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From Zach, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 65.127.55.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'9", Today: 315 lb (BMI %tile: 98) - Hi, this is my first time here. I want to lose some weight but I'm not sure how to get started. I'm 5 feet 9 inches tall, and weigh 315 pounds.
Reply from Må®k, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 63.155.68.xxx
Reply from BRIAN, Age 14 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 65.60.208.xxx

From Missy, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'6", Today: 155 lb (BMI %tile: 90) - Hi I wanna know how much weight you ppl think I should lose, I am 5'6 and 155 lbs.And how much weight can u lose drinking green tea? please answer me thanx
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Må®k, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 63.155.68.xxx

From Samantha, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 12.206.15.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Start: 158 lb, Today: 126 lb (BMI %tile: 66), Goal: 115 lb - hey, everyone's been asking me how i went from 5'3" 158 pounds to 5'4.5" 126.5 pounds. well the first thing i wanna say is that it was not easy. weight loss is not any easy goal to acomplish, so if you dont suceed the first time dont give up, it'll take a couple of tries before it actually works. over summer i was very active. i didnt go out and take a jog or anything, just normal activities, walking around with friends, swimming, stuff like that. i also watched what i was eating. it took awhile to get it all off, but eventually it did. be patient and dont give up. good luck everyone!

From hanah, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 207.206.215.xxx  Click here to reply  
anne sorry youre having problems at home, but some of the stuff you say is awsome advise and i really appreicate it,so dont stop coming to this site OK!

From chellie, Age 14 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 66.167.147.xxx  Click here to reply  
HEy y'all haven't posted in a while, but just wanted to see how everyone was doin. I felt really bad earlier(like when i got home)And so i donno wut i was thinkin but i had a small cup of chacolate ice cream. :( NOw i sorta feel worse. Well i really want to lose weight this week so i geuss i better be gettin up to the plate and take responcibility for my actions. well i don't really have any questions or not. just cheaking in with everyone. ttyl much luv ~~*~CHELLIe~*~~

From Veronica, Age 17 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 67.67.121.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone! Have a question for those out there on any kind of low carb diet (even those of you who aren't but know a thing or two =). Okay, my meals lately are pretty bland and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for a more colorful low carb meal and also if ya'll know of any good high protein shakes or meal replacement shakes and bars? Thanx so much to all who answer. -Veronica
Reply from Becca, Age 14 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 24.194.246.xxx

From anne, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'5", Today: 149 lb (BMI %tile: 84) - one more thing(yeah it seems like i'm addicted. lol.) my eamil's red8705@hotmail.com to anyone who wants to be diet or exersize buddy(so i keeo up doing my exersize) or just wants to plain talk to a 149 pound 5'5" girl. you don't need the same stats but if you do there they are...

From Kayleigh, Age 12 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 62.255.64.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hiya i havent posted a message lately because i have been feeling a bit down. I weighed my self about 5 minsand i had lost 6 pounds in a couple of months but the thing is i havent been on a diet. I have just been doing pe twice a week dancing lessons on a saturday and gym on a thursday. I woz sooooooooo suprised and afta xmas im goin on a diet but im goin 2 try to cut down on junk food now. Thanks XxX

From colleen, Age 15 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 66.24.226.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Today: 125 lb (BMI %tile: 65), Goal: 115 lb - I'm 5'4" And Now Weigh 125lbs...I'm Still Trying To Lose 10-15 More Lbs.
Reply from lindsay, Age 15 - 12/19/03  - IP#: 68.61.71.xxx
Reply from mArIs, Age 15 - 12/19/03  - IP#: 141.153.230.xxx

From angel, Age 13 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 24.170.26.xxx  Click here to reply  
can i lose 10lbs in 16 days?
Reply from Cody, Age 14 - 12/10/03  - IP#: 216.222.105.xxx
Reply from linda, Age 16 - 12/08/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 13 - 12/08/03  - IP#: 24.31.201.xxx
Reply from charlotte, Age 17 - 12/08/03  - IP#: 68.165.41.xxx
Reply from Må®k, Age 16 - 12/08/03  - IP#: 63.155.68.xxx

From Linda, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 205.188.208.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone! Okay...I am subscribed to the magazine OXYGEN and it is for woman who want to eat healthy and exercise. It has such great tips! Here is a plan that I've been following and haven't exactly lost any weight, but my stomach is soooo much flatter. Here it is. You start off with a basic crunch and you will do THREE sets of these and there are 30-40 repetitions. Next you will do a reverse crunch and you will do THREE sets of these with 30 repetitions. Next you will do the Bicycle and you are to do THREE sets and 30 repetitions(total, not to each side)Next is the Crunch with v-legs. You will do three sets and 30-40 repetitions. These are what the top trainers do to get their clients in shape. It also recommends that after a week you change the order of the workouts. And also, getting great abs is 30% training and 70% diet. Eat more protein and less carbs and healthy fats like nuts,... (view more)
Reply from Linda, Age 16 - 01/09/04  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Kacey, Age 15 - 01/09/04  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx
Reply from Kristina, Age 13 - 01/09/04  - IP#: 68.72.89.xxx
Reply from Kristina, Age 13 - 01/09/04  - IP#: 68.72.89.xxx

From anne, Age 16 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx  Click here to reply  
i wantto wish everyone good luck on thier weight loss journey. i'm going to stop someing to this site though. i think that i may be depending on it too much- besides people think i'm rude. well- if that's true i don't want to be that way and this is the only place i was i guess. well- good luck everyone and lose the weight bye healthy diet and exersize.
Reply from some1, Age 14 - 12/11/03  - IP#: 69.10.196.xxx
Reply from ME, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 195.93.32.xxx
Reply from Nicole, Age 13 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx
Reply from clifford says anne cant - 12/09/03  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from CLIFFORD WILL MISS YOU, Age 15 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 67.40.165.xxx
Reply from DOnt leave, Age 14 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 207.206.215.xxx
Reply from Mandy, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 152.163.252.xxx
Reply from chellie, Age 14 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 66.167.147.xxx

From Shay, Age 15 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 204.194.108.xxx  Click here to reply  
I am finally set to lose weight! I am good with the exercise (I did Taebo Advanced every morning for almost two weeks until I kept going to sleep too late and then eventually didnít feel like working out for an hour at 4:45 in the morning!) but when it comes to dieting... I love salads, and carrots and stuff like that but it is not really in my house... (Click here to see rest of message).

From Veronica, Age 17 - 12/09/03 - IP#: 67.67.121.xxx  Click here to reply  
To Anne- hey, sorry that you feel that you have to leave and that a few ppl have said what they feel in such a rude manner. To those out there who said that Anne is rude remember this: you can't really express yourself on a bulletin board well! I mean think about it, there aren't the facial expressions and tone of voice to recognize how the person talking is actually feeling. I seriously doubt the majority of ppl on here are trying to be uppity... considering they are going through the same situation as the rest of us. Anyways, Anne, continue to lose the weight and accomplish your goals, whether on or off BB. Although I do wish you would stay on with us, since you've been doing this weight loss thing longer than us newbies and have great advise on exercise and the like =P. Arighty, sweetie, like I said continue to do what you need to to look your best... And thanx for the advice you've given me. TTFN -Veronica
Reply from henry, Age 14 - 12/10/03  - IP#: 209.245.161.xxx
Reply from sorry, Age 14 - 12/10/03  - IP#: 65.121.141.xxx

From Nicole, Age 13 - 12/08/03 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
I just wanted to say to anne congrats on losing 20 pounds! I am very proud! lol I hope you get to your goal weight!
Reply from anne, Age 16 - 12/09/03  - IP#: 216.66.108.xxx

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