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From STEF, Age 12 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 12.221.74.xxx  Click here to reply  
how much weight do u lose jump roping?
Reply from martin, Age 18 - 03/14/05  - IP#: 194.83.60.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From LilHottie, Age 15 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
I Love Rob!

From Paige, Age 14 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Start: 160 lb, Today: 140 lb (BMI %tile: 79) - This site says I am a healthy weight..I lost 20 pounds so far..I wiegh 140, and I'm 5'6 and if this site says I'm a healthy weight then why do I fell so Overweight and fat? Please reply..
Reply from 345, Age 13 - 07/13/04  - IP#: 68.188.218.xxx
Reply from Mar, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 24.101.190.xxx
Reply from stef, Age 12 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 12.221.74.xxx
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 68.90.223.xxx
Reply from Marshall, Age 12 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 68.109.145.xxx

From Emily, Age 17 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 68.91.52.xxx  Click here to reply  
What is everyone's favorite exercise video? let's have variety! Write back!
Reply from Anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from cHeLLie, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx

From Bob, Age 12 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 24.47.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today: 150 lb - I dont no what happened. At the beggining of the summer i was skinny as a rod. Not an ounce of fat on me. Now i have man breasts bigger than most girls! I dont get it. I eat right, i exersixe yet now im going on to 150! Well if i go over 160 im not going to worry. Ill gain weight for fun! Hey if ur going to be heavey why feel bad about it. Ull see me in the Ginuss world book of records. Heavyist 12 year old!
Reply from 345, Age 13 - 07/13/04  - IP#: 68.188.218.xxx
Reply from patrick, Age 12 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 24.238.236.xxx
Reply from hmm, Age 13 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 65.71.66.xxx
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 68.91.52.xxx

From Happy Fact - 12/02/03 - IP#: 24.107.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
Philosphy-Families are like fudge .. mostly sweet with a few nuts..
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From ChElliE, Age 14 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
Anne what is the neg. calorie doet? I hear u talk about it all the time and u've gotten my couriousity up. :)
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from charlotte, Age 17 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 68.165.42.xxx
Reply from chellie>my spelling error, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx

From chellie, Age 14 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey y'all! Y'all are such an inspiration, and u keep me motivated. Just wanted to say that and let y'all kno!
PLus today I done really well eating and everything, If its still light outside a lil later I might even get in sum exercise! Otherwise, nothing else is going on here. I wanna lose weight so bad I can taste it! (not litterally of course:)!)Well i'll b back tomarrow, until then I wish y'all the best of luck!
Reply from CheLLie, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx

From rebecca, Age 14 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 142.177.218.xxx  Click here to reply  
can sum 1 tell me what the firm is ???
Reply from chelLiE, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 69.3.83.xxx

From Maris, Age 15 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 141.150.14.xxx  Click here to reply  
I like to fast because it keeps me from not eating a lot. Its not like i dont eat, because I do, just not as much most people do. But yall are saying its really bad for you so I'm deciding to stop fasting. I think just exercising and eating plenty of healthy foods will be good. Anyway Thanks Everyone! By the way, does green tea taste good??? -Maris
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Melissa, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 24.107.14.xxx

From Veronica, Age 17 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 67.66.159.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey All,I gotta confess, I haven't done as well as I know I can because I've lost my motivation a bit (just seems like being thin will never come to me, and seeing all the Thanksgiving food you're not allowed didn't help any lol). I need just a little boost... do you all have any motivational things you do to help you keep going, even when you're tempted to cheat or when in a weight loss plateau? Thanx to all who answer -Veronica
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Emily to Alex, Age 17 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 68.91.52.xxx
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 66.185.84.xxx

From SG, Age 13 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 64.25.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, I would like to have a motivation/weight loss buddy, cause, ya know, I have a bit of a hard time getting motivated. My AIM s/n is eyekantspeler.

From Emily, Age 17 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 68.88.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey! I am Mrs. motivated! I did a fitness video (the firm) last night. I feel good. As much as i hate (and i mean really hate) geting sweaty, it feels just plain good to move my body. I kinda felt like a rusty hinge finally getting WD-40ed. :) Any whoo, I dunno Girls have a ton of pressure from magazines, movies, school, and even parents (me) to lose weight just to look better, and not feel better. I've come to this great place where I know that the "world" wants me to lose weight for beauty purposes, but i'm losing it just so that i can go shopping and not have to shop around the big tire on my tummy, that and i'm looking forward to feeling lighter. Right now i just feel heavy. Does anybody know what i'm talking about?
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

From Mel H, Age 15 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 80.229.129.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys! im feeling really depressed at the moment. im so sick of being so fat. y cant i be one of the thin pretty ones?
Reply from Maris, Age 15 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 141.150.14.xxx

From Courtney, Age 13 - 12/02/03 - IP#: 12.155.5.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 96) - Hello everyone my name is Courtney.I'm 13 and I weigh 173pounds.My mom says it is because I'm tall.My heigth is 5'6.But I worry a lot.I drink a ton of water,but a ton of cokes to.I eat veg. and fruits, but a lot of snacks to go on top.I'm very athletic,but it is really hard for me to exercis.The only time I exercis anyway is if I have to.I don't know what to do anymore.I cry a lot because my step-dad is always reminding me about my weight.I don't know what to do anymore,and if I'm sad I eat or nerves or just hungrey.So as you can tell I eat a lot.What can I do?If you have any imformation PLEASE fill free to share with me.Thank You.
Reply from O_O, Age 14 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 24.62.206.xxx
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/03/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx
Reply from Alex, Age 15 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 66.185.84.xxx
Reply from Billy, Age 14 - 12/02/03  - IP#: 12.155.5.xxx

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