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From Ariel, Age 15 - 06/05/01 - IP#: 131.187.133.xxx  Click here to reply  
Some people wanted to know what the address of another BMI calculator was, so here it is: thriveonline.oxygen.com/weight/tools/bmi.htmlToday I entered my old weight of 156 and it said that I was overweight. Then I entered my new weight of 143 and it told me I had a healthy weight. I'm so happy!!!
Reply from Alice, Age 13 - 09/06/01  - IP#: 213.123.118.xxx
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 06/09/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 
Reply from jenna, Age 15 - 06/06/01 
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/05/01 

From Amy, Age 11 - 06/05/01 - IP#: 62.255.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hia people say im not fat coz im 96lbs but I am trust me. Every time I go shopping I have 2 buy sizes 13-14 and stuff and Im only 11... HELP
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 

From Mandy, Age 14 - 06/05/01 - IP#: 152.163.201.xxx  Click here to reply  
do you guys think i can lose 15 pounds in 2 1/2 months?any tips on how to lose a lot of weight around my arms and thighs? PLEASE HELP!!
Reply from Craig, Age 15 - 06/14/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 
Reply from William, Age 13 - 06/05/01 

From Isabella, Age 13 - 06/04/01 - IP#: 205.188.199.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm about to go into 8th grade and i weigh 180 pounds.I look at other people and I wonder if that could be mebigger or smaller. Sometimes it feels like something always gets in my way (like i hurt my self so i can't exercise or something temps me), when i'm trying to lose weight.I'm only about 5'2 so you can really see my weight.this summer I'm going to try again.Please email me at izzybell20@aol.com
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/04/01 

From Candice, Age 13 - 06/04/01 - IP#: 24.240.21.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey ya'll. I am 13 and am turning 14 in 17 days. I am cheerleading this year and there are 14 other girls and 1 guy on my sqaud. They are all really in good shape except for me. I am really tryin' to loose some fat(can't say pounds b/cuz muscle weighs more than fat) and I am not doin' to good right now. A LITTLE HELP PLEASE!!!
Reply from Amanda, Age 14 - 06/05/01 
Reply from Amanda, Age 14 - 06/05/01 

From Jenina Tyler, Age 15 - 06/03/01 - IP#: 141.154.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi blubber buster to let you know today is my birthday i just turned 15 years old, and lost 7 pounds i am so happy about that well got to go by
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/04/01 
Reply from Caroline, Age 14 - 06/04/01 
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 06/03/01 

From Rachel, Age 14 - 06/03/01 - IP#: 63.99.38.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 14 i like to eat and i think i'm fat. i weigh 127 lbs! i need to lose weight for summer and swim suit can someone tell me a good diet. please!!!
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 
Reply from Erin, Age 12 - 06/04/01 
Reply from Erin, Age 12 - 06/04/01 
Reply from rachel, Age 14 - 06/03/01 
Reply from ~can anyone help me!~, Age 14 - 06/03/01 

From scott, Age 13 - 06/03/01 - IP#: 195.92.198.xxx  Click here to reply  
now that i have turned 13, my mum and people around me have been saying about the amount of weight i have lossed. most people thing thats a good thing but what i don't get is why didn't they say anything be for.anyway i'm a lot fitter then i used to be thanks to doing tae kwon do. It's great fun it helps you lose weight and know body teases you and they help. so it's worth joing a martial arts or fitness club because they really help.
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 

From Jimbo, Age 13 - 06/03/01 - IP#: 24.186.56.xxx  Click here to reply  
I haven't been to this site for a while..But i figured i would post this diet method that really helped me. I was mad last summer because i was going into 8th grade and wanted a girlfriend..to play sports...etc..I started dieting in June with a VERY strict diet. What i did was..ALL SALADS..You may be thinking.."thats torture". but want to know the results?? In one month i lost 23 pounds...I stayed on it and by the time school started i lost 67 lbs. I went from a 184 lb 7th grader to a 117 lb 8th grader..You all can do it if i can..
Reply from Sean, Age 13 - 09/08/01  - IP#: 151.202.112.xxx
Reply from Noelle, Age 12 - 06/12/01 
Reply from Susan, Age 16 - 06/10/01 
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 06/06/01 
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/05/01 
Reply from Erin, Age 12 - 06/04/01 
Reply from Caroline, Age 14 - 06/04/01 
Reply from JessaLee, Age 17 - 06/03/01 
Reply from JessaLee, Age 17 - 06/03/01 

From Katrina, Age 13 - 06/03/01 - IP#: 209.156.35.xxx  Click here to reply  
I really, really want to lose like 30 pounds this summer but I don't know how to do it! Can anyone help me?!
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 

From Jen, Age 13 - 06/02/01 - IP#: 207.73.4.xxx  Click here to reply  
I weigh 200 pounds and I am 13 years old. I am quite tall so you can't tell except for when I wear a bathing suit. I love to swim and want to lose some weight before the summer. If you can give me some tips reply to this message. If you want to lose weight too e-mail me and we can support each other. My e-mail is beautifulangel_2001_73@yahoo.com.

From Lindy Mort, Age 16 - 06/02/01 - IP#: 64.39.191.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 16 and a half and 5'7 and i weigh 130 pounds my waist is 29 inches size 9...am I too fat? because I always get made fun of..but I just wanted to know if I am too big...below average above average..please help! I really need to know...thanks bye :) LM
Reply from Amber, Age 16 - 06/08/01 
Reply from Erin, Age 12 - 06/04/01 
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/03/01 
Reply from JessaLee, Age 17 - 06/02/01 

From James, Age 13 - 06/02/01 - IP#: 62.253.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am almost 200lbs, and 5"8. I do a lot of sport, but there is still some fat there. How do I get rid of this excess weight?
Reply from Ariel, Age 15 - 06/07/01 

From James, Age 13 - 06/02/01 - IP#: 62.253.128.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am a 13 year old boy, 7th grade, and I am 5"8 and 14 stone. I exercise a lot, but my weight does not go down. What should I do about my excess weight?
Reply from lola, Age 13 - 06/03/01 

From robert, Age 13 - 06/01/01 - IP#: 63.14.15.xxx  Click here to reply  
i want to look like I'm no so fat in 2.5 months can u help
Reply from Candice, Age 13 - 06/04/01 
Reply from Jeremy, Age 16 - 06/01/01 

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