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From ginny, Age 14 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 208.27.113.xxx  Click here to reply  
i havent reached my goal yet.. i havent started yet.. but i will soon im posting this to ask for tips! see what im doing is gathering tips then dieting im 164lbs and 5'7 my goal is 120 lbs email me tips pleaaaase divamoonshine@hotmail.com thank you!!!!! 6-8 glasses of water a day exercise helps lose it faster!!!

From Sara, Age 13 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 199.232.93.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 5'3" and I weigh 187 pounds. When I wear jeans my stomach literally oozes over. My parents aren't any help, because it seems that they'r goal in life is to feed me. Is there any hope for me?
Reply from angela, Age 12 - 12/31/01  - IP#: 24.4.252.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/27/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From kat,or cathy, Age 12 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 208.161.165.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi im new here but it is pretty cool so far!i have a pretty big weight problem! i need to lose weight(which sounds easy!). but i just love to eat!i love to stuff my face!i weigh 195 and i cant live without losing weight! please reply if ya got some suggestions!thanx!
love kat

From Nicole, Age 13 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 64.12.105.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey i'm Nicole i'm about 113 pounds and only about 5 1... i need help losing weight.. i mean just a week ago i was with my family opening gifts for my birthday and my aunt got me an XXL (for a shirt) it was actually size 16 in kids from the gap... and i have like a big chest so like i can kinda understand... but when i saw it i was like omgosh am i actually like really fat? and how does the world veiw me now? and my dad was like "youre growing and youre not skinny.. you have to realize that!" and i went upstairs crying... like i knew i was getting heavy bak in october and i fixed it by going on the soccer team but now i have nothing to do.. i take jazz and hip hop classes but it isnt the same work-out... i just need some tips on dieting and some encouragement.. becuz with the holidays i gained a decent amount of weight and just yesterday i started going on the treadmill (a mile each day)... (view more)
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/26/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Francine, Age 13 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 67.211.27.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi I'm Francine. I'm 175-180 pounds. Yesterday on Christmas my family talked about me alot. They talked about how fat i was and how much i ate and were jokind about i can't even do 1 jumping jack (but i can!!!) i need to loose weight so bad. Someone please help me. Thank You.
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 12/27/01  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx

From ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 64.12.107.xxx  Click here to reply  
Whatever happened to some of the people who used to post here, like Robby and Nick to name a few, anyway, it'd be cool to hear what's up with you all, considering that it is the day after Christmas (or Fat Wedenesday for some of us). BTW- I'll be online or awhile if anyone wants to chat today, reply!
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 02/21/02  - IP#: 64.12.102.xxx
Reply from ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/27/01  - IP#: 205.188.197.xxx
Reply from Dustin, Age 14 - 12/26/01  - IP#: 207.218.200.xxx

From Kim, Age 14 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 64.12.107.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey. I am 14 years old and i have a little couiosn who is 9 years old and she weighs the same as me which is 105. How can she lose some weight without taking the fun out of her childhood. And do I need to lose any weight?
Reply from Samuel, Age 12 - 12/29/01  - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 12/27/01  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx
Reply from to claire, Age 14 - 12/27/01  - IP#: 152.163.213.xxx
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 12/26/01  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx

From Cofri, Age 15 - 12/26/01 - IP#: 206.102.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Starting today (Dec. 26th) and going until Jan. 6th, how much could I possible lose????? Thanks!
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/26/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From sherry, Age 14 - 12/25/01 - IP#: 209.237.193.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi has anyone on here ever heard of T-lite it is a diet pill has anyone tried it ??? if u have please right back
Reply from Ashley, Age 25 - 03/07/02  - IP#: 68.63.22.xxx

From allisa, Age 12 - 12/25/01 - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx  Click here to reply  
Reply from ann, Age 16 - 12/25/01  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 12 - 12/25/01  - IP#: 158.252.117.xxx

From melissa, Age 14 - 12/25/01 - IP#: 32.102.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey anybody want to email me about some good tips on weight loss becuse i need to lose 50 pounds and i will be to my normal size. So would you plzs email me or post them polx
Thanx,, P.S. missy74038@yahoo.com
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 12/26/01  - IP#: 202.156.2.xxx

From ATeamGuy, Age 17 - 12/24/01 - IP#: 152.163.207.xxx  Click here to reply  
This is interesting...for some reason I cannot connect to the new chatroom. I've been trying to get in there for the past few hours. If anyone knows why this might have happened, I'm all ears. Anyway, its about 7:30 (East Coast USA time) and if anyone sees this and wants to chat, meet me in the old chatroom, i'll be there for awhile. Thanks, and Merry Christmas to all! And if you splurge during Christmas, don't worry, you won't die.
Reply from henry, Age 12 - 12/24/01  - IP#: 158.252.117.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Ella, Age 15 - 12/24/01 - IP#: 62.60.53.xxx  Click here to reply  
When I gained weight two years ago, and was starting puberty, I had no interest or worries with my weight. then suddenly I realised I was large; my friends were thinner than me and as time went by I isolated myself from my frineds so they wouldnt see me eat. i lost confidence, and power to communicate with others. I became more moody and bad tempered. there were days when i would hate the world an myself. I felt alone and miserable. sometimes i would bing uncontrolably and other days i would starve myself. All this chaos has lead me to not only an instability towards but also emotional instability and insecurity with myself and family. I'm afraid. if you have any comforting words or advice please email to me at ella789@yahoo.com. thank you.
Reply from Ana, Age 15 - 12/25/01  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

From Ana, Age 15 - 12/24/01 - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
If u guys want to see some SERIOUS weight loss go to
www.taebo.com - Tae-bo w/ billy blanks is awesome, and its the best way to lose wieght. When u get to his website click on the marker that says TAE-BO HEROES, and it give u a list of names, people who have even lost up to 200 lbs!, hoped i could give u some insight into this magnificant excercise secret, it works.

From Egypt, Age 12 - 12/23/01 - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
~*~*hey i think i am overweight. someone told me the calculator on this site is wrong so im not going by it, i am 5'1 and i weigh 122 i know im probably not extremely fat, and my boyfriend say im not but all his friends make fun of me, it hurts my felin, they make fun of me they say stuff like "your bigger than egypt" because thats my name. if anybody has sort of the same problem e-mail me at sweet as suga002@aol.com, or if anybody has tips on how to loose weight reply or e-mail me thanz a mil~*~*~* ~*~*EgYpT*~*~*
Reply from Ana, Age 14 - 12/25/01  - IP#: 24.22.75.xxx
Reply from allisa, Age 12 - 12/24/01  - IP#: 65.6.88.xxx

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The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area.