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From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/11/02 - IP#: 152.163.205.xxx  Click here to reply  
Today is one of the days where i exercise for 40 min. and i can't wait. I exercise at 6 and it now 5:19 in MO. I don't know why i'm sharing this but i love exercising.

From candy, Age 13 - 03/11/02 - IP#: 202.156.76.xxx  Click here to reply  
ok ppl... we soooo DO NOT listen to j_lynn cuz we know how bad it is to starve ourselves and hurt our metabollism. if you wanna diet, just cut out all sweet or fried or oily foods and exercise more. luv_candy88@hotmail.com

From Bella, Age 15 - 03/11/02 - IP#: 63.61.187.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, I have a question for ya. Do fat camps work? and what do you do there?

From j_lynn, Age 16 - 03/11/02 - IP#: 216.90.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
I lived on 500 calories for 1 month and two weeks. that was over last summer. i ate 1 cup pf instant oatmeat for breakfast- 100 calories. a salad for lunch and a salad for dinner and i drank TONS of h2o in between. I lost 30 pounds. I know weigh 120 and i have kept it off but increased my calories to 800 and started doing tae- bo for an hour each day. Its not impossible to live on 500 calories- just not forever. it helps you to get to you goal FAST. its up to you to keep it off. it was worth it. i definetly dont regret it. im only suggesting it to ppl who are miserable like i was.LOTTA LUV- GOOD LUCK-----
Reply from Kymmi, Age 15 - 03/17/02  - IP#: 67.227.210.xxx
Reply from Jenna, Age 18 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 152.163.205.xxx

From Angel, Age 12 - 03/11/02 - IP#: 24.242.81.xxx  Click here to reply  
Please help me to lose at least 10lbs. How do you lose weight like fast. I know I'll probably just gain it back. But I really want to know.
Reply from Ben, Age 15 - 03/28/02  - IP#: 24.67.209.xxx
Reply from nicola, Age 11 - 03/28/02  - IP#: 64.12.106.xxx

From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
By the way, i'm 5'5 and 190 pounds.

From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
Thanx 2 U all who replied. I'll consider your input. I have spring break in a couple of weeks. i plan on going out of town and since i won't be able to exercise as much while i'm out of town do you think it will be safe to take my calories down to 800 for just one simple week? Since it's just one week i don't think it will hurt much.
Reply from Gina, Age 14 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 216.54.158.xxx

From Michelle, Age 14 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 63.168.31.xxx  Click here to reply  
I don't want to sound like anybody's mother, but I can't stress enough to get good nutrition. I've read about some athletes such as runners and people who do gymnastics and in those sports, being the thinnest you can be means the better job you can do performing. These athletes don't eat properly, instead they take the easy way and eat all the low calorie drinks and stuff to make themselves skinny, or even worse, they don't eat at all and become anorexic, or they might even turn bulimic. Too bad to burst all your guys' bubble who believe you can get off on 500 calories a day, which is what some of them do, and in their mid 20's, you heard me right BETWEEN 20 and 25 they develope osteoperosis, cronic back pains, and fastly degrading immune systems because they didn't get the proper nutrition. Now, if you want to be super skinny right now and pay for it the rest of your life, go ahead, but... (view more)
Reply from Casey, Age 12 - 03/15/02  - IP#: 209.214.79.xxx

From To Ashely, 25, Age 16 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx  Click here to reply  
this is VineVix, i just now read ur reply, and ur right, it is dangerous. Do u have instant messanger? Im me sometime to talk. I wanna to have a guy hold me, and me not push him away because my middle is too fat. I want, when i sit down, to not have fat folding over my jeans and worry if anyones noticing, i want to go up to the guy that saved my life and show him the woman i have become, i know losing wieght will not solve all my problems, but to feel so d### good about myslef is a feeling well worth it.

From Heather, Age 15 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 24.79.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys I'm 6 lbs away from my goal weight right now and people say that the last 5 lbs are the hardest to lose (and personally i think its true) any tips?
Reply from Ingrid, Age 12 - 03/13/02  - IP#: 216.161.149.xxx
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 202.156.76.xxx

From j_lynn, Age 16 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 216.90.103.xxx  Click here to reply  
wow. thats very interesting. who would eat 5 oranges a day on a diet??? 5 oranges...cheese pizza...someone has a warped sense of D-I-E-T
Reply from sara, Age 17 - 03/13/02  - IP#: 216.161.151.xxx
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 202.156.76.xxx

From me, Age 13 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 62.254.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
u lot are way out of order!!ok lets get this straight. no1 can live on 5oo calories a day. its crazy so dont even try it. maybe 800-1,000 but not 500. we appreciate all the help n all but plzz everybody can u break it up?by the way, thnx anyway to ne1 who replyed last time i wrote it really helped

From Jenna, Age 18 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
i forgot to say that i'm new to this site.

From Kelli, Age 17 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 216.54.158.xxx  Click here to reply  
In the list you are going to make you need to include needed nutrients for your body.

From Dawn, Age 16 - 03/10/02 - IP#: 152.163.194.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi everyone! Last week I started a new diet. But on friday I got really dizzy and almost fell off the steps. I only eat 1 meal (dinner) that is about 500 calories. I excersize constantly. I should off lost about 2 pounds now and 10 by the end of the month. I know I can stick to it, it's easy. Do you guys think that there is a chance of me becoming anerexic? Do you think I can faint? Well plaese let me know what you think. Thanx
Reply from stephanie, Age 13 - 03/17/02  - IP#: 66.185.84.xxx
Reply from micheal, Age 17 - 03/13/02  - IP#: 216.161.151.xxx
Reply from kara, Age 14 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 213.1.77.xxx
Reply from ana, Age 16 - 03/11/02  - IP#: 66.69.70.xxx

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