Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Overweight and Diabetes

=> I am 16 years old and i am very over weight. I have dietbetes and I need to loose weight soon before I get sicker and be bed bound for the rest of my life.

 It’s very scary when you hear words like "Diabetes." One reason is because we hear the horrible things that happen when it’s not treated for many years. First of all, you should be proud of yourself for asking for help. Not too many people even admit they need help. The good news is, if you lose weight, it will help manage the diabetes. So, that's the million dollar question: how do you lose weight? Well, many kids have said that they’ve tried everything from diets to exercise. Once you’re ready to get started, don't think about the number. For example, how much you weigh, or how many pounds you want to lose. Make 2 goals this week. Think of one thing you can do to change your diet. For example, if you drink juice or soda, change to a diet drink you like. If you don't exercise, think of something you would enjoy doing like riding a bike or walking. Plan out how long and when you’ll do the exercise. Try your best to stick to your plan or schedule. Check out some of the tips on the Weigh2Rock.com website. If you need help, ask to talk to a registered dietitian or nurse who specializes in this area. Good luck and remember to believe that you’re strong enough to do this!!

 What about gastric bypass surgery to lose weight?

=> I am overweight and have tried everything under the sun. I have been thinking of having a gastric bypass done. What is gastric bypass?

 Gastric bypass is a major surgery some overweight people have done to lose weight. This surgery takes your stomach and makes it into a small pouch so you’re only able to eat small amounts of food. You can think of it as only being able to sip on liquids rather than eating foods. This surgery may cause people to lose weight but it does not always help with those people who may be addicted to food. What that means is, if a person uses food as a way of dealing with how they feel, such as stress, feeling sad, or being bored, they will still look to deal with those feelings by eating. This surgery is a big deal and has some side effects that are not too pleasant, and most importantly may affect how you continue to grow. Most doctors do not approve of this surgery for kids. You might want to talk to a doctor, nurse, or registered dietitian about what you have tried in the past and ask them for some help with losing weight.

If you think you may be addicted to food, and that you use food to soothe sadness, loneliness, stress, or boredom, then try to figure out other things that you could do, other than eat when you feel those feelings. Like call a friend, start a hobby, read a book, learn to play a musical instrument, play a sport, or go for a walk (maybe with your dog?). Also, stay away from addicting foods like fast food and junk food. It takes a couple of weeks to wean yourself off of those foods, then it gets easier to resist them. Weaning yourself off addicting foods would seem to be less severe than gastric bypass surgery.

 Time for Exercise When Go Back to School!?!

=> Since I usually exercise during the day (school time) Where should I exercise when school starts?

 You CAN still exercise once school starts. Keep in mind that most recommend 60 minutes of exercise most days of the week to lose weight. This means that you can split that exercise time up. Research shows you lose just as much by walking for 30 minutes in the morning as you do biking for 30 minutes after school.

You may find it tough to squeeze in the time to exercise with school but make a plan on how you will do it. Also, take advantage of your weekends. Take a day off during the week instead of the weekend.

For more ideas, click here.

Good luck!

 How Do I Start Exercising?

=> About the exercise. Did you start at a light exercise, or a heavy rapid routine? What did you do to lose all of your weight? I have asthma and it is really hard to exercise and stuff with my friends, like go jogging or go on a long walk.

 First, it is important to check with your doctor before you start a new exercise regimen. Your doctor can let you know what you can and cannot do. The doctor also may give you medicine to have with you just in case.

Once you chat with your doctor, I encourage you to start a new exercise program with one step. Start slowly. Try to walk or do another exercise for five minutes. Each day or every other day, try to add five more minutes onto the total time. If you cannot do it for a longer time at once, you can break it up throughout the day.

Besides exercising, you can start being more acive in your normal day. Take the long way to class. Tell your mom or dad to park the car farther away to get some extra steps in. You can even clean your room. That helps burn calories too!

Good luck!

 How do I keep the weight OFF?

=> This is the second time I have posted on blubberbusters because I basically had a relapse..3 years ago I weighed 202 pounds and got down to 148 pounds..now currently I am back up to 193 pounds..So far I have lost 2 pounds, but it is an on-going battle..do you have any advice on keeping the weight off once I reach my goal ...again....of 145 pounds?

=> Hi Lucy I recently lost about 43lbs and now I am wondering how to keep it off. Like I used to exercise until I burned 600 calories a day but that was a lot of exercise. Now the weight is off I want to have more free time to do things than just try and exercise. If I exercise 60 mins or more a day no matter what exercise I am doing will I keep the weight off? I eat a balanced diet if that helps you determine an answer

 Research shows that people who keep the weight off continue to exercise most days of the week for 30 to 60 minutes. I encourage you to find cardio you really like. Maybe a sport or fun exercise class. That way, you will WANT to exercise even at your goal weight.

The other thing you can do is to help others who are not at their goal weight. Be a weight loss helper. You can do this by replying to posts on this site's boards. Helping others will help you too!

Good luck!

 How do I talk to my child about his/her weight?

=> Hi I am very worried about my daughter she is 20 years old , and she is pushing over 300 pounds . I cannot mention anything to her about weight becasue she gets mad at me and tells me to mind my own buisness. I want to help her but I cant even talk to her about this. To make matters worse her brother committed suicide .I am worried that she is going to get depressed from her weight or get sick . I dont know how to begin to help her with her weight without her getting mad at me? Thank you , worried mom

 It is difficult watching your child struggle with something especially weight issues. More than likely she is getting mad when you mention her weight because she herself does not want to face her problem or does not know how to begin to help her self.

If she lives with you, you can help her by making some changes in the house such as preparing healthy meals, eliminating regular soda and juices and healthy snacks. Suggest she go walking with you a few time a week. She may also be using food as a source of comfort, so finding other sources of comfort, like talks with her mom, can help.

Even though you are afraid she may get mad at you for trying to discuss her weight, it may cause more damage if you avoid it. The most important thing is not to be judgmental or critical of her weight. Let her know you just want to help her and ask her what she needs. Think of contacting some one she usually confides in and ask them for help.

If there is concern for her being depressed, consider encouraging her contact a professional such as therapist or psychologist. Following a suicide, her eating is going to be affected, as she looks to food for comfort. Sometimes it is easier to tell someone else other than family members what is troubling her. Also, many hospice centers offer free counseling to kids and teens (and adults too) following the loss of someone important in their life. You might check with your local hospital about such services. Receiving this grief counseling could save her life. Good luck.

 Exactly how much exercise?

=> Ok how long should you work out in one day?

 It is important to start exercising more than you are now. Studies show that a person needs to exercise 60 minutes most days of the week to lose weight. This means exercising for 60 minutes total for 5 or 6 days per week. If one hour seems like FOREVER, keep in mind you can break up the exercise into 15 or 30 minute chunks and still lose the weight. Check out some of Lucy's tips on exercise by clicking here.

 School is coming back soon! Yikes!

=> I start school again in August 15th! I want to loss 10 to 20 pounds before that! Please help me! Give me some tips!

 I am glad to hear you are looking for safe weight loss. Safe weight loss takes time, so I encourage you to be patient with the results. Try some of these to help you get started:

1.) Start a food and activity journal. Keep track of everything you put in your mouth. With this info, you can start making goals to help you get healthier.
2.) With your food journal, pick one or two healthy eating or activity goals each week. In your journal, keep track of your progress. Include things that are tough with weight loss.
3.) Weigh yourself one time per week. Do not weigh yourself more than that. Be patient for the results. Healthy weight loss can happen at 1 to 2 pounds per week. Some kids and teens who are still growing can lose 1 to 2 pounds per month.
4.) Get a weight loss buddy or activity buddy. It is easier to stick to a plan when you are not alone!
5.) Come by the chat room with Lucy every Wednesday at 7 pm EST. On August 1, 2007, she will be chatting about going back to school holding your head high. Hope to see you there!

Good luck!

 How do I do this on my own?

=> i need help my docter says i need to lose 20 pounds really fast but how can i do it without ordering some food program

 Hi! Sounds tough to hear that from your doctor. I hope you find these tips helpful to help you start getting healthier.

1.) Eat three meals everyday. Include breakfast. Eat a snack between if you are physically hungry.
2.) Learn how to tell the difference between physical hunger and emotional hunger. Eat when you are physically hungry. That is when your stomach growls. Stop eating when that feeling goes away. Some teens call that feeling, "normal." Do not eat past this normal feeling because that is too full.
3.) Learn other things to do when you are emotionally hungry. Emotional eating is when you eat when you are bored, mad, sad, lonely, stressed, and happy.
4.) Visit Weighcool often to get support. Other kids and teens have to lose weight on their own. You can too! Check out the boards or find a weight loss buddy. Good luck!

 Can I Get Diabetes Too?

=> My mom just found out she is diabetic, does that mean since I am overweight that I am going to get it?

 You may get diabetes. Many more kids and teens are being told they have Type 2 Diabetes. It used to not happen very often. Now it does. It is happening more becuase more kids and teens are too large. Being too large causes this type of diabtes.

Please know that there are many things you can do to help your body be healthier. First, make sure you eat three meals a day and do NOT skip any meals especially breakfast. Also, try to eat these meals at the same time everyday. This will help your body get the energy from food better. It also will not put as much stress on your body. Another thing you can do to help your body is to move more often. Increasing your physical activity can help your body get healthier and not get diabetes. Try to move your body everyday.

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