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Reply From Amber, Age 16 - 04/08/04 - IP#: 68.66.61.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
First you need to think positive! You can do this ! I use to think it was so hard but don't think how much you want to loose think I lost (lets say 10) and go from that! Then by time you know it you will be where you want to be! And hunny I am homeschooled to and I know it is hard with the food being there for you anytime ! But what I do is I think ok I want that so instead of trying to hold my self bac I would eat a small portion(like 5 chips instead of 10) Well I hope this all helps you I know you can do!! Just believe you can !! Good LUCK!!!

Reply From Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I think homeschooling is a good idea if you are seriously in trouble with your grades at school, it can help to ensure you get the grades you need for the future. However, you sure it wont make you sad being at home all the time? Not being around your friends at school? And the effort of going out and walking round school is a good way to excersise! so its upto you, but make sure u think of all the problems it might make. I can imagine it would be quite lonely being taught at home, but thats only my oppinion :)

Reply From Molly, Age 18 - 12/16/03 - IP#: 82.33.41.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I think homeschooling is a good idea if you are seriously in trouble with your grades at school, it can help to ensure you get the grades you need for the future. However, you sure it wont make you sad being at home all the time? Not being around your friends at school? And the effort of going out and walking round school is a good way to excersise! so its upto you, but make sure u think of all the problems it might make. I can imagine it would be quite lonely being taught at home, but thats only my oppinion :)

Reply From Veronica, Age 17 - 11/11/03 - IP#: 67.67.113.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hi Halle,
I'm homeschooled too. It's hard for us to get p.e. because of the fact, which lead to my weight gain. I understand about staying in your room when you're bored, I did the exact same thing... But its important to use that time to help lose weight by execising. Your Mom is right, eating 3x daily is healthy for you and helps your metabolism rate stay high. Just don't eat as much as you usually do, I've heard a lot of ppl say that its good to cut what you eat in half, try that.
I'd like to by your weight loss buddy if that's okay with you. What's your email address? Mine is poorlilangel@juno.com. Email me sometime if you need any advice about dieting or exercise or just support and motivation... In the last month or so I've become a fitness expert. LOL Good Luck -Veronica

Reply From Veronica, Age 17 - 11/11/03 - IP#: 67.67.113.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hi Halle,
I'm homeschooled too. It's hard for us to get p.e. because of the fact, which lead to my weight gain. I understand about staying in your room when you're bored, I did the exact same thing... But its important to use that time to help lose weight by execising. Your Mom is right, eating 3x daily is healthy for you and helps your metabolism rate stay high. Just don't eat as much as you usually do, I've heard a lot of ppl say that its good to cut what you eat in half, try that.
I'd like to by your weight loss buddy if that's okay with you. What's your email address? Mine is poorlilangel@juno.com. Email me sometime if you need any advice about dieting or exercise or just support and motivation... In the last month or so I've become a fitness expert. LOL Good Luck -Veronica