Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 How can I get my school cafeteria to serve healthy food?

=> I am writing an article for my school newspaper. I am discusted with the junk food our cafateria serves. The school serves a wide varity of unhealthy sugary, fatty, greasy, and salty foods. The only healthy foods are dry peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and frozen salads with descusting toppings. The meat tastes like earwax and the lettace is wilty. What can I ask the lunch ladies to do to change this?

 Sounds like you are having a hard time choosing healthy food at school. Many kids complain of this. To start, I would consider bringing part or all of your lunch from home. You could do this everyday or just a few days a week. Bringing a piece of fruit and some reduced-fat crackers from home could pair well with a salad and milk from school.

I would talk to your lunch ladies and tell them what you would like to see at lunchtime. Maybe ask your parents to help out. The lunch ladies might not know you want different things. Ask them to put out a salad bar where each person could pick the toppings she wants on her salad. You could also ask them to offer fresh fruits like apples or bananas everyday instead of cookies, brownies, or chips. Good Luck!

 I eat when I feel bad and how can I eat healthy at school?

=> Hi wiw! I am 15 years old, 265 pounds, but I am 6 feet tall.(Im a girl) And its REALLY hard for me to stop eating based on how i feel. If im sad, I just have to eat. And it doesn't help that my family loves to eat fast food. I would like to know, how can i eat at school, but still diet? I am going to try eat healthier, and smaller portions. But the lunch, I think, isn't any better than eating a whole carton of chinese food!

 Many kids say they feel like turning to food when they feel sad, bored, angry, frustrated, stressed, and happy. Next time you want to eat because of your feelings, try calling a friend or going for a walk. Some kids feel better after writing in a journal or diary when they feel uncomfortable feelings. Further, you can't write and eat at the same time. Keep writing until the feelings go away. You will learn a lot about yourself this way, too!

To eat healthier at school, try to fill up your plate with as many vegetables and fruits as possible. Also, drink fat free milk, 1% milk, or water instead of fruit drinks, juices, or sodas. Skip the chips, cookies, or brownies. Over time, your body will feel healthier from your effort!

 What are whole grains?

=> I always read that we should eat whole grains to be healthier. I know that means bread or something else starchy, but what makes something whole grain and why is that good?

 You may have seen grain growing in a field, like wheat for example. Wheat seeds are ground up to make flour, which is made into things like breads and muffins. Typically only the starchy part of the grain seed is used. The "fiber" part of grains is generally discarded. "Whole grains" contain the fiber as well. Why are fiber and whole grains good for you? Because fiber can keep us feeling full. That can really help when someone is trying to cut back on food to lose weight. Health professionals recommend whole grains since they are high in fiber. Fiber takes a long time for stomachs to empty so you won't feel hungry an hour after you eat something high in it. Fiber also helps to make our hearts and colons healthier.

Filling up on whole grains and fiber is easy! Look at the Nutrition Facts label on a food product like whole grain bread. Under the heading, Total Carbohydrate, you can find how many grams of fiber are in each serving of the product. Foods highest in fiber include many breakfast cereals, breads, whole-wheat wafers, brown rice, and beans. If you increase your fiber intake, remember to increase the water you drink too! Good luck!

 Is it bad that I gave my child treats when he was sad, and that I try to control what he eats?

=> I have a hard time getting my child to stop eating. He is always asking for seconds and when I tell him no he just sneaks food later! Sometimes he begs and cries for food and I try not to give in yet it’s the only way he stays quiet. I think he does this since I used to give my child treats when he was sad. There is no way he can lose weight at the rate we are going. Please help!

 It sounds like you are very concerned about your child's health and you are getting frustrated with the process. Your question and comments are very common. Many parents use food as reward or to soothe yet a recent study shows how that can contribute to childhood obesity. [Click here for article].

As a parent, you must pick your battles. One battle that may never be won is controlling portions at meals and snacks. There is no way of knowing whether your child is really still hungry or is full. Further, telling your child that he is not really hungry erodes his personal hunger gauge. Clean plate clubs as well as restricting portions too much may take away your son's ability to feel hunger or fullness. Many adults lose this ability and can cause further problems with overeating.

Instead, pick your battles. As a parent, you can dictate when your child can eat and what he has to choose from at meal times. Your child, then, can choose how much he wants to eat, what he will eat among the choices you give him, and even if he would like to eat at all. This system will eliminate many food fights at home and make meal times more peaceful for everyone.

As a parent, your role will be to set specific and consistent meal and snack times. Try to stick to these plans everyday. These set times will keep your child from overfilling at meals or feel as if he has to sneak food. He will become accustomed to this schedule as will his stomach. Further, as the parent you should provide the healthiest foods possible at each meal and snack. Providing the lowest calorie and nutrient dense foods will eliminate your concern with overeating or portion control. No big deal if he has two helpings of carrots at dinner or wants two apples for snack! Be patient as you make this transition. Your son will have to adjust physically and emotionally to these guidelines. He will probably adjust after a few days.

 What is bingeing?

=> I tried to throw up today, but I stopped myself by the third time I gagged. I DON'T WANT TO BE BULIMIC AGAIN but I ate so much today and I feel SO hopeless! I binge every time I'm at home. For the longest time I've been avoiding home...but I can't go on like this forever, right?! I've lost 5-6lbs since last month, and I'd like to lost another 6lbs by next month. I just dont' see it happening because I just CAN'T stop when I'm at home! This is what I had: 3 bowls of yogurt, 5 egg rolls, 2 steam buns, a nectarine and a bowl of rice and pork. AND it's not even dinner time yet! I don't know what to do with myself. But I'm glad I didn't throw up. Pleas help me.

 When trying to lose weight, many kids restrict themselves so much that they end up depriving themselves of many foods. Eventually they can't stand being deprived any longer, the flood gates open, and they overeat huge amounts all at once. They also may overeat large amounts when they are upset about something to keep themselves from feeling the pain. Eating a lot of food (more than is socially okay) is called bingeing and it sounds like you may be doing that. Is there something at home that upsets you? Even more, the binges seem to make you feel bad or guilty and make you want to get rid of it. This is called purging or bulimia and is very unhealthy. You wrote that you do not want to be a bulimic and it seems like you feel out of control with your food. Maybe you are depriving yourself too much to lose weight. Remember, losing weight is really about having a healthier body. Don't lose weight just to punish your mind. Allow yourself to have foods (maybe ice cream, soda, cookies, etc) two times per month. Don't count the calories or fat grams. Just have a portion and don't exercise extra. This way of eating - having so-called "bad" foods a few times per month - is called moderation. You will still help your body to be healthier while restoring your mind.

Sometimes, kids still binge and purge and it may mean that they need extra help to be healthier. Getting extra help is okay! Talking with a school counselor, a parent, or another trusted adult can really help kids gain more control. You may need this too---check it out and don't give up! Keep coming to the bulletin boards for support.

 What about bulimia?

=> ...lately I have been turning to Bulimia. I know it is unhealthy but I have lost weight but I want to lose it the healthy way so I don't get sick and have to be institutionalized! Please give me advice on how to lose weight healthy!

 Trying to change one's eating habits and lose weight can be a hard and slow moving process-especially if one tries to change in a healthy way. Sometimes kids tell me about other ways to lose weight, like purging (also called vomiting or bulimia), and feel tempted to use them since they may see weight loss faster. It seems that you have heard about these ways, too, and are tempted to use them. These methods are VERY unhealthy and can lead to horrible teeth, dry icky skin, and dull hair that falls out easily. Even more, bulimia can cause death! The main reason to lose weight is for your health and bulimia does not result in a healthier body or mind.

To lose weight in a healthy way, remember that you want to fuel your body with plenty of fruits, veggies, whole grain breads and cereals, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats. Drink lots of water and be more physically active. While fueling your body, don't forget about fueling your mind. Many kids trying to lose weight are hard on themselves for not seeing results when in reality they are already healthier than before. Don't give up! Fuel your mind with positive thoughts about yourself and hang around people that also do so. Post up positive sayings around your bedroom and in your locker that remind you that you are worth a healthier body and mind!

 What can I do to feel better about myself?

=> I'm 12 years old and im over weight.I weigh about 151 and im 4'11 so I know that my weight isn't very heathy. I get made fun of a lot. I never really say anything back to the people who say stuff but it still hurts me. I know my mom means well by trying to get me to lose weight but sometimes she says some pretty hurtful things. She thinks that I'm not trying to lose weight, she just thinks that I'm gaining more and more weight as I breathe. I am trying to lose weight, its just that its really hard. I cut down my eating habits and I don't eat as much junk. I just can't lose weight for some reason. I'm not sure if you can write to me but if you can...then can you please write back. I really need someone to talk to about my weight

 Sounds like some people are giving you a hard time with their words and it is really bringing you down. Sometimes kids tell me that they always remember the bad stuff people say instead of the good stuff. Some kids feel better when they write down the good stuff they hear or notice themselves - you should try this too! Try writing 2 or 3 things down in your own diary or notebook that you are proud of doing that day or a nice comment you may have heard. When times are rough and you feel sad, I recommend talking with your school counselor, a parent, or another trusted adult. Sometimes talking about the rough stuff can make kids feel better!

Since you are motivated right now to be healthier, I encourage you to keep it up! Keep filling up on fruits, veggies, whole grain breads and cereals, low-fat dairy products, and lean meats. From your message, you have cut down on your junk food and that helps too! Although you might not see yourself losing weight, you are making your body healthier and that is what counts! Stay motivated by having an activity buddy or check into the chat rooms or bulletin boards to talk with other kids going through the same things. You won't see a change overnight yet it will happen. Stick with it!

 How about a diet of just vegetables and fruits?

=> im eating a srictly vegetables and fruit diet and nothing else. is this healthy. i lost 8 lbs my first week including exersize. is this too fast.

 Eating only fruits and vegetables is not healthy for you. You need some of all of the food groups in order for your body to be healthy. If your body doesn't get all of the energy and nutrients it needs your metabolism will slow down and you will start harming your body. Eating that little does not burn fat. It burns up your muscles. Keep in mind that the majority of the 8 pounds you lost is water weight, not real weight loss. You can't live on fruits and vegetables for the rest of your life, so you are setting yourself up for failure. I recommend that you see your doctor to help you find a dietitian to develop a safe meal plan with.

 Got milk?

=> is it good to drink a lot of milk? what does that do to your diet? are some milks 'better to drink than others' ?

 It is okay to drink 3 glasses of milk a day. Milk has protein and calcium in it. Calcium is especially important at your age because getting enough of it will keep your bones strong throughout your life. If you do drink a lot of milk the best kind to get is nonfat otherwise you are adding a lot of fat into your diet. You can get used to non-fat milk by gradually diluting 2% and then 1% milk with skim milk - you don't really miss the taste of the extra fat.

 How about the Cabbage Soup Diet?

=> I am 15 years old and am 5'7.I weight 207.5 lbs.I was just wondering how much weight do you think I would lose in about 10 weeks? Is it safe to lose 3-4 pounds a week, and also I was wondering if it would be safe for me to go on the "cabbage soup diet" im not sure if you have heard of it but if you have please let me know! :) I would also love any advise that you would have to give to lose weight successfully! Thanks alot for your time and advise!

 The most weight that health professionals say is safe to lose is 2 pounds per week. Losing any more than that is not safe or healthy.

The "Cabbage Soup Diet" is likely not healthy because it eliminates foods/food groups. Part of healthy eating is being able to eat anything - moderation is the key. If we tell you to not think about a flying fish, what are you thinking about right now (a flying fish J). When we tell ourselves we can't have something, it just makes us want it more! Another way to test a "diet" out is to think, "Is this something that I can do for the rest of my life?" If not, chances are it won't help you lose weight and keep it off. Healthy eating means developing eating habits you can live with throughout your life.

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