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Reply From someone - 06/22/02 - IP#: 195.92.198.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
Hi Tiffany i just wanted to say no matter how low you get your weight it doesn't mean to say you will get the perfect body. Basically all you need to do is lose body fat which should be quite easy for u being a ballet dancer but also maybe going to your nearest gym which is also what i do so far i have lost 23lbs i have still another 11lbs to go but am very determined to do so. Also i'd like to add that the Atkins diet really isn't a good idea please trust me you need carbohydrates for energy all you need to do is just eat healthy and also do at least 20-30 mins exercise 3 times a week i can asure you it will work coz it is for me so good luck.

Reply From Lena, Age 11 - 04/05/02 - IP#: 68.64.55.xxx   show message replied to go to original board
the 48 hour miracle diet isnt that good for you. people in my family took it and got sick and it doesnt give you any nutrition and it tastes really bad

Reply From Sara, Age 13 - 11/10/00   show message replied to go to original board
Hey Nessa...I used to have the same problem. I went on the Atkins No carbs diet for 2 weeks, and I lost sooo much weight. But after I started eating a few more carbs a day then i had and I gained almost all of it back, so i gave up on that. The best diet i know is to cut down on the grease you eat. and always eat half of what you would normally eat. it's been working for me! i went from 131 lbs to 118 easily, and i was NEVER hungry. also if you have this problem where you eat when your bored, or you think you are hungry (I had this prob)drink a glass of water wait 10 minutes then if you are still hungry eat a VERY small non fat low calorie snack. Oh, especially try to eat way less sugar!!! My friend suggested it to me, and it really works!