From Jennifer, Age 14 - 06/13/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 195 lb, Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - okay, so how bad is this. My reason to lose weight is to show my EX bf, that just broke up with me, how awesome im gonna look when school starts again :D!
Reply from Hannah, Age 17 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
From Joely, Age 13 - 06/13/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 195 lb, Today: 185 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - found a motive!! im so happy! and ready!
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
From Ally, Age 21 - 06/12/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 196 lb, Today: 188 lb (BMI: 36), Goal: 145 lb - Hi everyone! Just wanted to post because I feel AMAZING!! It's incredible how much losing 8 (very unwanted) pounds can make you feel about yourself. I don't feel my jeans cutting in NEARLY as much as I did, haha. I was talking to my fiance last night, just to get his opinion on if I was eating the right amounts of all 3 meals and if I was putting healthy food on my plate and all that good stuff. So yeah, he said that most of it sounded good - he did recommend a few tweaks in order for me to get as many nutrients as I can in my system throughout the day. And actually, he told me he'd talk to his friend, who's a professional health trainer, and get him to draw up an eating/exercise plan for me! I'm so excited, and this way, I'll know what types of exercise/food is best for my body =D.
Reply from Ally, Age 21 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
From Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 241 lb, Today: 225 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 150 lb - Hey, haven't been on in a little bit. Last week I gained 2lbs (I was down to 223) but I'm not stressing it too much, it was a bad week. Hope all is well with everyone else. Anyway my real purpose for posting this was to talk to the "old folks" on this board. By old I mean 18+. Listen, we have our own board so I feel like if we are going to come to the teen board and promote unhealthy, unrealistic goals then we need to just go back to our own board. Example, if I say I only eat 800calories a day and exercise 2hrs a day (which is NOT true, just an example) and lost a nice amount of weight, the teens are more than likely going to try that. I hate to sound like anyones mother (I am a mother actually, to 2 children, I definitely do NOT promote having children at a young age, their father and I ARE still together) but do you not realize what you are doing? This is definitely not to anyone in... (view more)Hey, haven't been on in a little bit. Last week I gained 2lbs (I was down to 223) but I'm not stressing it too much, it was a bad week. Hope all is well with everyone else. Anyway my real purpose for posting this was to talk to the "old folks" on this board. By old I mean 18+. Listen, we have our own board so I feel like if we are going to come to the teen board and promote unhealthy, unrealistic goals then we need to just go back to our own board. Example, if I say I only eat 800calories a day and exercise 2hrs a day (which is NOT true, just an example) and lost a nice amount of weight, the teens are more than likely going to try that. I hate to sound like anyones mother (I am a mother actually, to 2 children, I definitely do NOT promote having children at a young age, their father and I ARE still together) but do you not realize what you are doing? This is definitely not to anyone in particular because even searching back I have seen some unhealthy posts. I'm very dissapointed because I thought by us being grown adults we would all know better. How would you feel if your little sister/brother started eating a very low number of calories, not getting their proper nutrients? & exercising to the extreme? I hate to say it but anyone who is doing this WILL, I repeat WILL gain the weight BACK! AND THEN SOME! You will be even more unhappy and continue on with "the vicious cycle". If the adults use the teen board I feel like we should be ROLE MODELS. It's crazy that I've been seeing some 13 year olds make much heathier decisions than we do. It's pathetic actually. We probably know of many more resources than the young teens do, and we all know that starving yourself or exercising to the extreme is a big NO-NO. We are not on the Biggest Loser Ranch, lol. Hey even they eat more cals than some of us. I truly hope this doesn't offend anyone and if any of the younger teens need advice feel free to ask me. Don't give in to the unhealthy lifestyle. I lost 90 pounds before a couple of years ago, unfortunately gained it back with my most recent pregnancy so I KIND OF have an idea of what to do. It's only a matter of being consisent with it. Keep up the good work for all of you who are choosing the healthy lifestyle. For those of you who are not, try to adjust to a lifestyle change. You cannot live off of like 200calories a day for the REST of your life! Ok that is all, just had to get that off my chest. By the way, check out "Fruit Chillers", made with real fruit, great choice for vitamin C, you freeze them and eat them like popcicles, I've only tried the strawberry ones and they are DELICIOUS! I have my whole family hooked on them now. My daughter loves them. =) (view less)
Reply from Ally, Age 21 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
From Jeanie, Age 13 - 06/12/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 139 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 89), Goal: 129 lb - I hate the way i look. Im 13 and i weigh 135. I cant get passed 130. I even stopped eating but then i over ate when i got home. I need help! I dont want to eat but then i do. God im chubby. All my friends are thin and im the fattest one in the group how did i end up here? my goal is to get under 129!
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/13/09 - IP#:
Reply from Ally, Age 21 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
From Jenna, Age 16 - 06/11/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 203 lb, Today: 199 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 126 lb - Hi everyone! I started my healthy eating plan last week, and have lost 4 pounds already! I'm amazed! Unfortunately, I attended a buffet at a chinese restaurant today, as a celebration, so haven't eaten very well :( other than the chinese food, I've only eaten veggies and I went to the gym earlier, but I still feel guilty, I'll have to get back on track tomorrow. My short term goal weight is 190 pounds, which I hope to reach in 3 weeks. How is everyone else doing?
Reply from Ally, Age 21 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
From hii, Age 13 - 06/10/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9.5", Start: 167 lb, Today: 162 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 160 lb - yay! 2 pounds away from first mini goal!!!!!! YAY! ahh need help. starting to eat and not exercise!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/11/09 - IP#:
From Delia, Age 16 - 06/10/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'0", Start: 345 lb, Today: 289 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 85 lb - i need to lose. help!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 06/12/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/11/09 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
From kristi, Age 19 - 06/10/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 227.8 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - sooo ive only lost a bout 10 pounds...howeeever i really see it in my waste and my sooo excited...jeans i bought a little tight last week now fit perfect on me...ill be upset if they get to big...well not really but you know what i mean...i hope i have to go buy all new clothes...thats money i would be more than willing to spend even though i hate spending money today i worked out ran 6 min and 45 sec which turned out to be .86 miles.. and then i got on the bike for a fast hard 15 min cadio which was 7 miles...then i went back on the treadmill and did 15 min of run 2 min walk 2 min...just for a cool down and keep my heart rate still up about to go to the mall so ill be burning off calories walking...then im going on a two mile walk with one of my friends if it doesnt far ive had a grilled cheese some milk and some diet green tea...idk what im oing to have for dinner im thinking a griled turkey and cheese sandwhich...well hopefully everyones keeping up the good work :D
Reply from Wendy, Age 20 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
From Hali, Age 16 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 181 lb, Today: 186 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I have a suggestion for everyone. go to Its a really cool site with a lot of interaction with people. go to
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 17 - 06/11/09 - IP#:
From hii, Age 13 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'9.5", Start: 167 lb, Today: 166 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 160 lb - whats the 30 day shred? how many times a week do u do it?
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
From Elizabeth, Age 15 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7.7", Start: 175 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 145 lb - Ugh i'm so frustrated! i made it down to 160 and one day i checked and i was 159! then i did insane binging the next week and gained 4 pounds. it had been 7 but i worked some of it off. i was then so motivated but i now im randomly binging again! i have finals this week so im a little stressed but i dont even have to be stressed to eat like a pig. you dont even want to know what i've been eating. i think i just hate the idea of restricting myself. Any tips to help prevent binging?
Reply from kristel, Age 12 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 06/09/09 - IP#:
From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175.8 lb, Today: 164 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 160 lb - Hey guys! Yesterday, I started 30 Day Shred again. Level 2. Needless to say, it was much harder than the first. But, I felt so energized afterwards. I haven't exercised in, like, 2 weeks, so I needed it. :) I'm doing it again today...and the day after...and 18 days after that.
From Katie, Age 15 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 227 lb, Today: 225 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 200 lb - So i HAve bein doing really good lately i lost 2 pounds YAY 25 more pounds to
Reply from kristel, Age 12 - 06/10/09 - IP#:
From Melissa, Age 15 - 06/09/09 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - So I think I did really good yesterday. I hate oatmeal for breakfast, an omlet with onions cheese for lunch with a side bowl of carrots with 2 tablespoons of ranch. then later in the aftertoon I had an apple. Then for dinner I had 1.5 cups of Vegetable soup and inbetween all of that I had 4 servings of a 24 ounce thing of water (i swear i spent all day in the bathroom). However I didn't exercise, but I'm going walking/running tonight with my mom and sister...I was going to go walking with my Dad this morning but nobody woke me up on time...which is partly my fault I know, but still...anyway, I'll come back at the end of the week and tell y'all how I did! Love you guys!
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |