Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 My doctor told me I am morbidly obese!

=> Hi Luy. I am 17 yrs old. I am still in school and i have a job at arbys. In a recent trip to my doctor he sayed that i was morbidly obese. I never thought that i was overwieght. can you give me some tips on how to lose the weight?

 Hi! Sounds tough to hear that from your doctor. I hope you find these tips helpful to help you start getting healthier.

1.) Eat three meals everyday. Include breakfast. Eat a snack between if you are physically hungry.
2.) Learn how to tell the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Eat when you are physically hungry. That is when your stomach growls. Stop eating when that feeling goes away. Some teens call that feeling, "normal." Do not eat past this normal feeling because that is too full.
3.) Learn other things to do when you are emotionally hungry. Emotional eating is when you eat when you are bored, mad, sad, lonely, stressed, and happy.
4.) Since you work at a fast food place, learn to not go to work hungry. Prepare for those times by knowing which foods at your work are best for you. Check out their company website to look through the nutrition information.

Good luck!

 Help me stop eating when I am bored!

=> You see, when i'm bored I want a snack. How can I stop doing that?

 Many kids and teens say it is really tough to not eat when bored. There are many reasons why this happens and many ways to change it! Here are some things to experiment with:

1.) Keep track of the times you find yourself eating from boredom. Most kids and teens say that is after school or all summer long. That is a lot of time to overeat! Try to plan things during the "boring" times. You can schedule an afterschool activity. Or, you can call a friend. Even more, you can make a time to meet a friend everyday during this time. During this time, go on a walk or bike ride.

2.) Make a new rule for yourself: You can only eat at the kitchen table. This means no eating in front of the TV. This also means not eating while on the computer. Add it up...that is a lot of time when a person is bored!

3.) Schedule your meals and snacks. Stick to these times!

4.) Next time you feel the urge to eat when bored, jump on this website. Post on the board or head to the chatroom. Most of the kids and teens here go through the same thing everyday. They can support you. Be sure to support them too!

I hope these help. Good luck!

 Why does all this start?

=> why do children start with the habit of overeating? or what causes overeating?

 I think that is the million dollar question. Researchers are trying to pin point the cause. I think the answer is not in just one answer. Food is easier to get. Food is cheaper too. It is a lot easier for us to get around. Many years ago, we didn't have cars. People walked or biked everywhere.

One thing I know to be true is that we cannot change the past. We can only change our future choices. I encourage you to choose low fat, high fiber, and less processed food. Eat for physical hunger not emotional hunger. Be more active. Walk or take the stairs. You can be healthier today!

 I need help to lose weight the healthy way!

=> Im being home schooled right now because kids at my old school were making fun of me. I broke down one day and my mom and I talked. I want to loss as much weight as i can be for the school year start next year. I want to prove to the kids at school and myself I can change and I can do it. My question is how do I do it in a healtht way. I want to loss about ten poundes or more a mounth. Can you help me please. (I am 198 pounds and I want to be the more than 125. I have six mounths.) Please, Please, Please help me.

 You seem very motivated to lose weight. I am glad to hear you are looking for the healthy way to do this. Here are some tips:

1.) Eat three meals everyday. Include breakfast. Eat a snack between if you are physically hungry.
2.) Learn how to tell the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Eat when you are physically hungry. That is when your stomach growls. Stop eating when that feeling goes away. Some teens call that feeling, "normal." Do not eat past this normal feeling because that is too full.
3.) Learn other things to do when you are emotionally hungry. Emotional eating is when you eat when you are bored, mad, sad, lonely, stressed, and happy.

I hope these help. These are just a few tips. There are many more tips to be found on this website from me, Lucy. Other kids and teens here can help too. Good luck!

 I want to wear spaghetti straps...help!

=> I have really huge arms and i wud love 2 wear a spaghetti strapped shirt for once... I havent worn one in about 8 years Can you help me? I have prom coming up in about 5 months too wat can i do to loose weight??? I dont have a scale so i cant measure my weight plz give me some exercise and diet tips!!!

 Many kids and teens say a tough part of being overweight is thinking they cannot wear the same clothes as everyone else. In order to change your weight, and make your arms smaller, I encourage you to do more cardio. Cardio is short for cardiovascular. Cardio is the type of exercise that gets your heart beating faster. The more cardio you do, the more fat you will burn for energy. Burning fat means you will lose weight.

You cannot "spot reduce." This means trying to lose fat in one area. You can do exercises to make your arms stronger. You can make the muscles bigger too. You cannot do specific exercises to burn off arm fat. Doing more cardio will help your body lose the fat all over. Be patient. Doing cardio for 30 to 60 minutes most days of the week will make a big differnence. Good luck!

 Type 2 Diabetes

=> Is it common to have type 2 diabetes at age 12?

=> Can you please answer me these questions? I am 70lbs over weight I am so scared I might get diebeties.what kind of foods should I be eating?

 Many more kids and teens are being told they have Type 2 Diabetes. It used to not happen very often. Now it does. It is happening more becuase more kids and teens are too large. Being too large causes this type of diabtes.

Please know that there are many things you can do to help your body be healthier. First, make sure you eat three meals a day and do NOT skip any meals especially breakfast. Also, try to eat these meals at the same time everyday. This will help your body get the energy from food better. It also will not put as much stress on your body. Another thing you can do to help your body is to move more often. Increasing your physical activity can help your body get healthier and not get diabetes. Try to move your body everyday. To read more exercise tips, click here.

 I hate the way I look!

=> how can i loos weit by beinng 203 pounds and gettinng kritte;ll qweel by class mates i hat my body

 Looking and feeling different can make it extra hard to lose weight. Many times kids and teens believe what the bullies say to them instead of believing in themselves. I think the first step for your weight loss is to start believing in yourself. Check out this tip on teasing. These tips can get you started. As you start believing in YOU, you can start eating in a way that will make you healthier! Good luck and I believe in you!

 Fast food solutions

=> if you eat fast food but you cut half of it and save the rest for later would that be ok like say i eats mac donolds and i order mc chicken meal with a sprite but i cut the mc chicken in half would that be ok?

 I think is a great idea. Sometimes, we have to eat on the run and the only place to go is a fast food place. Cutting your sandwich in half is a great idea. You can then eat until you are no longer hungry without getting stuffed! It maybe tough sometimes yet it is a great plan. Good luck!

 School Food

=> lucy, i've been having lots of trouble about being overwieght.like at school for example its so tempting to eat like pizza and chicken and prezels with cheese and burritos and tocos and more what can i do to stop???

 It can be tough to choose salad when pizza and French fries are just a few steps away. Consider letting yourself have one item that you normally get, maybe the pizza. Instead of choosing fries, consider choosing other sides like a fruit or veggie. Also, choose water or fat free milk to drink. Some kids tell me that bringing their lunch makes it easier for them to choose healthier. This way, they are not even tempted by going through the line. Try packing your lunch a few times a week. Keep up the effort. Remember, there are no failures in weight loss. Every step you take to a healthier you is a success!

 Exercise without energy?

=> How do you start to exercise if u have no energy?

 It can be tough to start exercising if you do not have the energy to get off the couch! Maybe these suggestions can help:

1.) Be sure you are eating 3 meals a day including breakfast. Skipping meals can really drain your energy. Energy you need to exercise!

2.) Be sure you include enough protein in your meals. Drink fat free milk or have low fat yogurt with breakfast, lean deli meat at lunch, and a palm size amount of chicken or fish at dinner. Getting enough protein while you lose weight can help you have energy for exercise. It also can help you lose weight!

3.) Find a friend to exercise with. Maybe your friend has energy to spare. She can bug you until you go on your walk or play the ball game you planned. A weight loss buddy maybe helpful to get you moving when you do not want to.

4.) Start doing light exercise first. Maybe you are starting with too tough of an exercise plan. Walking, cleaning, and dancing to your favorite music all count for exercise. They all burn stored body fat for energy.

The sooner you start exercising, the sooner you will feel the benefits. One of the benefits of exercise is that is will give you more energy. Good luck!

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