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From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/07/09 - IP#: 65.10.38.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I lost 2 more pounds!! I am so exicted. I'm about to go to my 2 hr. ballet class. See ya'll later and good luck!!

From Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09 - IP#: 74.72.193.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 260 lb, Today: 255 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - Ever since I was in fifth grade, I've always had problems with my weight. It wasn't so bad back then, though. I was tall, and just a bit thick. However, as the years went by, I just seemed to gain more and more weight. Now, at the age of seventeen, I am a horrifying weight of 260lbs. More than anything, I want to be healthy and fit. I'm too young to be as big as I am. I'm too young to be having chest and back pain, too young to be out of breath after walking three flights of stairs, too young to start sweating bullets after jogging a block to reach the bus. I want to be confident. I want to not have to worry about whether or not a shirt will show my love handles, or if jeans will fit too tight. I want to be able to shop with my friends in the same clothes store, without having to stand there and watch them try on size 5 and 7 and 9 pants, all the while knowing that the store definitely... (view more)
Reply from Veronica, Age 16 - 03/22/09  - IP#: 93.138.105.xxx
Reply from brooke, Age 14 - 02/07/09  - IP#: 67.84.165.xxx
Reply from Kaylie, Age 17 - 02/07/09  - IP#: 74.183.1.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/07/09  - IP#: 65.10.38.xxx

From Mikayla, Age 18 - 02/06/09 - IP#: 128.95.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 214 lb, Today: 195 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - I finally found time to go to the gym today. I did an hour of cardio and I feel sooooooooo good. I turn red when I run because I am so pale, and that started happening about 45 minutes into it. I was gonna quit, but I decided I was just gonna tough it out, look like a lobster and go for my full hour!
Reply from Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 74.72.193.xxx
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From sonnie, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#: 74.70.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - so i've jus started losing weight and i wuz wondering iz it a good idea 2 get a scale and when a good time 2 exercise
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from twitch, Age 13 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 69.236.167.xxx

From Montana, Age 16 - 02/06/09 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 217.5 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - I think it's been over a week and a half that I've done EXTREMELY crappy, so I'm honestly going to get back on track with the eating tomorrow. I'm going to get back into my exercising everynight and focous. I haven't weighed myself so I don't know how much I've gained...but I decided I was losing weight and it made me happy and I want to be happy with my body so I am going to do this. good luck everyone. =)
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/07/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from Meg, Age 17 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 74.72.193.xxx

From Twitch, Age 13 - 02/05/09 - IP#: 69.236.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 115 lb - so far for breakfast i had cereal, then some coconut water stuff, for lunch i had a sandwich with canadian bacon. in the afternoon i had some sobe lean as a drink. and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese. for dinner i had this vegetable turkey soup, a slice of bread, and an egg. i'm probably going to have an apple later as a snack.
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 72.144.194.xxx

From sonnie, Age 16 - 02/05/09 - IP#: 74.70.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 240 lb, Today: 230 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 140 lb - all rite so I've lost ten pounds which came off so easy all i did was exercise twice a day and i basically ate what i wanted but with portion control but after i lost my 10 pounds it kinda went to my head and i started not exercising and eating bad again. does anybody have any advice on how to stay on your weight loss plan and not lose focus?
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 72.144.194.xxx

From hii, Age 13 - 02/05/09 - IP#: 67.174.251.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 163 lb, Today: 163 lb (BMI %tile: 91), Goal: 120 lb - well i started exercises this morning but i just don't know how to stop eating all the junk
i had a muffin and croissant
and they're fattening

From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/05/09 - IP#: 72.144.13.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 175 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I did absoulutely ghastly today. As British as that sounds, it fits the horrible job I did of everything today. I made these muffins and ate 3!!! They weren't low-carb. 304 calories per muffin and 45 carbs per, too!!! I feel horrible. I went 184 calories above what I am usually allowed to eat which means 434 above what I wanted to eat! That stinks!! I hate myself, and I only exercised, like, a little bit. About 20 minutes of aerobics and 20 minutes of sprinting...ughh.
I'm eating salad for lunch + dinner tomorrow. If I don't, I'll hate myself more.. @_@ wish me luck. plz.
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Ki, Age 17 - 02/05/09 - IP#: 66.82.162.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 180 lb, Today: 177 lb (BMI %tile: 95), Goal: 135 lb - YAY! The first 3 pounds have come off! I know it doesn't seem like such a big deal, but when
I looked at the scale I started jumping up and down because as many times as I have tried to lose weight, I have NEVER lost a pound. Wow. It's such a great feeling. And it took a week. Anyways, I think I did an okay job today. I had water, a fruit cup, french toast sticks, some noodle things, and (unfortunantly)snuck a few goldfish. I know some of the stuff I ate wasn't the healthiest, but I didn't just snack all day. I try to eat about 3 meals a day and 2-3 snacks now so it's fine. I also walked about an hour today.
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/06/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Twitch, Age 13 - 02/04/09 - IP#: 69.236.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 115 lb - Ok i'm at 145. Probably lost a little bit of water weight. I kinda pigged out today. But on healthy stuff. I did fine until about 5:30. I had a bowl of steamed soybeans. Then for dinner, i had a quarter of a salmon wrap, some chicken, some smoked salmon, and some brown rice.

From molly, Age 15 - 02/03/09 - IP#: 173.21.131.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'1", Start: 147 lb, Today: 147 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - so i've just joined a gym and I love working out. I go and play tennis for a while and then run or something up on the machines. But i've got a serious issue. Whenever i'm done i have the BIGGEST appetite ever and I eat everything in site. any ideas on how to stop?
Reply from twitch, Age 13 - 02/04/09  - IP#: 69.236.167.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/04/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 65.10.21.xxx

From Twitch, Age 13 - 02/03/09 - IP#: 69.236.167.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 146 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 115 lb - does green tea count as water? not the bottled kind, but like if i took a tea bag and made it with hot water.
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 02/04/09  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 65.10.21.xxx
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 02/03/09 - IP#: 75.162.157.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 169 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - I read this intersting article saying that you should walk 30 minutes a day but do vigorous exercise for about an hour or so 5 days a week. That seems like a lot but I don't think it's too bad. Although if you are seriously physically unable to do vigorous exercise then I suggest just simple walking like I'm doing. Then increase the amount of time you walk as you progress then start running.
Anyway. In gym today I got really pissed because I HATE running and we run 3-5 minutes straight around the gym before we do stuff...that doesnt sound like alot but im so overweight its painful to run. and its my period and i've got killer cramps. anyhow so some kid started walking and we started over.. I think I ran for 15 minutes, I felt like dying. I know it was productive, but oh my gosh, it was CRUEL. I guess that's the gym teacher's job though. Anyway, I've done O.K. today...i've eaten too many potato chips...and I was craving something salty and they tasted so yummy. What's something salty that isn't high in Calories?
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 65.10.21.xxx

From Alice, Age 16 - 02/03/09 - IP#: 80.1.102.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'7", Start: 196 lb, Today: 194 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 123 lb - Hi! I've been overweight for so long, it's finally time to do something serious about it, so i'm so glad I found this board. So I have 71 pounds to go for my goal weight, so I have lots of work to do! I started on the 29th January, and I hope to have lost 12 pounds by 1st March. I think I'm doing enough exercise as I dance for atleast 5 hours a week, do 30 sit-ups a day and also play wii fit at home, but does anyone have any tips for not snacking? When I'm at home I find it so hard not to grab a snack every time I go to the kitchen, and it's never a healthy one. Anyone got any ideas for me to quit the crap? x
Reply from Veronica, Age 16 - 03/22/09  - IP#: 93.138.105.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 75.162.157.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 75.162.157.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 02/03/09  - IP#: 65.10.21.xxx

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