10 pounds in a week but 3 pounds instead of 1 would be good. Well i guess i just have to work harder it's been a very long jounrey in 10 months i've lost 39 pounds. I've had alot of set backs and thats why it's taken so long but i'm glad that i've learned not to give up. I've been dealing with this my whole life and this is the first time i've made it a life long change. I will change a few things in my diet to start losing at least 2 pounds instead of 1 a week. I wish everyone luck the rest of the week =)

From Kris, Age 21 - 03/21/11 - IP#: 76.217.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 240 lb, Today: 236 lb (BMI: 34), Goal: 165 lb - So im just starting out on my weight loss journey and would love to hear how all of you guys got started. What are good workouts for at home and what are good meal ideas? Any info is greatly appreciated...I would like to be at my goal weight by the first week in August. Thank you :)
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 03/22/11  - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx

From taylor, Age 18 - 03/21/11 - IP#: 99.88.184.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 250 lb, Today: 250 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 190 lb - at school people tell me you dont een look big and u know thats cool and everything but at the end of the day i still look at the scale and its overweight my face dont match the body i need to start respecting my temple cuz if i dont noone else will today starts the day of WEIGHT LOSE !!!!!!!!1
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11  - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx
Reply from Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/24/11  - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx

From Kayla, Age 20 - 03/20/11 - IP#: 75.42.66.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 219.5 lb (BMI: 38), Goal: 170 lb - So this past week has not been very great for me. I fell off the wagon and hit the ground hard. But I start the gym tomorrow with my sister. I truly believe the gym will really help get my motivation on track. With falling off the wagon it reminded me of how I felt before I started my weight loss journey and it wasn't a good feeling. I got the "cheating" out of my system and I am ready to go, go , go....and lose, lose, lose!! :) Good luck everyone!

From Ally13, Age 23 - 03/14/11 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 124.8 lb (BMI: 24), Goal: 110 lb - Haven't been eating much in the last few days. Personal issues and all that lovely jazz =). I used to turn to food for comfort when I had things going on, but lately, even thinking of food disgusts me. Does anyone else's eating patterns change depending on mood or am I just weird that way? I'd really like to get back on schedule with normal eating habits soon (I'm starving! lol)...
Reply from Kamille, Age 13 - 03/27/11  - IP#: 76.127.101.xxx
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Kayla, Age 20 - 03/12/11 - IP#: 75.42.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 248.5 lb, Today: 219.5 lb (BMI: 38), Goal: 170 lb - Just had a binge...I feel like crap...
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx
Reply from Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/13/11  - IP#: 108.6.146.xxx
Reply from Ally13, Age 23 - 03/12/11  - IP#: 108.74.126.xxx

From Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/11/11 - IP#: 68.199.183.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 265 lb, Today: 228 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 135 lb - so today was my last day of classes and now spring break is here. Being home makes it easier to eat healthier but the workout is harder since i don't have a gym. What i'm planning to do starting today is continuing my insanity workout and joining it with some videos on excerise tv.com and some strength training. I'm going to work really really hard my next small goal is 9 pounds. This week is going to be insane =)
Reply from Jeimi, Age 20 - 03/24/11  - IP#: 65.51.214.xxx
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

From Bianca, Age 20 - 03/10/11 - IP#: 72.151.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 239.8 lb, Today: 184.7 lb (BMI: 32), Goal: 135 lb - so its been 7 days and my weight is exactly the same....and i haven't had one carb in the past 10 days, no sweets, bread, pasta, or potatoes which happen to be my favorites lol (of course) so this atkins thing is about to get tossed out the window, i'll commit for the rest of the month but...i just expected more. it's possibly my fault though because i did little to no working out all week, two days one hour each day...so definately not progress. *jogging tomorrow for sure*
Reply from Cali, Age 25 - 03/20/11  - IP#: 65.79.248.xxx
Reply from Marina, Age 23 - 03/17/11  - IP#: 174.91.64.xxx

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