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From britney, Age 15 - 05/25/09 - IP#: 67.84.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 139 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 110 lb - today i weighed myself and it said i was 139, so its good. and i only ate around 800 calories, cause i keep track on sparkteens. i think i'm doing pretty good today but i have no idea what to eat for dinner, i'm afraid i'll binge or just eat something super fattening and unhealthy. i'm going to workout too hopefully, maybe running with a whole bunch of layers to sweat more and some strength training possibly. okay so hopefully i don't screw up.
Reply from britney, Age 15 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 67.84.165.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 63.135.11.xxx

From Amanda, Age 20 - 05/25/09 - IP#: 63.135.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 158 lb - so last night i "mini-binged" on fruits. (strawberries, grapes, and a bit of watermelon). we had a plate of fruit leftover from my parents and their friends breakfast, so i grabbed it. whats the harm really... i had only eaten 1100 calories, so i had the fruit, and.....some chips =O i know... bad. but it was just the crumbs in the bag. so im guessing i had about 1500 cals yesterday, but thats okay because i worked out this morning for 45 minutes. i was POURING sweat. it was gross, but nice at the same time lol i dont think i should have worked so hard so early because i had to stop half way through the video to relax because i started getting really bad stomach cramps :S i think i just pushed myself too hard. oh well. tomorrow ill take it easier. anyways hope you all are doing great ! good luck and stay focused

From Nikki, Age 20 - 05/25/09 - IP#: 205.188.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 241 lb, Today: 225 lb (BMI: 41), Goal: 150 lb - WEIGH IN TIME!! I will be weighing in every Monday. Well, I'm pleasantly surprised, I went from 230 (which is what I weighed on May 18th) to 225 (which is what I weigh today, May 25th) so that's 5lbs this week! I was getting discouraged, I didn't think I would lose much but 5lbs in one week is great. If I can lose 5lbs a week (which I doubt but hey I'm a dreamer lol) I can lose 20lbs in a month! That sounds GREAT! I cannot wait to be out of the 200's again!
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 63.135.11.xxx

From kristi, Age 19 - 05/25/09 - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 233 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - hey guys...so the gyms closed today since its memorial day...so i guess im gonna try to go run 2 miles outside but its been raining like crazy here!! so well see how it goes....we dont really have any equipment in the house so i cant do anything here...so tomorrow i might just work extra hard in the gym. I hate thats its closed lol. hopefully it stops raining though :D

From britney, Age 15 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 67.84.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 110 lb - TODAY I ATE OVER HALF OF A SUPER SIZE BAG OF DORITOS. i can't believe i did this and i'm putting on weight really quickly in the past 2 weeks and OH, I ATE A HUNGRYMAN DINNER THATS 850 CALORIES. and i had a sort of big breakfast- no fiber, just waffles,banana and peanut butter- its alot of calories. and then an apple. and i had a lean cuisine pizza. these past few days i've been eating waaaaaaay too much and i dont want this to get out of control. can anybody please help me before i end up like a balloon?
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from hii, Age 13 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 67.188.198.xxx

From yo, Age 18 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 71.96.241.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 180 lb, Today: 135 lb (BMI %tile: 79), Goal: 115 lb - ok, so last year, i was really big, close to 200 pounds, i hated my self, i was always sad, i walked with my head down, and people told me that i needed to cheer up, so one day i decided to loose weight, i tried really har, and i got to 135 pounds,i changed a lot i fixed my hear really preety, i dressed nicely, i used make up, i walk with my head up, and i feel beutiful. but i have a problem, people at school say that i changed a lot, that i have became a prep,that i am vein, and think i'm better than everybody, but i just want to feel better about my self, and all of those things people say are not true, i don't think i'm better than everyone, i just want to feel good. what shoul i do.
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 67.34.37.xxx
Reply from Jocelyn, Age 17 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 96.51.84.xxx
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 24.12.225.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 69.60.225.xxx

From Yasmin Hishmeh, Age 16 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 24.98.189.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 200 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 125 lb - is it bad that i am losing weight and not doing anything? and also, my plan is to ty to lose 8-10 lbs in 2 weeks. i will follow the first phase of the South Beach Diet and do Jillian Michaels new DVDs which says you can lose 5 pounds in one week.. What do u think?
comment please, or email me: zacefronchica@hotmail.com
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/25/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx

From stace, Age 17 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 68.8.69.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 138 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 130 lb - so i was wondering if anyone used the BEAN W0RK0UT?! if so please tell me if its worth it and good workout tips THANK Y0U!!!

From Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 255 lb, Today: 225 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - Hi all! Many of you new people may not know me but I used to come here all the time.. about 3 years ago? Wow. Anywho. I lost about 25 lbs at that time which would be about freshman year for me. I gained it back because a lot of the strategies I see that people are using here.. Now i'm a high school senior year who is about to graduate and I've lost weight, feel so much better about it and have the strength to keep it going.. (for a LONG time).. So I wanted to share my hints, tips and recent strategies.. Feel free to add any of your own!
- Eat every 2 hours. Really. Don't allow your body to become hungry for too long. As long as you feel full you can't feel starved!
- There's also that mentality of feeling "starved" or "deprived" because of the TYPES of foods you have to cut out to lose weight. Have these.. in SMALL.. and i mean small moderation. Don't have fast food one night ... (view more)

Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx

From britney, Age 15 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 67.84.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 142 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 110 lb - okay so i started 30 day shred last tuesday i think and i did it for 3 days but i skipped friday and saturday. and i've been eating horrible. somethings up with my body. i feel like totally weird and not like myself. but tonight i think i wanna do shred again and i guess the last two days were just "rest" days haha. well hopefully i get back to normal and start working out again.
Reply from Yasmin, Age 16 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 24.98.189.xxx
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx

From Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 63.135.11.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 225 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI: 25), Goal: 158 lb - i cant believe it.... im already down 5 pounds. i thought it would take 5 weeks because i was aiming for 1 pound per week, but after 3 and a half weeks im down 5 pounds. awesome! im so happy i thought it was hopeless, i could never get below 168 without giving up and then going back up to 170. now i know i can lose all of the weight and get to my ultimate goal (145-150). im so happy. and what else is super cool, i only have to lose 1 more pound to not be considered overweight anymore. at 164 i will be at the very very end of the healthy weight range... but i know im still chubby so im gonna shoot for another 15 pounds or so.. good luck everyone!!!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx

From kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 232.4 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - Its unbelievable how frustrated i get when losing 4 pounds in a weeek...i need to know thats good and weight loss is slow but ugh...still i work my butt off and feel like it just shouldnt be this hard today...todays the day before memorial day so my fam always has a big cookout where everyone comes toto...theres always such good food...my moms making me shrip so i can put a little of it on my salad and treat myself to my favorite food (shrip) ...its also my uncles birthday so i have to stay away from the cake...and dont try to tell me to eat one piece...because i dont even like cake...id rather eat something else! i just gotta stick to my salads annnd at noon when my gym opens im going to do what i did yesterday..run on the crosstrainer...im sooo upset tho i used to run a mile walk a quater run three forth walk a quarter ect but my hip has litterly been killing me and i cnat even walk on... (view more)
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx

From Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 241 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI: 42), Goal: 150 lb - COMING OVER FROM THE ADULT BOARD!! Hope you don't mind! This is the exercise I did this week (5/18 through 5/23) I plan on doing something tomorrow, I'll post a comment and let everyone know what I did. Mon.- 1 1/2hrs on stationary bike, 1 mile powerwalk (DVD) & 50 jumping jacks Tues.-1hr on stationary bike Wed.- 1hr on stationary bike, 20 squat kicks, 10 pushups off of the chair Thurs.-1hr on stationary bike, 3 mile powerwalk (DVD) Fri.-1hr on stationary bike & a "burn belly fat" workout Sat.-1hr on stationary bike. I had my period this week (TMI, lol) and I've read on a few different websites that you don't lose much weight while you're on your period. So we shall see, weigh in on Monday! I'll admit, if I didn't lose much weight I will be really discouraged because not only have I been exercising everyday since Monday (just started exercising on Monday) but I've been limiting my calories, taking in about 1500 to 1800 calories a day. Mainly sticking around 1500. Wish me luck!
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.65.110.xxx
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 63.135.11.xxx

From aliza, Age 14 - 05/24/09 - IP#: 125.237.12.xxx  Click here to reply  
since i can remember i have been above averge wieght im not obese but it seems all my food goes to my stomach.i eat very healtly and exercise but i eat to much.in september i started rowing ,lets just say it changed my life i dont think i have ever worked so hard in my life at the peak of rowing season i was doing 9 sessions of exercise a week,this boost my confidence and everyone was saying i looked skinner at that piont i didnt see myself differently but now im determined to for first time in my life get into a bikini for summer everyone takes being able to wear one grannted but im working on dramtic changes in my lifestyle and what really helps me is surrport family!what i always gets me is what i have to look forward to.give yourself incentives and motivate yourself!!!!trust me i no its not easy i have tried it a few times but stick at it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

From kristi, Age 19 - 05/23/09 - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 6'0", Start: 240 lb, Today: 233.2 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 180 lb - ugh i hate myself at night
lunch i had a grilled cheese with the 35 calorie bread so thats about 130 calories, and then about 3 i had a salad which was prolly about 70 calories...then for dinner i had a plate of vegies..which is 120 calories then i had a slice of pizza mmph try like 500 calorie....idk if thats how much there is in it...ugh sooo frustrated...at least i burned 700 cals today...tomrrow im going to the gym and buring 1000 ive decided...lol i dont care how long it takes :D prolly a hour and a half cause it took a hour for 700...ugh i hate being fat...i wish it were more simple but i guess once its accomplished ill be happier in the end.
Reply from Teresa, Age 17 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.102.143.xxx
Reply from kristi, Age 19 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 71.98.93.xxx
Reply from Nikki, Age 20 - 05/24/09  - IP#: 64.12.116.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 15 - 05/23/09  - IP#: 24.12.225.xxx

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