Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Should I lock my fridge?

=> I am really fat, I weigh 320lbs. I was wondering if I lock my fridge and snacks and stuff up and only eat dinner, will that help me loose weight?

 Sounds like you are desperate to lose weight and willing to try anything to get there. I encourage you to not use this method for a few reasons. Eating only dinner will not give your body the energy and nutrients it needs to break down stored fat. Instead, your body will sacrifice your muscle and keep the fat. Eating only one time per day puts your body in a "starvation mode." This puts a very unhealthy strain on your body. It slows down your metabolism and may make it harder for you to lose weight even in a healthy way.

Further, I do not recommend locking the food from you. You need to be okay being around food and learn to deal with the temptation associated with it. You will always have to eat and you will always have to be around it. Avoiding it by locking it up may promote bingeing today or later in your life. Make peace with the food! It will set you free and allow you to live healthier!

 I have gotten to my goal weight...how do I stay there?

=> I recently lost 25lbs and i feel pretty good about myself. I cut back on all sugar and fatty foods. i ate vegetables. i always check foods to see how many calories there are. now that i have lost the weight what do i do? if i eat foods like muffins, cookies, nachos, chips, fries, pasta, peanuts, etc will i gain all the weight back? i am very worried.

 How exciting for you to be at a healthy weight! I am very proud of you and glad you found the tools to help you get there. Sounds like you got to a healthy weight by eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins and eating less refined high fat high sugar foods. To keep the weight off, still fill your body with these everyday foods. It maybe helpful now to learn to eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. Make sure each meal has a lean protein, whole grain, and lots of non starchy veggies. Further, it is okay to have some of the foods (muffins, nachos, chips, etc) in moderation. Moderation means one or two times per month. No food makes a human fat...just the excess of foods. Lastly, make sure you continue exercising. Most of the research on people who have lost weight suggests that exercise helps them stay there. Good luck!

 How do I "just do it?"

=> How does one "just do it"? How do you convience yourself to "just do it"?

 The saying "just do it" makes losing weight sound so easy. If anyone tells you losing weight is easy, they probably don't know what they are talking about! I encourage you to prepare yourself to change your eating habits. Start writing down what you eat everyday. Do this for at least a week. Then, look over it and decide on one or two things to change. Next, tell people who support you about what you want to change. They will help you be accountable and you can turn to them when times get rough. Also, try finding an exercise buddy. This person can help you exercise when you don't feel like it and you can do the same for them! Further, come to the chat room and bulletin boards on this site for extra support! Lastly, pick a date when you are going to start your changes. Good luck!

 I sneak food!

=> I sometimes sneak into the kitchen and eat a lot of junk food and bad things, it's really hard to stop, what should i do?

 You are right, it is really hard to eat less junk foods! There could be many reasons why you have a hard time. You may not be giving yourself enough calories and other nutrients during most of the day. This may make you extra hungry. This can make many kids and teens binge especially on high sugar high fat foods.

Also, you may not be allowing yourself any of these "bad" foods. To start, stop referring to foods as good or bad. All foods are good and no one food makes a person fat. Too much of anything can be bad. Allow yourself a high calorie, fat, and sugar food a few times a week and then try to eat one just one time a week. Slowly wean yourself off these foods. Even more, have activities to do when you feel the cravings hit. You may feel antsy or uncomfortable. Just know, the uncomfortable feeling will go away with time. Find people to support you or jump on this site. People are always around in the chat room or on the bulletin boards. Good luck!

 Help me lose 100 pounds!

=> I am 12 years old and dreadfully overweight. I need help. All of my friends weigh at least 100 pounds less than me. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in a year. I am tired of being tired easily, not being able to fit into nice clothes, being ashamed to go outside, and feeling sorry for myself.

 It can be very hard to look different. I encourage you to check with your doctor if you haven't already. It maybe good to get some guidance from your doctor since you want to lose 100 pounds. Also, I recommend setting some behavior goals to help start off. Set one or two things to change your eating each week. Reward yourself with a non-food treat when you meet it. A good goal is to walk for 20 minutes (or however long you can now) 3 days per week. Another example is to eat a piece of fruit at snack instead of a donut. Pick a few goals for each week. Make sure to reward yourself. Losing weight is a long process that will take patience. Stick with it! We believe in you!

 How do I stay committed to my diet?

=> I want to lose weight but yet i can't keep the commitment. How do you stay committed to losing weight? I want to lose weight so bad, but every time we go to a restaurant, I never get anything healthy there. I think about exercising, yet I struggle to get moving.

 Staying committed to weight loss can be frustrated for many kids and teens. Here are some suggestions that have helped others:

  • Consider keeping a food and activity journal. Tracking your progress may help keep you motivated. Also, it may show you that you eat healthier more often they you realize.
  • Pick one or two healthy eating or physical activity goals for each week. After the week is over, reward yourself with a non-food treat for your hard work.
  • Consider healthy eating and physical activity as a day to day process. Each day is a new day. Each day gives you the chance to make it healthy!
  • Find an exercise buddy. This person may help you get motivated on days you don't feel like exercising. You can also be the motivator for them!
  • One or two times per month, let yourself have certain high calorie restaurant foods. Having them in moderation, or one or two times per month, will not affect your weight loss efforts. Good luck!

 My depression keeps me from losing weight!

=> have done everything I can...now I think I need some help. I always try to lose weight...and I do lose it...but then when I get depressed I gain it all back. I was 196 then got down to 145ish...i got depressed with problems at home with my dad's drinking and school...and i was back up to 176 again! all of my hard work down the drain...do you have any advice about what to do when I am depressed instead of eat?

 I am glad you realize you eat to comfort and cope with life's stressors. You are not alone as many kids and teens do the same. Life always has stress so it is good to find other ways to cope or your weight will continue to go up and down.

What else helps you feel better? When other kids and teens are depressed, they try these activities:

  • journaling
  • writing poetry
  • playing music
  • walking in the park
  • making model airplanes
  • taking a bubble bath
  • cry
  • talking on the phone with a friend
  • drawing or painting
  • cleaning
  • screaming into a pillow
  • punching a punching bag

Some of these activities may interest you. Explore them and others to see if they can give you some comfort when you are deeply sad. Also, they may not feel as good as food feels. This is because you may have been using food for comfort for a very long time. It will take awhile to find something as good (and better) then food. To do this, practice these other comforting activities as much as you can. Over time, they will be more comforting than food! Lastly, many kids and teens need help battling the stressors at home or at school. Getting help is okay and a sign of strength! Consider meeting with a school counselor or a counselor in your community to talk about your sadness. This has helped many other kids and teens lose weight since they are expressing their sadness in other ways besides food.

 I am so lazy!

=> I want to lose weight, but I'm so tired and lazy! How can I get up and move?

 The first thing you can do to help yourself is to stop calling yourself lazy! How does calling yourself a negative name help you lose weight? It doesn't! It only makes you believe that you never will (which is NOT true)! Start believing in yourself!

Also, I wonder if you haven't found an activity you enjoy. Explore all the different ways to move your body. Try walking, hiking, dancing, biking, swimming, Pilates, tae bo, yoga, dancing, fencing, boxing, Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)...I could go on and on! Also, try finding an exercise buddy. This may help you enjoy exercising even more!

 What about fasting?

=> Is fasting an answer to lose weight???????????????????

 Fasting may seem like a very easy and tempting way to lose weight. It may seem that logically, a person could lose weight fast. WRONG! Fasting to lose weight can be a dangerous and even fatal way to try to change. It changes how your body works and breaks down your muscles...including your heart muscle! You metabolism slows down preparing for your whole body to shut down. This is a very dangerous thing! I encourage you to eat balanced meals and snacks...include lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, lean proteins and dairy. Eat when you are physically hungry and stop when you are full. Increase your activity. Losing weight and keeping it off can take awhile...be patient with yourself and you will do it!

 Summer weight loss

=> What can I do over the summer to lose weight so next year in high school is more enjoyable for me?

 Many kids and teens look to the summer to be the time for quick weight loss. I encourage you to make healthy food and activity choices to make your body healthier yet set realistic goals. For more tips on summer weight loss, check out this link:

Summer Weight Loss Tips

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