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From Gven, Age 14 - 06/14/01 - IP#: 24.79.16.xxx  Click here to reply  
I wrote here a while ago (4 months?) @_0 er...I was 180 then but now Im 160, but oddly enough I feel a tad WORSE about how I look and havnt seen any difference @_0 cant stand lookin in a full size mirror yikes <.<; so uglllyyyy. er isnt 20 pounds a lot? wouldnt I NOTICE this change? I dont even know how it happened @_0 I was on a cruise to europe and theres LOTSA food on cruises! I shudda gotten FATTER I think, I went to the gym onboard but not enough to have burned all I ate I am so teribky confused here. must lose more...
Reply from lexi, Age 17 - 06/22/01 
Reply from kiesha, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from mal, Age 15 - 06/15/01 
Reply from Gven, Age 14 - 06/14/01 

From Lauren, Age 15 - 06/14/01 - IP#: 130.13.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi I am 15 4'11" and 109 pounds. People say I am not over weight but i think i am. Someone told me i was and it really lowerd my self esteem. I went under the calculater and it said i was at "a healthy weight" What do you think i should weigh?
Reply from kiessha, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from Katie, Age 15 - 06/16/01 
Reply from mal, Age 15 - 06/15/01 

From Amy, Age 11 - 06/14/01 - IP#: 62.255.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey I lost 4 1/2lbs in a week and i'm still losing it!!
Is it healthy? E-mail me please at terrorwiggs_2001@hotmail.com or just write a message here Ta Amy xxx
Reply from cody, Age 11 - 07/13/02  - IP#: 24.159.69.xxx
Reply from Chelsea, Age 14 - 08/02/01 
Reply from Andrea, Age 15 - 06/24/01 
Reply from kiesha, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from Amanda, Age 15 - 06/16/01 
Reply from carerra, Age 15 - 06/16/01 
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 06/16/01 
Reply from April, Age 15 - 06/14/01 
Reply from Courtney, Age 13 - 06/14/01 
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/14/01 
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 06/14/01 

From Craig, Age 15 - 06/14/01 - IP#: 216.165.144.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey, this is the first time I ever visited this website. I think it's great, and now I don't feel alone anymore. I am 6'3" and weigh 205 pounds. I hate it when everyone else is able to eat, and I am the one that has to suffer. I first realized how bad it feels to be fat when I asked this girl out on a date and she told me that I need to loose some weight first. I felt horrable and I started to hate my self. I could never go swimming or do anything without thinking about peoples opinions about me. But now after visiting this website I don't feel the same. I really would like to loose about 30 pounds and look great before I go back to school. Not only to show that girl what she turned down, but also to feel good about myself. If anybody has any good tips for looseing weight fast, please send me an email.
Reply from andrew, Age 16 - 09/16/01  - IP#: 62.6.97.xxx
Reply from lexi, Age 16 - 06/22/01 
Reply from Danielle, Age 17 - 06/19/01 
Reply from katie, Age 13 - 06/18/01 
Reply from mal, Age 15 - 06/15/01 
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/15/01 
Reply from April, Age 15 - 06/14/01 

From Raven, Age 17 - 06/14/01 - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx  Click here to reply  
am i fat? im 11 stone, i think thats about 125lbs or something?
Reply from meg - 09/26/02  - IP#: 65.31.154.xxx
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 06/16/01 
Reply from katy, Age 13 - 06/14/01 
Reply from april, Age 15 - 06/14/01 

From lauren, Age 15 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 130.13.152.xxx  Click here to reply  
If you do the same excersize rutine everyday, will that decress the effectivness of the workout?
Reply from andrew, Age 16 - 09/16/01  - IP#: 62.6.97.xxx
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 06/14/01 
Reply from Craig, Age 15 - 06/14/01 

From Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 209.105.133.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hello! My name is Rachel i weigh about 170 pounds but i'm ten years old. i would like a partner to lose weight with if you would like to then e-mail me at rds1@rochester.r.r.com or repley on here. Thanks!
Reply from matt, Age 14 - 06/20/01 
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/19/01 
Reply from kiesha, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from April, Age 15 - 06/14/01 
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 06/14/01 
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/13/01 

From Holly, Age 15 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 216.220.24.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi! i just recently discovered this place and i think that it is really helpful and motivating that all of you are out there helping each other and relating with the same problem, i to am overweight i have 2 months to lose the weight that i want, which is about 50 lbs, before school starts, so if any one out there wants to help me out with any tips or just want to be e-mail buddies and chat, your welcome to e-mail me!
Reply from Andrea, Age 15 - 06/24/01 
Reply from Laura, Age 15 - 06/17/01 
Reply from Amanda, Age 15 - 06/16/01 
Reply from Katie, Age 14 - 06/14/01 
Reply from april, Age 15 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 

From tory, Age 14 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 64.81.136.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, i am 14 and 5'6 and i weigh 140 pounds, al of the charts and stuff say that i am in the healthy weight range but I still think that i am fat. I just wanna lose like 10- 15lbs this summer so I will look better in my bikini. Does anyone have any tips that will help me out?
Reply from andrew, Age 16 - 09/16/01  - IP#: 62.6.97.xxx
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 06/14/01 
Reply from rachael, Age 13 - 06/13/01 

From Catherine, Age 15 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 195.92.198.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi! I have written a message before. I am 15 and weigh 196lbs. I have been on a diet for a while now, but nothing seems to be happening. I am really hopeless. I do try, but come 6 o'clock I end up binging. I don't know what 2 do. I REALLY want to lose weight before I go back 2 school in the autumn but I seem to have lost all motivation. If you have a similar problem and think we could help eachother, or would like 2 chat, you can email me at: alwayzsmiling4u@yahoo.co.uk
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 

From Katie, Age 14 - 06/13/01 - IP#: 209.130.173.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone I have wrote 2 messages before. I have lost 2 pounds in a week but its hard for me to get the motivation to exercise and we dont have any healthy food in our house. And I feel like I am gaining weight this week instead of losing weight. It is making me really depressed. If anyone would like to make a meal plan with me that we could eat everyday that would be great you can reply back here or email me at katiebug2187@hotmail.com.
Thanks, Katie
Reply from andrew, Age 16 - 09/16/01  - IP#: 62.6.97.xxx
Reply from TO:MELINDA, Age 14 - 06/14/01 
Reply from MELINDA, Age 14 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 06/13/01 

From Jessica, Age 12 - 06/12/01 - IP#: 64.174.16.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone,i guess you can say im really big for my age...i almost weigh 200 punds and im really depressed.and i know thats not good at all. its becuz of my mom and my family.they put alot of presher on me. my mom, she doesnt think i can do anything, not even play sports, its like she wants me to be fat....she always says im gonna give up when she doesnt give me a chance.and one got any adivce? how i can lose weight without it invloing my family? plz write back.....
Reply from leigh, Age 13 - 05/07/02  - IP#: 195.93.50.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 
Reply from April, Age 15 - 06/13/01 

From cayla, Age 13 - 06/12/01 - IP#: 206.31.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi im 13years old and have big bones, im 5'0 and weigh any where from 153-160and i wear any size from 13-18 in jouners im supposed to weigh about 120 so i need to lose about 40 lbs by end of summer ive been on many diets and give in to temptations i think having a buddie who needs to lose weight to would be easier for
me because we could help eachother out and soon as i lose my weight i get my belly peirced so if any one has to lose about 30-50 lbs and needs a buddy please reply
with your e-mail address or if you have any tips. please reply to me
thankx alot love always, Cayla
Reply from Mandi, Age 13 - 06/17/01 
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Rachel, Age 10 - 06/13/01 
Reply from S U B L I M E LBC, Age 15 - 06/12/01 

From tim, Age 13 - 06/12/01 - IP#: 208.235.57.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi im 5'10.5" and i weigh 175. is it possibletolose tenpounds by the endof this month. Also howdou lose chest fat im so embarrased by my chest because it looks like i have boobs not big ones but small. im goin in to the eight grade and my classmates are so judge mental. they get pretty mean and im pretty muscular but i want to lose weight because it feels bad to be bigger than most. All i wanna do is get to 150 by the end of the year. please write me at timmyh3@hotmail.com and talk tome ifu have instant
messenger. thanks
Reply from andrew, Age 16 - 09/16/01  - IP#: 62.6.97.xxx
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/13/01 
Reply from Nick, Age 13 - 06/13/01 

From Robby, Age 13 - 06/12/01 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi. I have a question. I get donuts twice a week with my dad. I usually eat four. I'm not fat now but it seems to me my stomach is getting larger. The weird thing about it is, the scale still says I weigh the same. I looove donuts. Now, here's my question. There is a donut shop opening two blocks away from my house. I have a feeling I will be up there pretty much every day. Then I probably really will start gaining weight. But the thing of it is...I really don't care if I'm fat. I jsut eat the donuts and come home and watch TV. I just don't care. Any suggestions?
Reply from Max, Age 13 - 08/26/01  - IP#: 64.20.91.xxx
Reply from joy, Age 17 - 06/22/01 
Reply from sarah, Age 12 - 06/14/01 
Reply from maggie, Age 12 - 06/13/01 

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