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Reply From Ally, Age 21 - 06/08/09 - IP#: 76.201.75.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Wow. Sounds like the story of my life lol. Believe me, I completely get where you're coming from. It's amazing how telling yourself you're going to lose weight can make you so ravenously hungry, isn't it? Well, it looks like you and I have almost identical stats in terms of our weight and what we want to get down to, so I'll try and speak from my own experience.
I don't know what type of eater you are, but I'm an emotional snacker (self-titled lol). I eat when I'm happy, sad, mad, etc. and I also tend to graze instead of sitting down to eat a proper meal like I should. So as you can tell, I tend to eat A LOT!! There's nothing that makes me feel better than having a good book in one hand and food in the other, but there's nothing that makes me feel worse than how terrible I feel after I've consumed that food. One thing you need to start doing, and it's tough, believe me, is to try... (view more)

Reply From Claire, Age 19 - 06/16/08 - IP#: 64.131.205.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
I tend to eat when I'm bored too...but I've stopped now, seriously because that's how the pounds get on! just avoid the kitchen altogther. Eat small meals throughout the day...that way you won't eat for no reason other times. Just think about how you feel AFTER a binge...you know that yucky, terrible feeling afterwards? think about that feeling BEFORE you pick a food up for no reason and you won't binge anymore. It sounds easy but I know it's hard. You just have to change your mindset on the whole thing...control your mind, tell your brain that food isn't life. It can't control you but YOU can control it! good luckk....and anytime you feel like stuffing your face cause your bored, put the TV on and read a book or go for a walk or DRINK WATER or CHEW GUM. That helps, trust me! good luckk~

Reply From shan, Age 19 - 01/05/06 - IP#: 132.216.220.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Its not true. you really can lose weight, but you really have to be ready to do it. I'm sure you've tried dieting before and it didn't work. It's a major lifestyle change and it won't be easy. I suggest getting help from a dietician or a psycologist. You have to figure out why you overeat. No diet will work because your problem isn't what you eat but that you're out of control with food. If you're like me you proboboly eat when you're still full and you like to eat a lot when no one is watching you. I strongly suggest you talk to a professional, but if you want some tips, try writing down everytime you eat and if you think you ate more then everyone else. You have to realise and admit you overeat. Watch your skinny friends eat and you'll see the they actually enjoy the food and stop when they're full. Don't go on any strict diet because you might end up gaining weight from restricting... (view more)

Reply From Liz, Age 18 - 05/24/03 - IP#: 144.136.144.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Ray ray, almost all people who are overweight have this disorder, that is why they are overweight. Its just that society hasnt recognisied it yet, and wont because they still believe that people are fat because they are weak willed etc. It simply means that you use food to comfort yourself, and I do it too. This is what you have to look at to really solve why you are overweight. Maybe you could talk to your parents or someone about it. Maybe they can help you.

Reply From shnookum, Age 18 - 01/24/03 - IP#: 216.12.206.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
its hard because we find comfort in foods, and it becomes habit to reach for the fridge everytime you have a ba day or just hungry or something. if you live by yourself or with someone else, empty your house of stuff thats not in your diet and stock it with stuff that is. that way the temptation is less. goodluck.

Reply From shnookum, Age 18 - 01/24/03 - IP#: 216.12.206.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
its hard because we find comfort in foods, and it becomes habit to reach for the fridge everytime you have a ba day or just hungry or something. if you live by yourself or with someone else, empty your house of stuff thats not in your diet and stock it with stuff that is. that way the temptation is less. goodluck.