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Reply From Liz, Age 17 - 06/28/02 - IP#: 66.190.153.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
sometimes your body just doesnt go to any lower weight wise...i mean, your body is stopping because you are at the weight you should be at...just maintain it and you will turn out fine!

Reply From Michelle, Age 14 - 02/11/02 - IP#: 216.109.204.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hi! This weird for me cause we have the same name and when i was 13 i was in your exact situation! The most I can remember weighing is 170 pounds, but I was probably around 175 at one time or another. Now I am 150 pounds and i feel so much better! By media standards I am still obese, but to myself, I am the healthiest I have ever been. A few things I did: count calories such as eating only 1500 calories a day. I exercised such as running in place for 10 minutes a day. I am currently doing tae bo and I can't believe how much stronger my legs are! Try to take little steps. It took me a year to lose that much weight, and, eventhough I am at a plateau right now at 150 pounds, I don't really care as long as I feel good about myself. P.S. I am 5ft 1in, How tall are You? Good luck!

Reply From Ariel, Age 15 - 08/29/01 - IP#: 206.103.255.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Your prescription: exercising, eating right, and lots of water. You should exercise, because it tones up your muscles, and muscles burns a LOT more calories than fat. You should eat right, because it's good for you, and you should treat your body with respect. You should drink lots of water, especially inbetween meals, when you're most likely to pig out. Did you know: When you're thirsty, you're probably already dehydrated. So drink up! I know this works, because I've lost about 13 pounds so far. One bad part about exercising is that you hit plateaus. I'm on one right now. That's when you can't lose any more weight, and that means that you need to add more intensity to your workout. e-mail me at thelittlekittymermaid3@yahoo.com. We can support each other, and I'll help you when you hit your first plateau. God Bless!!! You can do it!!!

Reply From lexi, Age 17 - 06/22/01   show message replied to go to original board
I think you are too hard on yourself. Losing 20 pounds is a major accomplishment. Maybe you feel worse because you have been focusing on it for a long time. You have done a wonderful job. Don't give up! Instead of thinking you look terrible, try to think about good things about yourself. Here are a few: You are a hard worker! You're not afraid to ask for help! You are strong! You obviously care enough about yourself to write here.

Reply From Amy, Age 17 - 11/25/00   show message replied to go to original board
Hi Kelly,
I know, it's hard NOT to compare yourself to your friends. But the more you worry about how you look, and don't do something about it, the worse your self image will become. I am sure that you are not fat, you just don't feel comfortable. I would tell your mom how you feel about your body. One thing I have learned about excercise and weightloss is that you should keep your body guessing with what type of excercise you do. Volley ball is great! I used to play myself(your right, those spandex don't exactly compliment everyones figure -especially the shiny ones!) Vary your routine-because your body can adapt to one kind of excercise-although any is good for you, change can really make a difference. PROOF- I used to run on the high-school x-country team to lose weight-we ran very far every day, I lost ten pounds in a month but as the season continued, I platued or... (view more)