~ 18+ B-BOARD PAGE 31 ~

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From Diana, Age 18 - 03/30/10 - IP#: 69.171.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 321 lb, Today: 315 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Hey everyone (:
I know some of you are looking for like a social network type website. So am I lol.
Well today I found a site called fatsecret.
I just joined. Check it out (:
If you want to add me, find me by email - diexana@yahoo.com (:
I'll post if I find any other sites.
Have a wonderful day everyone♥
Reply from Kabie, Age 18 - 04/04/10  - IP#: 130.253.137.xxx

From Diana, Age 18 - 03/29/10 - IP#: 69.171.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 321 lb, Today: 315 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - I've been overweight my entire life. When I found out how heavy I was, I decided to make a change. I'm exercising 1 hour a day & have changed my eating habbits. I started march 23rd, 2010. I have a blog, so if you'd like to follow me through out my journey, please do so! Message me for the link.
Goodluck to you all (:
Reply from MyLink, Age 18 - 03/29/10  - IP#: 69.171.160.xxx

From Megan, Age 18 - 03/25/10 - IP#: 207.236.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 194 lb, Today: 186 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 146 lb - Im a very mucular person, so I dont even know if I can get down to 146 lbs. Im a size twelve and want to get to a size 8 or 6. But its really not about the numbers with me, I just want to feel good in my own body and I dont always. Ive been trying to lose weight for 8 years now. Its time I do something for myself, and to stop wishing what it would be like. I just want to feel good, be healthy, be confident and be sexy! Its about time!

From Belle, Age 19 - 03/23/10 - IP#: 76.105.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 198 lb, Today: 198 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 120 lb - My goal is to be the healthiest I can be.and not only that but to have more confidence over all.
Reply from Claire, Age 20 - 04/07/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Kim, Age 19 - 03/15/10 - IP#: 184.56.37.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 190 lb, Today: 190 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 145 lb - I just started all this, I joined a gym with my boyfriend. We work out three times a week. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. I need some tips on my diet, I'm not the best eater. If I work I tend not to eat until 3pm and I eat alot when I get home. Can anyone give me some pointer??
Reply from Emily, Age 20 - 06/05/10  - IP#: 173.79.45.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 20 - 03/20/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Sammi, Age 18 - 03/13/10 - IP#: 137.141.161.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 226 lb, Today: 226 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - Hey guys! I've been gaining and losing the same 25 pounds for about two years now, and last wednesday (3/10/10) I decided I'm gonna do this for real this time. I've been eating really clean and healthy since wednesday, and working out for 30 minutes every day! I'm so ready to do this:) I'll weigh myself every Wednesday and keep everyone updated. We can do this together guys...we just need to support each other!!!:)
Good luck everyone!:)

From Stacy, Age 19 - 03/09/10 - IP#: 108.8.68.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 189 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 145 lb - So, I have found myself coming back to this site for the last 7 years =) I am going to consciously try to come everyday and see everyones progress. I just started back at the gym 5 days ago. Ive lost 9 pounds since then. Good luck all!!!
Reply from Claire, Age 20 - 03/10/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Alisha, Age 20 - 03/07/10 - IP#: 76.104.81.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 265 lb, Today: 263 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 185 lb - I am ready to lose weight tired of being at the size I am need encouragement thanks!!!
Reply from Claire, Age 20 - 03/10/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx
Reply from Shereen, Age 18 - 03/08/10  - IP#: 206.223.253.xxx

From Leena, Age 18 - 02/25/10 - IP#: 174.44.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 229 lb, Today: 199 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 160 lb - Hey! If anyone wants to keep in touch more than just once a month on here lol, we should exchange emails or something! Anyone have msn?
Reply from Teresa, Age 18 - 03/04/10  - IP#: 207.154.101.xxx
Reply from Teresa, Age 18 - 03/04/10  - IP#: 207.154.101.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 02/24/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 160 lb - So I was 165 the other day, then kinda fell off the wagon lastnight... and by kind of i mean i totalllllly blew it lol But that's okay, one day won't kill me. So today I'm going to post my weight as 166 because i know i gained some water weight, ill be honest lol I hope to be under 165 by march 6th (its my aunts baby shower... not a huge deal but its good to have some kind of even to plan weight loss for). Hope everyones doing great!
Reply from Claire, Age 21 - 02/26/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Claire, Age 21 - 02/21/10 - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 210 lb, Today: 159 lb (BMI: 27), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys, I don't know if anyone remembers me but I've been coming here for years...have lost weight but never made it to my goal! sadly. :( it's because I haven't been consistent what with school and all but I'm through with making excuses. I made my goal to lose 20 lbs by the second week of May and I know that this is completely doable, I just have to keep with it this time! I wish you girls luck:) I've missed this site so much.
Reply from Belle, Age 19 - 03/23/10  - IP#: 76.105.88.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 21 - 02/24/10  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx
Reply from vf, Age 24 - 02/24/10  - IP#: 117.254.50.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 02/21/10 - IP#: 63.135.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 167.4 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 160 lb - wow.. after one day of eating healthy i lost almost 2 pounds of water weight. 2.4 more to go and im once again back down to 165. and i am NOT going back up again! hope everyones doing great!
Reply from Amanda, Age 21 - 02/24/10  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 21 - 02/21/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx
Reply from Claire, Age 21 - 02/21/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Amanda, Age 21 - 02/19/10 - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 160 lb - okay so I've come to the sad realization that no one really posts on here anymore. Not to mention, no one really posts on other peoples posts. Kinda lame, don't you think? Anyway, I don't really care about that because I'm going to post on here everyday anyways as kind of a... way to keep track of how I'm doing. It's easy to lie to yourself and say you did okay when you really didn't, so here I'll fess up to what I've done wrong and what not. I got down to 165 like 2 weeks ago but with PMS comes the munchies and weight gain, as usual. Seriously, I need to stop this "5 pounds up, 5 pounds down" cycle. I've been doing it for months. I want to get under 165 and stay there and keep going down for once. My first goal is 160.. from there 155, then 150, and possibly 145 if i'm not small enough at 150. (It's too early to tell). Hopefully I can stick with this. I've gotten back into the habit of writing down everything I eat, so hopefully that will hold me accountable for any loss or non-loss lol Hope everyones doing great, and come on people lets get posting!! lol
Reply from Claire, Age 21 - 02/21/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 21 - 02/21/10  - IP#: 63.135.27.xxx
Reply from Kayla, Age 18 - 02/20/10  - IP#: 12.75.41.xxx

From Leena, Age 18 - 02/17/10 - IP#: 174.44.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 229 lb, Today: 202 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 160 lb - Holy smokes! I used to go on here religiously when I was 13...yeah, still fat and suck at life. Anyway, I'd love to talk to people going through the same thing..similar stats or not! Tips, upsets, successes...whatever! Hope you guys continue to do AMAZING!!
Reply from Claire, Age 21 - 02/21/10  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Kayla, Age 18 - 02/07/10 - IP#: 12.75.41.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 195 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 165 lb - hey guys! ive been searching for a website kinda like myspace for overweight people. you guys know of any? well. im sick of being overweight. i mean i have a pretty face but guys dont look past that. but i have type 2 diabetes and i know i need to lose it. i dont want to go on insulin any sooner then i have to. and if i can lose the weight the longer itll be till i have to go on it. i also have pretty bad asthma. ive been trying to find some quick diets that actually work but so far nothing =[ any helpp?
Reply from Belle, Age 19 - 03/23/10  - IP#: 76.105.88.xxx
Reply from Jenn, Age 18 - 02/07/10  - IP#: 173.184.30.xxx

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