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From Helena - 03/04/01 Click here to reply  
Hello all you parents.I'm a 15 year old girl and I stumbled across this site when I was doing research for a project on childhood obesity. I've been looking over all your posts and this page in general and I've come to find myself very frusterated.I don't think this site is very healthy, espeshally the stories on the site which have an implied promise that if a child loses weight he (or she) will not get teased and will have friends. That's not true. Kids are most likly going to get teased and if not for being fat for being too tall or short or having glasses or whatever.I also do not appriciate (or appove) of this site because of the way it promotes thiness. I think the people who made this site had healthyness in mind for all children, but I feel they went about it from the wrong apporache.I feel you parents are going about it from the wrong way as well. I do not think you should be... (view more)
Reply from Nicole, Child's Age 14 - 12/16/02  - IP#:
Reply from Susan, Child's Age 9 - 03/16/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 03/11/01 

From ANNE, Child's Age 5 - 02/20/01 Click here to reply  
Hi,I have two sons one is 5 weighs 85 pounds and is 46 inches tall. The other is 7 is 95 pounds and is 55 inches tall. I try to limit their intake of sweets (no more than one small one a day) and make the rest of their food choices healthy ones.They are always saying they are hungry and will eat almost anything I give them. They are fairly active but with New England type winters it is hard to do anything.Any ideas on how to get them to maintain their weight without making them feel self-concious and worried about eating.I grew up with a weight problem and I am still dealing with issues from things said to me as a child I don't want this to happen to them.Help
Reply from Robby, Child's Age 13 - 06/27/01  - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 02/22/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 02/22/01 

From Steve, Child's Age 13 - 02/11/01 Click here to reply  
My son is quite overweight. He is 5' 4, and weighs about 150 pounds. He was 160 about three months ago, and he's been trying to lose weight by walking for an hour on the treadmill everyday. However, he can't seem to control his eating. We found that he averages about 32 grams of fat a day. How many calories and grams of fat does he need? His waist size has dropped from 34 to 33, which is pretty good, but its still too large. Does anyone know what I good waist size would be for him? I also have a weight problem. I'm 5' 10 and weigh about 230 pounds. I also wear a size 38 in pants. Does anyone know what I good size for me would be? We're trying to do this together, but we just can't control our eating. Tips on any of this would help.
Reply from anne, Child's Age 5 - 02/20/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 02/12/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 02/12/01 

From Sue, Child's Age 12 - 02/04/01 Click here to reply  
Does anyone know how many calories a 12 year old girl of about 4 foot 9 should be consuming in order to maintain a healthy weight? Can't seem to find this information anywhere, not for pre-teens anyway.
Reply from Dana, Child's Age 10 - 02/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from hermionie, Child's Age 11 - 02/14/02  - IP#:
Reply from Rob, Child's Age 13 - 06/25/01  - IP#:

From Danielle, Child's Age 9 - 01/30/01 Click here to reply  
My son, has gotten fat in just 1 year. He was quite thin before, he has autism and gets very anxious if we try to modify his diet or activity level. I think his weight gain initially was due to his medications, which I have discontinued due to this. He is teased mercilously at school.....please help!
Reply from anne, Child's Age 5 - 02/20/01 

From Lori, Child's Age 7 - 01/23/01 Click here to reply  
My daughter is 7 1/2 year old. She's getting a little plump, but I've never told her that cause I don't want her to "diet". She's 95th percentile in weight. I know how to cook for her when at home, but I need good lunch ideas. She goes to a private school and they can only pack. On Friday's she has pizza day. She knows to drink lots of water. If she has juice or soda it's only one glass then the rest water or milk. She does love sweets though and she eats quite a bit. She gets plenty of exercise because she's on a swim team. Thanks for your help!
Reply from Susan, Child's Age 9 - 03/16/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 01/23/01 

From Katrina, Child's Age 10 - 01/23/01 Click here to reply  
My daughter has Brittle Bone disease and has gained alot of weight in the last two years. It is hard on her body as well as hard for her Dad and I to lift her. She is a very picky eater so it has been very hard to encourage her to eat healthy foods. She enjoys all of those high fat foods. What can I do to help her trim down? I have looked at the OI (my daughter's disability) page but did not really get any solid ideas. I really want to do something for her that our whole family can be involved in. She is 41" tall and weighs about 70lbs. It is really hard to know because we would need a wheelchair scale to weigh her very often. I have tried to find out what her calorie intake should be for a person her size but all of the charts are geered towards women 5' or taller. I spent several hours in the bookstore yesterday looking for something to help us. We are now trying to get our ... (view more)
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 01/24/01 

From Tony, Child's Age 7 - 01/20/01 Click here to reply  
My beautiful little daughter Anya aged 7 years is starting to get quite plump and although we are sensible to what she eats and try to ensure she gets plenty of exercise what can we do without giving her a complex about staying thin ?
Reply from kelsi, Child's Age 13 - 03/06/04  - IP#:
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 01/23/01 
Reply from tana, Child's Age 8 - 09/22/01 
Reply from Kate, Child's Age 13 - 01/21/01 
Reply from Emily, Child's Age 12 - 01/21/01 

From Thelma, Child's Age 13 - 01/20/01 Click here to reply  
My daughter is really getting overweight. She eats almost constantly,, nibbling on any food in sight. But when I try to talk to her about it she gets furious at me. Anybody know how to talk to your teen about being overweight? Thanks a lot.
Reply from Terrie, Child's Age 14 - 02/15/01 
Reply from Sue, Child's Age 12 - 01/20/01 
Reply from Wendy, Child's Age 13 - 01/20/01 

From Diedra, Child's Age 15 - 10/22/00 Click here to reply  
My son eats constantly. He says he's always "starved". He's getting heavier and heavier, over 200 pounds now. I can't keep any food in the house, except stuff that is not fattening. I have to hide it or he eats it. ANybody else have this problem?
Reply from Blanch - 09/24/24  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 01/07/18  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 01/11/17  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 02/16/16  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 05/22/15  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 11/29/14  - IP#:
Reply from Blanch - 03/20/13  - IP#:

From Ethel, Child's Age 14 - 03/12/00 Click here to reply  
My kid sneaks food. He even steals money from us to buy junk food. We're awfull frustrated. Any ideas on how can I get him to change would really be appreciated.
Reply from baybcakes - 04/20/02  - IP#:
Reply from Bill, Child's Age 14 - 05/30/01  - IP#:
Reply from Terrie, Child's Age 14 - 02/15/01 

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