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Reply From Ally13, Age 22 - 04/26/10 - IP#: 74.92.246.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
When I was growing up, there were definitely people around who made comments about my weight or would compare me to my twin sister (who was tiny!), etc., and let me tell you, every comment HURT. I can still remember crying sometimes just because I felt so ugly and fat and I'd used to dream about looking like the rest of my friends.
In my experience, no, I've never gotten OVER them per se. Remembering some of those comments made about me still hurt sometimes, but here's the thing...while they hurt, it's more of a childhood hurt that I'm remembering. It's the feeling of inadequacy I felt, like I was an outcast in a way. I still had friends, etc., but I was never THAT girl that every guy wanted to date, and that hurts when you're a teenager and all you want is acceptance. You grow up though...you leave high school behind, you forge your own way in the world, you make yourself into a... (view more)

From Mr. Inspiration, Age 18 - 05/25/01 - IP#: 208.40.42.xxx  go to original board
I just wanted to tell all you out their who say that "you just cant stop eating" that YOU CAN! I was really overweight from ages 12-16, and when I say overweight I mean it! I cant tell you exact pounds, or how tall I was becasue I was embarressed to go to a doctor, I was embarressed to look in a mirror(I broke one in my house out of anger), and worst of all I was embarressed to go outside where other could see me. Than I finally was sick of being teased, and feeling sorry for myself. One day I just took that pluge and setteled into a strict diet and exersize. I was one of you, I told myself I would never stop eating, that I cant, I love to eat. When I finally slimmed down to a healthy weight It was the best feeling I have ever felt. If any of you need to talk about your problems feel free to e-mil me at: industrial_rat@yahoo.com I have plenty of stories and words of encouragement. You cant loose weight!!! Trust me!!