Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 School starts soon!

=> I am 12 years old and I have no friends because I am fat.I wear make up and they say I am not fit to wear it.I want to change over the summer.I got contacts and now I want to loose weight in 4 weeks when school starts.I lost weight 5 pounds but then I gainded it back for over eating.I really need help with this.can you help me please!!!????

 Looking and feeling different can be hard. It is even harder when other classmates point out this difference. Many kids and teens report that this is the hardest part of being overweight. Sounds like the beginning of the next school year is motivating you to eat healthier and exercise. Here at Blubberbusters, we encourage healthy weight loss. This includes losing 1 to 2 pounds a week. With that said, I encourage you to pick one or two goals a week to help you be healthier. Some goals to consider:
1.) Eat only when physically hungry. Stop eating when you are full. Here's a link to find out more: Empty/Full Scale
2.) Walk or dance for 10 minutes everyday. Every week, try to add 5 minutes.
3.) Drink only water between meals.

Once school starts, I encourage you to keep going with your new healthy eating and activity goals. Being back around certain classmates may make it hard. Check out these two links to help with teasing and self esteem:
Self Esteem

Good luck! We believe in you!

 I have tried EVERYTHING!

=> it seems like i have tried everything to lose weight. my problem is that i get depressed(its about more than just being over weight) so i eat more.And I can never seem to stick to eating right or exercising.I always seem to get lazy or forget.I've asked everyone about tips for losing weight and i have gone to all the websites about it too.but something always comes up and i stop dieting and exercising.so...how can i stick to it and keep myself motivated without feeling starved and depressed

 Seems like you have looked long and hard for the answer to your weight loss questions. I may have a different response for you. What if I told you that you already have the answer? I think you hit the bullseye when you said you eat more when you are depressed. All the info about losing weight and eating "right" may not help you especially when you feel really sad. Eating has helped you get through the deep sadness so far. One thing I know to be true is that a person needs to learn to cope with sadness in other ways before the person can get to a healthy weight. This may mean meeting with a trusted adult to talk about your saddness. You could also meet with a counselor or check out the website www.teenhelp.org. For more info on emotional eating, click here.

 Fat to muscle

=> I want to know the best way of turning my fat into musle.

 Unless a person has magical powers, no one can turn their fat into muscle. This is a myth. Our bodies simply do not work like that. This is what we can do:
1.) We can decrease the amount of fat we have in our body by increasing the cardiovascular exercise. This type of exercise is also called cardio and it is the type that gets our hearts beating faster. Examples are walking, dancing, jumping, running, and biking.
2.) We can increase the size of our muscles by increasing our strength training (lifting weights and resistance training) along with the increased cardio. Too much weight lifting can hurt your growth, so meet with someone about lifting weight before you start. Good luck!

 Keeping the weight off this time!

=> Once you lose the weight how can u keep it off???

 Many kids and teens are happy when they get to their healthy goal weight. At the same time they are worried about gaining it back. Consider these three things to help keep your weight healthy:
1.) Use a hunger/fullness scale or learn to only eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. For more info. on this, check out this link: Empty/Full Scale
2.) Find other ways to express your feelings instead of eating for comfort.
3.) Continue to be physically active most days of the week. Remember, these activities are for your enjoyment and to help your body. They are not to punish it.
Good Luck!

 How can I lose fat in one area?

=> Where is most of your fat located and how can you lose the fat in those certain areas?

 Fat is stored and used throughout the whole human body. We store fat in and around our muscles, heart, lungs, and even brain. Everyone stores it differently based on their genes. You may notice that you store your fat in the same way other people in your family do. Also, right before a growth spurt a girl stores more in her butt, thighs, and hips. Many boys store more around their stomach at this time. This is normal and gets a person ready to get taller.

When a person it too large and needs to lose weight, a person cannot remove fat from a certain area. There are no exercises we can do that "spot reduce" or take away fat only from a specific area. By increasing your cardio or exercises that get your heart beating faster, you can slowly decrease your body's percent of fat. Again, everyone loses weight differently and it will be based on your genes. Good luck!

 Foods that make me fat

=> Which foods make you fat?

 That is a great question! I assume many people would pick foods and drinks like soda, donuts, French fries, ice cream, cookies...and many others. You may be surprised to note that NONE of those foods or any others have the power to make a person fat.

No one food can make a person fat. The only way a person gets too large is by eating more calories than her or his body needs over a certain period of time. With that said, many people eat high calorie foods like the ones listed above and never gain a pound. The reason why they do not gain weight is because the food is included in a balanced eating plan.

Yes, eating too many high calorie foods all the time can make a person too large. That does not make the food a bad food, though. All foods are good and can be eaten at some point. A good way to keep your meals and snacks balanced is to consume fruits, veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, low fat and fat free milk everyday. One or two times per month have the higher calorie foods like cookies, soda, ice cream, etc. I hope this helps. Good luck!

 I am too lazy!

=> I am 14, I like running, and I usually have the energy to run, but I never feel like running. At night, I usually say, "I'm going to get up and run at the YMCA in the morning." But when I wake up, I am too lazy to go anywhere, even after I have a lot energy. Help!

=> What are ways I can motivate myself to exercise?

 Finding the motivation to exercise is tough. I believe the answer to your question lies within you. I do not think you are lazy. Rather, I think you have not found the tools that work for you. To get there, consider doing a few experiments to see if it helps to motivate you.

First, I wonder what the negative side of exercise is for you. You probably already know the positive parts of exercise. It will help you lose weight, help your muscles get stronger, and help you feel better about yourself. It is important to consider the reasons why you don't "feel" like exercising. Some kids and teens say they do not feel like getting up early, they do not want to get sweaty and ruin their hair, they do not want to miss a tv show...there a millions of reasons why a person may not want to exercise. Think about it for yourself. Make a list.

From this list, you maybe able to find ways to "get around" your negatives. For example, if getting up early is a major drag for you, maybe plan your exercise for later in the day.

After making these lists, it will be time for the next experiment. Consider trying an experiment for one of your ways to "get around" your negatives. Using my example, make an experiment to try and plan to go to the YMCA in the afternoon instead. See how it goes. If it works--YAY! If not, well, then try a different way. Getting in the habit of exercise does NOT happen over night. Just like losing weight, it is a process. Be patient with yourself. Good luck!

 People talk bad about me!

=> I have been overweight for awhile. I wanna know how can I deal with other people talking about me?

 Looking and feeling different can be very hard. It can be even harder when people point out these differences as a way to put a person down. They can do it behind a person's back or in front of everyone. Ouch! Many kids and teens on blubberbusters talk about how this affects them. Here are some ideas that have helped some:
--Talk to a friend of the person who talks about you. You may feel a bit more comfortable around this person. Tell this person how it affects you when the other person talks about you. Ask this person to support you. They may even tell the other person to stop talking about you.
--Many mean people pick on lots of other people. Find other people this person talks about. Invite them to hang out with you during recess or after school. Becoming friends with other people in the same situation will give you safety in numbers. Sometimes people feel stronger when they have people around them that support them.
--Talk to your school counselor about how this person's comments affect you. They can support you. They can also provide a safe place to talk about your feelings.
--Remember, the person talks about you because of their own low self-esteem. It is NOT your fault.
--For more hints, check out one of Lucy's past tips: Self Esteem

 I want to lose the fat!

=> I work out and play basketball and soccer but I can't lose weight. I do crunches at home all the time but every time I get on the scale I seem to gain weight. I am 5'3 and weigh 164 and I have muscle but I want to know how to lose the fat and if I can by working out.

 Sounds like you try very hard to be active and you are getting frustrated since that number on the scale just will not move! Many kids and teens report getting frustrated when they do not see their hard work pay off. To answer your question, yes you can break down stored body fat by increasing your activity level. Here are some things to consider:
--Only increasing your exercise that gets your heart beating faster will help you lose the fat. When a person's heart beats faster in an activity, it is called cardiovascular activity. Try to do activity like this (basketball, soccer, dancing, walking, jumping rope, etc) most days.
--Doing things like crunches make your muscles stronger. It does not make the fat around your stomach go away since it does not get your heart beating that much faster. It also will not help you lose weight.
--Exercising enough is only one third of the whole weight loss picture. Another part to consider is how you are eating. Check out the school area and tips on this site to learn more about healthy eating. Decreasing the amount of food you eat will also help your body lose the fat.
--Remember that muscle weighs more than fat. Sometimes the scale is not the best way to measure your weight loss efforts. Consider keeping track of how your clothes fit instead. Many people lose inches from their body breaking down fat. The same people may not lose any pounds on the scale at the same time.
--Good luck!

 I can't stop eating!

=> why do i eat and can't stop from morning when i wake up till when i go to bed i eat!?

 Many kids and teens say they eat all day long. Many times they are eating because they are bored, sad, lonely, mad, frustrated, nervous, or simply not happy. Some say they don't know why, they just feel better when they eat, and when they try to stop it is too hard. To stop being so "addicted" to the foods, slowly try to change your eating habits. To do this, find some low calorie foods that you enjoy. Some people like baby carrots, or sugar free jello. Other kids say they like flavored waters. Make sure you find some low calorie foods you like before you start to change. Then, find other things to do with your hands to keep you busy. Just like finding the new food, make sure you find activities you enjoy before you start changing your eating.

Once you have found some foods and activities, pick one thing to change. For example, you can decide to cut down on the soda you drink. Whenever you get a craving for this drink, pick one of your low calorie foods or do the activities you have planned. Basically, it sounds like you need to slowly wean yourself off some of the foods. When times are tough, go to your support system or this website. Good luck!

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