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From Jessica, Age 12 - 01/05/04 - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 92) - hi everyone. My name is Jessica. I would really like 2 lose wheight. I am 13, 5'5 and i wheigh 145. Please give me tips.
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 68.164.110.xxx
Reply from Kelsi, Age 12 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 68.164.110.xxx

From i - 01/05/04 - IP#: 24.60.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
who doesnt think this board helps?
Reply from aicha, Age 13 - 01/10/04  - IP#: 212.77.192.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 12.75.246.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 12 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from Ray Ray, Age 12 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 66.67.103.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From AKA Catfish, Age 17 - 01/05/04 - IP#: 66.26.46.xxx  Click here to reply  
OK at the beginning of Freshmen year i was quickly approaching 275 pounds. it wasn't pretty. However i started to change the way i ate. i cut down my diet and watched how many calories i was eating. I was also making trips to the gym whenever possible to run a mile and lift some weights. I have lost about 55 pounds. my weight has leveled off and is staying about the say though i have started to slack from my diet. I the point is that i was able to lose that much weight in a year and now most of my friends laugh when they see old pictures of me cause they can hardly tell its me. Just watch what you eat and make it to the gym when you can hopefully twice a week and you will start to do fine.
Reply from Amber, Age 18 - 01/06/04  - IP#: 4.62.229.xxx
Reply from Ashley, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 66.69.72.xxx
Reply from aicha, Age 13 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 212.77.192.xxx
Reply from Riley, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 67.66.4.xxx

From Tanaya, Age 15 - 01/05/04 - IP#: 65.56.61.xxx  Click here to reply  
Start: 220 lb, Today: 216 lb - since i started(its been about a week)ive lost 2.5 lbs. its good but im no where near where i need to be so im gonna try to be really strict on wut an how much i eat. at my highest weight i was 220lbs(wasnt that long ago)an now im 216. one lb more than i was the last time i went for my yearly physical at the drs but im tryin to lose a lot more an especially a lot of inches. im doin the firm for a workout. we have 6 different dvds so im gonna alternate the ones i like but im definatly doing the cardio an weight training because those are key in weight loss. good luck everybody!!
Reply from Ronica, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 216.78.45.xxx

From Ashlee, Age 14 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 65.149.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
you guys are right i can do etter then him but does any one have any suggestions for me on how to lose weight i have tried the whole eating rigth and excecise but it don't work i always seem to give up
Reply from Ryan, Age 17 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 68.53.9.xxx

From tina to patrick, Age 13 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 68.162.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
go to www.aol.co.uk/aim then latest version then get aim in the right corner. my screen name is lilylasi . hope to talk to u soon!! sry to evry one else!
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 01/06/04  - IP#: 151.198.130.xxx
Reply from patrick, Age 12 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 24.238.236.xxx
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 68.160.122.xxx

From ~*~PhattyGirl~*~, Age 14 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 66.73.174.xxx  Click here to reply  
When I write questions on this site hardly anyone answers me I really need some help with loosing weight maybye a little motivation from you guys but no noone ever answers me but please someone please give me some help
Reply from James, Age 11 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 63.228.107.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from Ashley, Age 14 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 65.149.156.xxx
Reply from tina, Age 13 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 68.162.17.xxx

From Ronica, Age 16 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 216.78.40.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 220 lb, Goal: 163 lb - i way 220 and i do tae-bo every night, how long would it take me to lose 5 pounds? which is my first goal. Then by june or July hopefully i would be at my goal of 163.PLEASE REPLY!
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 12.75.246.xxx
Reply from ANNE, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From clifford, Age 15 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok I am not weighing myself this week because I know I did bad and then its that time of the month so everyone else in the weightloss contest post your new weight here so we can see who lost the most weight this week but I am not posting my weight im not even going to weigh myself. Well good luck everyone!!!!!!!!
Reply from Brittany, Age 17 - 01/19/04  - IP#: 68.252.8.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 151.198.226.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Claudia, Age 14 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 24.67.253.xxx
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from tag, Age 12 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 141.158.100.xxx
Reply from Elizabeth, Age 17 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 12.75.211.xxx
Reply from hey tiara is my name, Age 14 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 64.118.40.xxx
Reply from MeL, Age 15 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from chelsea, Age 14 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 66.167.233.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from clifford, Age 15 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx

From Brianna, Age 15 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 12.218.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 245 lb - Hey everybody. I have a plan that I really want to stick. I really can't afford to slack off at all for 3 months. March 11, I am going to Europe. The problem is, I am 245, and I really want to be skinny. I am going to be starting my exercise video, which i will do everyday, I am going to drink tons of water, do pilates, and run on my tredmil. I am going to eat light throughout the day snaking on fruits and veggis and then just eat a small portion of whats for dinner. Hopefully with all of this, I can lose the weight. This site really encourages me to do better, and I will.
Reply from Kristen, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 63.228.107.xxx
Reply from Lilly, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 67.66.4.xxx

From hey tiara is my name, Age 14 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 64.118.40.xxx  Click here to reply  
i want to go out for track next year can you guys give me some tips of what to do with my body so i can run faster and longer. and what else i should do to get ready so i can do it? Thanx in advance if someone helps me.
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from TAG, Age 12 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 141.158.100.xxx

From heyy, Age 15 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 68.61.71.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 83), Goal: 120 lb - hey everyone soo okay im 140...5'4... and by march 1 i hope to weight 115-120..thats 20-25 pounds and i started like january 1 and i havent lost any weight but what im doin is eating cottage chese (low fat) and a fruit cup and (light) wheat toast with a lil bit of butter for breakfast and than for lunch- chumbers/ tomatoes and a nutri grian bar... dinner- 1 1/2 cup of skin/bone less chicken with veges or vege soup and chicken or salad and chicken.. thats it and snacks veges only.. and yea lotz of water but for breakfast like every other day tomato juice.. and than for excercise.. which i hate doin but it has to be done..lol.. ill run 3 miles and lift hand weights.. or do tea bo and lift hand weight.. and than i dance 2 times a week.. so i hope that this diet plan will work.. i used to do weight watchers but got sick of counting points but it worked great i lost weight and was totaly... (view more)
Reply from ............., Age 17 - 01/04/04  - IP#: 216.15.78.xxx

From hey tiara is my name, Age 14 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 64.118.40.xxx  Click here to reply  
i want to go out for track next year can you guys give me some tips of what to do with my body so i can run faster and longer. and what else i should do to get ready so i can do it?

From Tiara, Age 14 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 64.118.40.xxx  Click here to reply  
Does anybody know where i can get a cheap pedometer and with out using a pedometer what is another way i know that i have ran i mile? Thanks for the help if you do help me and i still need some more advise for my track thing down below please please

From Britt, Age 13 - 01/04/04 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am betting my younger sister than I can lose atleast 10 lbs by March, when I go to Mexico. Maybe it'll help motivate me if I bet her a lot ;o) Wish me luck!
Reply from aicha, Age 13 - 01/05/04  - IP#: 212.77.192.xxx

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