Before you post a reply saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight, please first check our Weight Calculator . If the calculator says that you are healthy weight, please do not post a message saying that you are overweight or that you want to lose weight. This offends the kids who really are overweight. Thanks a lot. |
Message Replying To From allisa, Age 12 i am writing this on Christmas day my time, but it won't even get read till tomorrow any way. This is the famous "AFTER THE HOLIDAYS DIET" plan, well mine any way. Ok, lets pretend it is a Holiday party or whatever, and u like pig out. u know u shouldn't, but want to enjoy the Holidays. Or u could just not really pig out, but ate too much though. next day u look in the mirror and wonder if u gain any pounds. u go on the scale and realize u gain 20 pounds! ok maybe not 20, but u did gain some pounds. the first question that pops into your mind is..... how in the world am i going to lose these pounds? well here is my after the holidays diet plan. i hope this helps! Mess around with your gifts more. if u got a scooter (like i did last year) then go out and ride on it! maybe u got some skates, go out and skate! just exercise more with new presents. drink diet stuff or non fat stuff instead of left over cookies. if u get a craving for a big nice snack, then chew gum. gum will ease the craving. try to keep yourslef busy with your new presents, that why u don't think about food so much! eat all 3 meals aday, but don't over do it. and u do know when u r going to over do it. don't have so many 2nd, try gum remember. go on the internet more or watch tv, but don't eat and watch tv at the same time because it is a proven fact u eat more when u watch tv. go out on a nice winter walk with your pet. don't use the remote for the tv. get up and walk over to it. it gives u a little bit more excersize. if u drive a car (and some of u do) walk instead. or bike. if it is more then over the river and through the woods, drive. eat loads more of fruits and veggies. don't eat too much sweets. u already had your share at the holiday party. maybe instead of walking, skip sometimes. it uses more muscel. and i hear if u put your back against the wall and kinda pretend u r sitting on a chair and u bend your knees, it will work your legs so it would be like walking with out walking! do it for about 30 secs aday. more or less if u want to, but gradualy start doing that longer.it really helps your legs! that is about all i can seem to remember for this diet. u should lose most of the pounds u gain (if it is 20) with in a month, if u do it proberly. no cheating and then come telling me it doesn't work. if it TRUELY doesn't work, that is your prob not mine. but it worked for ALOT of people i know that r over weight. or were overweight i should say. hope this helps! : ) |