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From Maddie, Age 13 - 11/16/11 - IP#: 208.90.180.xxx  go to original board
Ht. 5'5", Start: 170 lb, Today: 162 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 115 lb - Hey everyone! Well, this is the 2nd day of my weightloss plan and so far so good! My mom tried to get me a cookie when we went to the store but I refuse and got some celery. And remember: Losing weight will be the start of a new you. When I'm done losing weight in 6 months, I'm going to look back and think 'WOW' because when your putting so much effort into getting something that you want, you'll be proud of yourself at the end. Only 47 pounds to go!
Have a happy Thanksgiving, everyone and thanks for your encouragement!

Reply From lily, Age 14 - 08/31/11 - IP#: 108.46.30.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
its ok all u need to do is watch what u eat im 5'2 and used to be 149 but i lost weight nd now im 129. what i did was watch what i ate i only ate what was neccesary nd did sit ups i started with ten nd increased by day nd plz dont eat junk food if ur still hungry eat an apple or a glass of milk nd feel confident dont break down to those bad comments please i believe in u

Reply From Heather, Age 15 - 08/13/11 - IP#: 75.100.203.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
always remember that WHEN and HOW OFTEN/MCUH you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. if not, more important. so take a reality check as to what it is youre eating. even if you only eat when youre hungry, it could be the stuff youre putting in your mouth regardless that is making weightloss so difficult. also, never use the excuse that you have no time to exercise. excuses are the number one cause of failure in a diet. excercise can be done in the most nonchalant manners. such as walking fast enough to get your heart rate going each time you walk. or running up and down stairs for 20 minutes. its not so hard to go for a walk, jsut remember to get your heartrate up and keep it up for the full duration of your walk. about 30 minutes is most effective. also, doing a few sets of situps between commercials while watching tv is super easy and not at all time consuming. i hope my pieces of advice helped you. i wish you great luck! :)

Reply From Marina, Age 23 - 04/17/11 - IP#: 70.54.150.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
You're an adult. You are more than capable of taking care of your own diet/nutrition needs & your family needs to respect that & you should just tell them that upfront. Buy your own groceries that you can eat at home & follow your usual routine as best possible. If you tell your family, up front, about what you're up to, maybe they'll repect that & even be helpful. Good luck!

From Ally13, Age 23 - 09/28/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx  go to original board
Ht. 5'1", Start: 204 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI: 26), Goal: 115 lb - 135 lbs. as of this morning. It's great to be able to see my successes and failures on an open forum - I'm more accountable that way.
Over the weekend, my husband and I went to a couple of other stores where I tried on clothing to see where I'm at (haven't bought anything new in a REALLY long time). Found out I most comfortably fit into size 5-7 jeans/trousers and s/m tops. Good news for my upcoming shopping expedition =)...bring on the Thanksgiving sales!!
I never thought I'd get to this point and still don't really feel like I'm there (brain hasn't caught up with my weight loss yet, I suppose), but if you're struggling, don't give up - it's such a 'worth it' feeling later on.

From **unnamed** - 12/04/04 - IP#: 168.210.90.xxx  go to original board
Hey y'all
Some of you reading this post message were exactly like me.
I used to sit on the internet researching weight loss tips and exercise plans.
I printed them and that was it. So i sat on my duff and learnt about losing weight.
You get two kinds of people :
Astronomers and astronauts.
Astronomers research and LEARN about space.
Astronaugts get out there and experience it.
To lose weight you need a diet plan with restricted amount of calories/carbohydrates and an exercise plan.
Drink LOTS of water and dont give up coz you'll end up in a worse place than you were before.
If you give up or cheat you're hurting YOURSELF.
Losing weight is like any other tough situation - NOT FOR THE WEAK!!!!!!!!
Also choose a theme song like Christina Aguilera - fighter or Destiny's child - independant women etc.
If you want a body like... (view more)

Reply From Maria, Age 12 - 04/23/04 - IP#: 205.188.112.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
well i took the advice i found on the site :) I joined basketball. I walk my dog 3 times a day, and i dont eat alot of junk. if im hungry i grab an apple instead of chips. when i feel sad or if i want to eat i go for a walk. All you have to do is be determined and you can do anything. Also try not to eat foods that are to fatty they are really bad for the diet but you can treat yourself everyonce in a while ;)

Reply From Ryan, Age 17 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 68.53.9.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I know how you feel....I have tried and nothing seems to work. But I never gave up...now I am losing weight you just gotta keep trying and never give up.

Reply From anne, Age 16 - 12/30/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
if you go on a low calorie diet and a good cardio(like taebo) exersize routine it will work. perhaps it didn't work for you in the past because you weren't being completely truthful to yourself of how much you were truely eating? it's simple there is 3500 calories in 1 pound of fat. if you burn 500 more calories then you consume a day then you'll lose 1 pound per week. if you burn 1000 calories more you'll burn off 2 pounds per week and so on. it's not healthy to burn more that 1000 calories more than you consume a day though. you have to be patient- that's the key to success...

Reply From ashley, Age 12 - 12/26/03 - IP#: 204.111.90.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Look you can't rush it see i use to way 150 and i lost it but it took time see just cut down your junk food and eat healthy you don't like have to like totaly stop eating chocalate just don't eat as much maybe a peice of chocalate everyother day and instead of like 6 cookies just eat like 1 or 2 and drink lots of water and you have to work out to don't just sit on your butt all day you have to get up go for a bike ride and do situps and pushups and don't over do it just do maybe 50 or 60 and push ups do at least 30 or 20 just take it slow and don't over do it and drink alot of water and 100% juice you know that is good for you too and walk and run and jog just do what you can and do it slow ok hope i helped you out if you want to respond to me go to my bullentin ok thank and good luck.

Reply From anne, Age 16 - 12/23/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
just realize that skipping an extra piece of pizza isn't the end of the world(i had a problem overcomeing that!) and know that you can have those foods- just eat less of them. you need to work on your will power and tell yourself that it's possible that you don't need those foods. and exersize a lot more then you are right now incase you do have those foods....

Reply From anne, Age 16 - 12/23/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
just realize that skipping an extra piece of pizza isn't the end of the world(i had a problem overcomeing that!) and know that you can have those foods- just eat less of them. you need to work on your will power and tell yourself that it's possible that you don't need those foods. and exersize a lot more then you are right now incase you do have those foods....

Reply From Emily, Age 17 - 12/17/03 - IP#: 68.90.205.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
It sounds like you are me a year or two ago. I cried myself to sleep many times. It's painful!
If you listen and read the bulletin board a lot you'll get a lot of tips and suggestions. I try to read what everone says at least every other day. It keeps me accountable and the escale thing is very helpful. Keep it up and then you will see progress i promise!

Reply From Emily, Age 17 - 12/17/03 - IP#: 68.90.205.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
It sounds like you are me a year or two ago. I cried myself to sleep many times. It's painful!
If you listen and read the bulletin board a lot you'll get a lot of tips and suggestions. I try to read what everone says at least every other day. It keeps me accountable and the escale thing is very helpful. Keep it up and then you will see progress i promise!

Reply From ~rebecca~ - 12/16/03 - IP#: 64.231.141.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
dear tabby, i used to b overweight to but i m really tall so i was sorta able to pull it of....a little. i have a problem called IBS and i cant eat dairy like the cheese on pizza ice cream and creamy fattening desserts. i was able to lose about 20 pounds but in a very unfortunate way. i cant eat all th good, creamy, fattening, normal foods, i cant even eat fruit because of the ruff peel on the skin. so, i have a question for you, if you know eating 3 slices of pizza is bad for you .....than why do you continue to eat it because if you TRY to resist the temptation of those highly fatting foods, your body will become used to the resisting of the food and soon you will be able to resist some of it. just try. because if you still want to be called tubby tabby.....go ahead but doesnt pretty skinny self confident tabby sound much much much better! dont worry , and if needed look toward the support of your family because i bet they are behind your plans of weight lose 100%!!!!