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From yo, Age 17 - 12/09/08 - IP#: 71.96.245.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'2", Start: 178 lb, Today: 148 lb (BMI %tile: 90), Goal: 115 lb - i have a problem, i can't loose the weight from my legs. i can't wear skirts because when i walk, my legs rub against each other, it sounds like their clapping.
Reply from Sam, Age 20 - 12/17/08  - IP#: 86.25.240.xxx
Reply from Evy, Age 15 - 12/09/08  - IP#: 64.92.20.xxx

From Evy, Age 15 - 12/09/08 - IP#: 64.92.20.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 150 lb, Today: 146 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 115 lb - Hey i just was losing hope that i would ever lose weight so i typed in successful weight stories that involve exercise. This site popped up like 2nd so i clicked. I found all of you guys being brave and going out on a limb. Sharing you stories and i wanted to share mine. I'm currently in the 9th grade. I have been like 118 my whole life. Then puberty hit. I went from a size 6 to a size 8. A training bra to a 36C in like a year and gained 20 freaking pounds. So i heard about this girl in are school that had anoreixa. I googled it and a 'diet' for them came up. i mean it it wasn't safe and the results aren't perminate. So know i am exercising 30 min. Everyday and i weigh in every sunday. Please give motivating support i need it because i live in a family of thins that eat whenever wherever. Please Help!
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/13/08  - IP#: 63.135.9.xxx
Reply from jasmin, Age 15 - 12/10/08  - IP#: 24.250.18.xxx

From Shari, Age 18 - 12/09/08 - IP#: 65.75.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 291 lb, Today: 283 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - weigh-in day is coming up again for me this friday... and this week is my mid cycle lol sorry boys... I'm so freakin nervous...I walked 1.77 miles today which was not really a goal of mine but its more than I usually do... tomorrow Im gonna increase my steps cuz I only made 3082 steps ... well actually probably more than that cuz I took the pedometer off and I didnt just sit around all day... well that sentence made me feel better... stay motivated guys!
Reply from Amanda, Age 19 - 12/09/08  - IP#: 208.96.111.xxx

From Twitch, Age 13 - 12/08/08 - IP#: 69.236.174.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'3", Start: 163 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 115 lb - YESSS i lost about 5-7 pounds. some was water weight but im not really sure what i weigh exactly because my weight changes due to how much food and waters in me. so im between 155 and 157. sooo im doin pretty good i could say. yaaaayy im happy. and really tho people, read the book "perfect". its incredible

From Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08 - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 250 lb, Today: 236 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 195 lb - So i haven't been on here in a while.. had about 3 cheat days last week and started a new diet saturday. It's been going okay, i'm aiming for 45 minutes of excersise tonight. i really wanna lose 40 pounds for my 19th birthday in 4 months! hopefully i can, i don't wanna go to the bar and feel like a fatty compared to everyone else. The diets definately gettin' easier, but i have my down days. I'm weighing myself in exactly a month, thought i'd try it out so i'm not getting all stressed out about a pound of water weight every week.
Any suggestions to help speed up with weight loss?
I'm working out 5 times a week
One cheat day a week (without it i'd probably be nowhere haha)
8 big glasses of water a day, and at least 1 green tea a day
no eating after supper
no more than 1200 calories a day, and most calories in the morning
Also, i've been eating bread every second day now instead of every day
More suggestions to add to this diet would be awesome!
good luck everyone!
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/09/08  - IP#: 208.96.111.xxx
Reply from Lilly, Age 15 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 71.146.82.xxx

From Julia, Age 15 - 12/07/08 - IP#: 68.207.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 183 lb, Today: 194 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 160 lb - The name of the book I'm reading is called "Perfect" by Natasha Friend. I really think we should all read it. It's very good. Aaaallllssssoooooo..... I was looking up ab exercises on Youtube and I found a user on there called IncredibleShrinkinMe. She made videos of her weight-loss over weeks and I watched them all and they are amazing! Please watch them everyone!
Reply from twitch, Age 13 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 69.236.174.xxx

From Monster, Age 15 - 12/07/08 - IP#: 84.19.116.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 167 cm, Start: 88 kg, Today: 88 kg (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 67 kg - I'm getting sick of being fat. I want to loose weight, but have no motivation whatsoever. What's the best exersise to do? any advice?
Im sick of my belly aswell, it's massive. =[  (Note: 167 cm, 88 kg is 5'6", 194 lb.)
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Julia, Age 15 - 12/07/08  - IP#: 68.207.252.xxx

From Lilly, Age 15 - 12/06/08 - IP#: 71.146.82.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 200 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - UGHH! I screwed up really bad today... my neighbors brought us a batch of doughnuts and I said to myself NO WAY! but then I had half and then ended eating EIGHT FREAKING DOUGHNUTS!!! Thats like what 50000 calories? i have no willpower its so horrible! anyway, how much weight will i gain and how can i work it off? THANKS!
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Nomi, Age 15 - 12/07/08  - IP#: 84.19.116.xxx

From Julia, Age 15 - 12/06/08 - IP#: 68.207.252.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'10", Start: 183 lb, Today: 194 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 160 lb - I really really really need help. Anything. I'm reading a book about this girl who is bulimic and I don't want to end up like her. Please help me!! I need tips and advice!!
Reply from bgirl, Age 15 - 12/07/08  - IP#: 65.54.97.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 12/07/08  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Whitney, Age 19 - 12/06/08 - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 200 lb, Today: 179 lb (BMI %tile: 88), Goal: 150 lb - I am finally in the 170's again! Omgosh I am so excited and I'm not sure why but my goal seems so much closer now! =] I hope everyone is doing amazing too!

From Shari, Age 18 - 12/05/08 - IP#: 65.75.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 291 lb, Today: 283 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 180 lb - Lmao... so I went away for the weekend with one goal in mind... to get a pedometer and I did... But I also picked up something on the way... It seems I have a new boyfriend. A cute, sweet average-sized boyfriend. Lmao I couldn't believe it and he's athletic too wow.
I've been exercising for the past few days except this morning because I woke up late. Next week I have to weigh in again! That will suck! My pedometer measurements show that I am lazy and inactive... I think I'll increase my steps each day until i get my own little routine... Anywho stay motivated and Good Luck all!
Reply from Julia, Age 14 - 12/06/08  - IP#: 68.207.252.xxx
Reply from Taylor, Age 15 - 12/05/08  - IP#: 75.66.64.xxx

From Amanda, Age 13 - 12/04/08 - IP#: 78.46.247.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 4'11", Start: 260 lb, Today: 260 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 100 lb - I hate being overweight because it's so UNcomfortable! Who agrees with me?? I'm way too fat and I can't stand how it feels on my body. When I sit down my pants are TOO tight. My stomach is really fat and it rolls up and feels like someone's pushing on it when I'm sitting down. It's HARD to breathe like that. When I stand up it takes some pressure off my stomach but then it's SO heavy, my back HURTS and I get tired fast. This MOUNTAIN of fat is like torture because it's TOO heavy and it's ALWAYS there even when I NEED a break! I know I should lose weight but that takes a LONG time! What can I do to feel better until then???
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Amanda, Age 13 - 12/07/08  - IP#: 78.46.247.xxx
Reply from Christine, Age 15 - 12/05/08  - IP#: 12.175.230.xxx

From lisa, Age 15 - 12/03/08 - IP#: 68.155.173.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'8", Start: 272 lb, Today: 258 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - does anyone know if acai works?im drinking a drink right now,and i have to hold my nose:(

From Kyssa, Age 17 - 12/03/08 - IP#: 76.177.106.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Start: 223 lb, Today: 213 lb (BMI %tile: 96), Goal: 150 lb - So yea Its been a month today!! I lost 10 pounds! Which is really healthy! im soo stoke pant are falling down. i had to buy a smaller pair! Ekkkk wanna know my secrets? Email me
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Teeyuh, Age 15 - 12/06/08  - IP#: 65.75.105.xxx

From Lilly, Age 15 - 12/02/08 - IP#: 71.146.64.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 200 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 120 lb - Yay ive lost a few pounds! Anyway, my friends and I were on the beach (its California, beach weather all the time!) and I saw this guy from another school probably and I totally fell for him! Hes so freaking hot!!!! But then he goes up to his totally skinny perfect little girlfriend and now Im all depressed. Im serious, being fat for a girl is an absolute disaster, because girls are only cared about for their bodies. Noone seems to get this!!!!
Reply from Jessica, Age 18 - 12/08/08  - IP#: 63.135.21.xxx
Reply from Janey, Age 16 - 12/03/08  - IP#: 80.1.106.xxx
Reply from Whitney, Age 19 - 12/03/08  - IP#: 70.187.7.xxx

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