~ 18+ B-BOARD PAGE 39 ~

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From Claire, Age 20 - 05/05/09 - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 210 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI: 30), Goal: 140 lb - Hey, I haven't been here in ages....does anyone remember me? lol probably not. Well, I'm still 174 lbs! actually I was 175...but what's the difference. ANyway, so I've been starting to work out again. I really have to get back on track and am hoping to lose 20 lbs as soon as possible (I know it takes time but I want to take it off forever). I got down to 159 once and then shot back up again but I cannot let myself go back to 210 ever! so I'm working extra hard now to get down to atleast 160 soon and then see where it goes from there. Also, I'm reaelly inspired by the show The Biggest Loser (I LOVE this show! and I love the trainer, Bob!) it is so so inspiring to see how hard they work on that show and how much weight they lose. Anyway this got pretty long...hope everyone is doing well! remember it will take time and results don't happen overnight...keep working hard, don't lose focus and don't let anyone mess you up! take care~ :)
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx
Reply from Andrea, Age 18 - 05/11/09  - IP#: 76.31.209.xxx

From Sam, Age 18 - 04/13/09 - IP#: 72.191.99.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 235 lb, Today: 203 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Ok. so havnt been on here in forever. In december i started the Medifast diet. It worked so well. By the time i went on vacation a few weeks later i had lost 15 pounds. Well then i got off of it on vacation and just got back on it today. I gained all the weight back wich sucked but im dedicated to get on track and lose the weight. I also hurt my ankle wich has kept me from doing alot of walking or running. Well its kinda better now so im gonna start walkng and everything else. Im having a hard time toning my arms though. I hate them any tips for that and thighs too. lol.
Reply from Claire, Age 20 - 05/05/09  - IP#: 24.215.207.xxx

From Rachel, Age 18 - 04/07/09 - IP#: 90.240.134.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 142 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 85), Goal: 120 lb - has anyone ever heard of slimming world?! i wna join? heard its really effective?!
Reply from karthik, Age 21 - 05/11/09  - IP#: 117.198.145.xxx

From MiNDY, Age 21 - 03/26/09 - IP#: 69.138.240.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 230 lb, Today: 228 lb (BMI: 37), Goal: 165 lb - hey, i'm kinda new to the board, but i really want to start losing weight, and figured i'd try this out for support and what not to see how it works for me. i haven
t officially started my diet yet, i plan to tomorrow. i just recently had my gallbladder taken out last week due to gallstones, and hoped that this surgery would help sort of jump start my weightloss from a lack of appitite, but it just hasn't happened. Does anyone know of some great beginner videos to watch that keep you motivated and interested? or any tips or suggestions?
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 03/26/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From Lyndsay, Age 18 - 03/24/09 - IP#: 71.112.64.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 247 lb, Today: 238 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 127 lb - Hi my name is Lyndsay. I'm going to Cancun in June, and I want to look hot by then! haha. How much weight do you think I could lose by then? I'd like to set a goal for myself.
Reply from Katie, Age 18 - 03/26/09  - IP#: 67.55.242.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 03/25/09  - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx

From KK, Age 18 - 03/24/09 - IP#: 76.188.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 191 lb, Today: 172 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 145 lb - Our guard is going to disney world very soon for spring break, we are going to a water park and I'm so self consious in a bathing suit I dont want to go because of it. Does anyone have advice?
Reply from Lyndsay, Age 18 - 03/24/09  - IP#: 71.112.64.xxx

From Shari, Age 18 - 03/13/09 - IP#: 65.75.89.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 291 lb, Today: 281 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - omg... I kno ive gained weight... i've had the weirdest february... i got dumped the day after valentines day... i bought this loser a gift!... lol but i did get my flowers and my teddy (my first vday gift)i butchered the teddy bear and let the flowers die and i stabbed the balloon lol... lol i had to do it... and the next week i got tonsilitis and just as i was getting over the tonsilitis i got a bronchial infection... i cud hardly eat when i had tonsilitis so i got a bit leaner but after (even with the bronchitis) i ate... lol oh did i mention after i got dumped i splurged on chocolate... Lindt white chocolate balls are the best lol but on monday i think i should go back to my strength training and taebo... but i cant stop coughing... i hope i get better :s I think i should prepare a meal plan cuz i eat junk lol
Reply from Lyndsay, Age 18 - 03/24/09  - IP#: 71.112.64.xxx

From Amanda, Age 20 - 03/10/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 145 lb - so, two weeks later im the same weight, but i measured myself and ive lost an inch around my waist, and half an inch around my chest. none around the hips but thats cool because im pretty lean in the lower body. im not very curvy, so id like to keep what hips i have lol but yay! just because i dont see a change on the scale doesnt mean im not losing. id like to lose another 4 inches on my waist, making me more hourglass shaped. something lame happened though, i hurt both my ankles working out (i wasnt wearing shoes and it involves a lot of jumping and twisting around) and now the nerves are sore and it hurts to stand or walk for too long, so im gonna take it easy and then when im okay to do my videos again ill wear proper footwear. this sucks though, i feel lazy. oh well! hope everyone is doing great.
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx

From Desiree, Age 19 - 03/06/09 - IP#: 98.235.18.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 195 lb, Today: 185.4 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 150 lb - I haven't posted on here in a while, but I have been keeping track of my progress for a while and I have a video diary that i do on youtube, where i post a video about how much I lost for the week. It helps to keep me focused and stay accountable. Check it out....
Good luck to everyone

From Amanda, Age 20 - 02/26/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 150 lb - so i've been doing 45-60 minutes of exercise everyday for a full week, and only eating 1500 calories per day, and i havent lost a damn pound. but... i have gained muscle, and ive noticed my clothes fit a bit better. im just not going to weigh myself until a full month has gone by. i get too discouraged. hope everyone is doing well!!!
Reply from Brooke, Age 18 - 03/08/09  - IP#: 68.223.35.xxx

From Hannah, Age 18 - 02/26/09 - IP#: 129.93.5.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 170 lb, Today: 168 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 135 lb - Ehhh. Last summer I did so well, and lost like 15 pounds. It was great...but some how that 15 lbs hunted me down and latched on. Fantastic. I really want to lose like, 10-15 pounds by april 16. But I know realistically I will prob lose like 10 at the MOST. I just want to be able to wear CUTE outfits...its frustrating to shop when you are a little bigger. Good luck everyone!

From Whitney, Age 19 - 02/23/09 - IP#: 147.134.32.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 200 lb, Today: 179 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 150 lb - I'm BAAACCCK =]
Haha sorry its been crazy with school and sorority stuff and going on these weird random road trips but hey here I am! Gained a few back but what r u gonna do. I'm so determined to get in the 160's now I can taste it so no slip ups this week! I'm starting yoga on top of my other cardio that I do so maybe that will help and at the very least it should help ease the stress in my life. Lets see here is the intake for today and tonight... Bfast-yogurt w/ granola and a peice of whole grain toast Lunch-turkey sandwich on wheat, 100 cal pack, and an apple Dinner- whole grain pasta and a salad then like I said yoga and then hopefully 1/2 hour of cardio. Oh another cool thing my gym I go to has going on is that starting on Wed they are having a competition on running 50 miles in 50 days and I"m in it so woo woo! Haha seems pretty easy but at least it will motivate me to hit the gym everyday. Well hope everyone is fabulous!

From Amanda, Age 20 - 02/22/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 150 lb - wow... this board is dead :s

From Amanda, Age 20 - 02/16/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 150 lb - so today was my first day of the "three day slim down" which is basically slimfast 3 times a day with snacks. ive been doing well so far... i hope this kickstarts it a bit before i start my workouts. apparantly im not supposed to exercise for the next 3 days but ill probably end up doing something light. anyways ill let you all know how it goes. good luck~
Reply from Jennifer, Age 19 - 03/02/09  - IP#: 131.230.148.xxx

From Amanda, Age 20 - 02/13/09 - IP#: 63.135.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 150 lb - alright so i gained a pound or two back, i havent been paying much attention to dieting lately.. no biggie though. ive lost it before i can do it again. my sister and i ordered Shawn T's rockin body workout (its the same guy that does hip hop abs) and we took a look at it, and it looks pretty easy to follow but also a good workout. we're starting on sunday or monday because we have a wedding to go to on saturday which means food and wine. it came with a 3 day slim down program and a calendar telling you which workouts to do for an entire month. we're going to follow it for one month and see what happens. i believe we can lose about 10 or more pounds following the program, so ill keep you guys posted. i hope everyone is doing well. good luck guys!
Reply from Hannah, Age 18 - 02/26/09  - IP#: 129.93.5.xxx

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