~ 18+ B-BOARD PAGE 41 ~

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From Trinise, Age 18 - 01/28/09 - IP#: 168.18.235.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 195 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 170 lb - Hi everyone, I haven't actually started on my weight loss plan just yet but i plan on starting with exercising tonight after class. I am not obese but i feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable in my body. It feels great to know that therre are people that i can talk to that are experiencing the sane problems, i wish all of you luck with your journeys and i will keep you posted on my progress!

From Amanda, Age 20 - 01/28/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 150 lb - so, i started this like weight loss challenge on monday which requires me to lose 20 pounds by july 6th. which means i have about 5 months, meaning id only have yo lose 4 pounds per month. so i changed my goal weight to 150 even though my overall ultimate goal is 145, just so i can stay focused on my little "challenge". i think 4 pounds a month is very attainable, i already lost a pound this first week, 19 more to go! lol anyways, good luck everyone. oh and does anyone know any good lovehandle exercises? mine are driving me crazy. theyre pretty small now compared to before, but still. eek! any tips appreaciated :)
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/29/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx
Reply from Whitney, Age 19 - 01/29/09  - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx

From asdhsjak, Age 20 - 01/28/09 - IP#: 67.40.253.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 204 lb, Today: 192 lb (BMI: 32), Goal: 135 lb - anyone have any good tips? i'm trying to loose almost 60 pounds by summer ive lost 12 since the new year..ive just been doing the whole 1200 calories a day and i havent worked out much just a few work out videos here and there..so if anyone had tips it be nice thanks :)
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/28/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Whitney, Age 19 - 01/27/09 - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 200 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 145 lb - Hey everyone! So I'm really frustrated for the past 2 days I have weighed the same ugh...and its not like I slipped up, I'm super strict with my diet staying around 1500 cals and I work out an hour a day all cardio so I don't know what gives. Maybe its my hormones or my body is just being stubborn. Who knows =] Hopefully tomorrow there will be a change, 177 please!
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/28/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Amanda, Age 20 - 01/27/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 145 lb - heyy everyone. i decided to switch over to this board, at first i didnt want to because hardly anyone came on this one but it looks good now! anyways, this week i lost a pound, finally bringing me back to the 160s. thank god. im staying here this time too. i got down to 166 in early sept.-late august but i gained it back because i had lost it by not eating much (i was very busy hanging out with friends and stuff) and i kind of went back and forth between 168-170. i want to get down to 164 though first, my first mini-goal because it means ill finally be in a NORMAL weight range. ive alllllways been overweight, since i was like 4 or 5 so this is HUGE for me. anyways, wish me luck! ive got 5 months to lose 19 more pounds to be 150 by July. my summer goal. i think i can do it :) hope everyones doing great. good luck!

From Whitney, Age 19 - 01/25/09 - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 200 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 145 lb - So these past two weeks have been crazy! I am back at school and had sorority recruitment and started a new job and ugh but the bonus is I have stayed constant with my weight which is fine by me! My goal is to get down to 174 by the end of this week which is do-able since I actually have time to go to the gym {M-F is the goal!) I'm in such a good mood my roomie came home yesterday and I was just in a sports bra and sweats and her jaw like dropped, she said I have gotten so little! Yay for me! Well I gotta catch up on hw, I'll post more later! Hope everyone is amazing!
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/27/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Shari, Age 18 - 01/24/09 - IP#: 65.75.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 291 lb, Today: 281 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - I have my first Valentine EVERRRRRRRR... and it only took 18 years... im so excited... and I have the perfect outfit for Valentines day!!! It is this wonderful wrap dress!!! I cant wait!
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/28/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx
Reply from Whitney, Age 19 - 01/25/09  - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx

From Shari, Age 18 - 01/24/09 - IP#: 65.75.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 291 lb, Today: 281 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Im sooo afraid to step foot on my scale i havent eaten horribly but i was sick for 2 weeks and i only exercised twice in those 2 week and i am so afraid... because my goal was to be in the 270's by this week but i dont even wanna look... i look better and my clothes are fitting better and my jiggly arms are getting smaller but i dont wanna see my scale measurements... help! And college work is getting to me... u think its ok to walk around the house and measure it with a pedometer... cuz im not an outdoorsy person
Reply from kels, Age 20 - 01/26/09  - IP#: 74.87.187.xxx

From keke, Age 20 - 01/21/09 - IP#: 76.22.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 178 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 27), Goal: 115 lb - i have lose 13 pounds since november and i lost track of dieting on december and since then i started gaining weight... please give me an advice on what i can do to help i acheive my goal... i really need help on how to eat healthy and lose the weight fast.. also what kind of excercise i can do to tone my body cuz i have excess skin and i hate it... thanks!!!

From Kayleigh, Age 18 - 01/21/09 - IP#: 92.19.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 252 lb, Today: 252 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 126 lb - Feel massive today after I reliesed I need to lose 126 pounds (9 stone) to get to my goal weight. I should never have got into this mess over a boy. Please reply to this or my message below with any advice.

From Desiree, Age 19 - 01/20/09 - IP#: 98.235.18.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 195 lb, Today: 188.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I'm so proud of myself. Im taking this one day at a time.
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/27/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Megan, Age 19 - 01/20/09 - IP#: 72.174.105.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 233 lb, Today: 222 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - offically 222 :-) yay me... just drank a lot of water walked 2.5 miles everyday or rode 2.5 miles on my bike everyday..ate less and no snacks... lets see if I can lose the rest
Reply from Trinise, Age 18 - 01/28/09  - IP#: 168.18.235.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 01/28/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Kayleigh, Age 18 - 01/20/09 - IP#: 92.19.155.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 252 lb, Today: 252 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 126 lb - Just turned 18 and i'm morbidly obese I weigh 18 stone (252 pounds),I used to be a healthy 10 stone (140 pounds). I started balloning up after my long term boyfriend dumped me for a prettier,skinner girl. I think I started comfort eating. I have gained 8 stone and my stomach is massive and it hurts my back because it's so big. All my sexy smaller clothes are way to small. I wanna get down to 9 stone (126 pounds) 10st was healthy for me but nine will be better. Any tips and how long will it take?
Reply from kels, Age 20 - 01/26/09  - IP#: 74.87.187.xxx

From Megan, Age 19 - 01/17/09 - IP#: 72.174.105.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 233 lb, Today: 224 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 180 lb - just weighed and I've lost 9 pounds since dec. 30th !!!! yay....if I can do it you guys definatly can
Reply from Jaime, Age 19 - 01/18/09  - IP#: 69.212.52.xxx

From Desiree, Age 19 - 01/15/09 - IP#: 98.235.18.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 195 lb, Today: 193 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - I'm so proud of myself. I justed started my weight loss journey for about the millionth time and I think this time Im definately going to stick to it. I changed my diet, and I'm eating a lot healthier. I joined this really great Gym yesterday. I have a personal trainer there, who helped show me everything. He gave me a work out program, designed, especially for me. I also am going to take a few aerobics classes there. So I will be in the gym 4 times a week. Good luck to everyone else.
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 01/15/09  - IP#: 76.68.131.xxx

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