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From megannx3, Age 15 - 04/13/09 - IP#: 70.172.243.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 190 lb, Today: 180 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 140 lb - I lost weight and gained it back. fml. i want to loose 10 pounds before June 15 that gives me about 9 weeks. I need to get off the computer and do something about it. I was going to start today, but boy was i stupid. I ate chips & dip, thats not gonna get me anywhere! Right now i'm deep conditioning my hair, and tomorrow i'm going to the mall. So before i leave i hope i cant at least get my hour walk in. I was thinking for my diet i could:
-Eat a whole grain cereal for breakfast.
-Alternate b/t Tuna, and Turkey for lunch.[since i bring my lunch to school]
-Tuna/Turkey/Lean Cuisine. something like that.
Nothing but skim milk and water for me. :D
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/14/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx

From Danielle, Age 17 - 04/13/09 - IP#: 90.198.196.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 16 st 2, Today: 16 st 2 (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 10 st 0 - i need help, im Obese and No1 understands literally !.. i really don't no what to do anymoree, ive tried like every diet and the only one i found effective was weight watchers but that diet put me in the position where i ended up collapsing so i stopped. im in 6th form studying music & drama, i had done dance in my GCSE's and passed so i took it on in 6th form, but it got to the point where they were making me do ballet and telling me to wear a leotard and tights, i told them i wasn't comfortball and reminded them i wasn't a size 8 like the rest of them, but they said i had no choice if i wanted to stay on the course, this then lead to them putting me in that 'outfit' on stage in front on 300 people at a christmas concert, i done it at the time just because when im on stage im not the fat usless girl. But after the holidays i went back and dropped the course.
I genrally have no... (view more)
 (Note: 16 st 2 is 226 lb.)
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/13/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx

From Montana, Age 17 - 04/12/09 - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'0", Start: 228 lb, Today: 210 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 170 lb - 18 lb weight loss. 40 more lbs to go...
Reply from Montana, Age 16 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 207.200.116.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 130.15.213.xxx
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 04/11/09 - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - K, sorry I keep posting so much. I've been exploring health websites and such and I know that some of you are vegetarians. Here's a website for you-it talks about getting proper nutrition as a vegetarian. Hope this helps you vegetarians!
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 04/11/09 - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - So...I was thinking about cutting carbs completely out of my diet...which lets be serious, is totally unrealistic for me....So I was hoping somebody would have a piece of advice for me to start eating less carbs...!
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx

From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/11/09 - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Hey guys! I just had a MAJOR workout at dance class. You guys should really consider different ways to burn fat--challenge your body. Dancing is my passion though, it's not a reason to burn fat...although it does help. ^_* Welp, I hope you all are doing great. Keep on losing weight, keep on being beautiful, and keep on loving yourself!
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 04/11/09  - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx

From jamie, Age 13 - 04/11/09 - IP#: 76.22.13.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'11", Start: 105 lb, Today: 128 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 110 lb - okay,so my mom is in shape and fit and she never goes to the gym,and my dad's side of the family is kind of fat,so i yoyo from fit to over weight. i can lose weight but than i gain right back. i need the money before i can go to the gym. so that's out of it for now, but i also eat alot so how can i find away to stop eating food so much
Reply from matilda, Age 13 - 04/13/09  - IP#: 213.89.137.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/11/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 04/10/09 - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 130 lb - So...I'm really confused. I weighed myself yesterday evening and it said I weighed 178- 5 pounds higher than my starting weight, and I actually posted on it yesterday...but then I weighed myself this morning and it said I was 173, a very dramatic difference...so I was wondering...what time of day is best to weigh myself to get the most accurate weight?
Reply from lauren, Age 13 - 04/16/09  - IP#: 72.88.88.xxx
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/11/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 130.15.213.xxx
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx

From lisa, Age 15 - 04/10/09 - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 244 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 125 lb - Hey!So I've been wondering;how much weight do you think i'll lose if i become a vegetarian,stop eating bread,and drink nothing but soda?I've been doing this since saturday,and I weighed 251.Now its Friday and im 244,but i will weigh again tomorrow for a week long result.Its really hard to be a vegetarian,which I didnt realize until now.And all this water makes me feel sick.Every time i drink water i feel sick and i just woke up and drink some and then threw up:(and it was just water tinted in color.sorry for the description.well what do you think?
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/12/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx
Reply from Hali, Age 15 - 04/11/09  - IP#: 74.5.166.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 130.15.213.xxx
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx
Reply from lisa, Age 15 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 68.223.98.xxx
Reply from Hali, Age 15 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 74.5.166.xxx

From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/10/09 - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175 lb, Today: 170 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Guys, another pound! I am so happy! That's TWO pounds this week. If you want to know what I've been doing, just comment and I'll let you know. ^_^ So, this plan I'm doing (again, comment/reply!) will help me lose a dress size every 3 weeks and in 12 weeks, I will have dropped 3-4 dress sizes! So, I will be a 10 or 7! I haven't been that size since I was 8 or 9. I am so excited. !_! hehehehehe
Reply from DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/11/09  - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 04/10/09  - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx

From Melissa, Age 15 - 04/09/09 - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 173 lb, Today: 178 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Guys...I've gained 5 pounds!!!! This is starting to get depressing! I went on vacation for spring break and i just ate so much junk food....i feel bloated and tired and just HUGE. I've really got to stop eating so much crap! I hope that everybody else has done better though!!! Love you guys!

From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/08/09 - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I'm so sorry that I'm back again. But I've been trying to find some dumbbells (metal hexes, vinyl, whatever) and a flat exercise bench for cheap. Does anyone know where they sell them??? I need some 2 lb, 3 lb, and 5 lb.

From Hali, Age 15 - 04/08/09 - IP#: 74.5.166.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 181 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Sorry, forgot to change goal weight!

From Hali, Age 15 - 04/08/09 - IP#: 74.5.166.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 181 lb, Today: 181 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 166 lb - SO I have officially gained back the 10 pounds I lost. I cant believe it. I cant believe I let myself go back to it. I feel so fat, I just wish it would go away on its own. Ugh, has anyone else gone through this, a relapse? help.
Reply from Melissa, Age 15 - 04/09/09  - IP#: 71.35.237.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 18 - 04/09/09  - IP#: 130.15.213.xxx
Reply from Samantha, Age 17 - 04/08/09  - IP#: 69.123.117.xxx

From DancingDamsel, Age 13 - 04/08/09 - IP#: 65.10.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 175 lb, Today: 171 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Guys, it's me again, I know, but listen: I've put together a list of great books for losing weight and gaining muscle (girls' books so you won't look like a man), here they are, if you want to check them out:
Toning for Teens: The 20-minute workout that makes you look good and feel great----Joyce Vedral
Perfect Parts----Rachael Mklish
The Diet for Teenagers Only-----Barbara Schroeder and Carrie Wiatt
Definition or The Bathing Suit Workout by Joyce Vedral
Hope this helps! (btw, Toning for Teens shows you all about the weights and stuff as does Perfect Parts. the following one does mostly food.)
Reply from Kiah, Age 11 - 07/24/09  - IP#: 75.94.116.xxx

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