From Brett, Age 14 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey yall I am 14 and weigh 180. I really want to lose some weight because I was home-schooled this year but now im going to high school and I want to play football but my friend tells me how hard they push you and stuff so now I jog like 1/2 mile a day and I need to know what a good diet is where I dont have to buy any spacific foods but like something else. I really want to know if the cereal diet works and what kinds of cereal. Please Please please please please reply with help well see yall later
From katie, Age 13 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I am 13 years old and i weigh 170 pounds. my Family has been on "The South Beach Diet" but it seems we haved eased away from the diet. we have a gazelle but i feel i never have time to work out because i feel so overwhelmed by my emotions. I also feel i am addicted to food, when i ge home from school i always eat tons of stuff and then later i a normal supper. I am sick f being overweight and i dont know how to handle being overweight andhow to handle my emotions and also my addiction to food.will you please give me advice.
Reply from HEY I CAN HELP!!, Age 16 - 12/07/04 - IP#:
Reply from abi, Age 13 - 12/07/04 - IP#:
Reply from Kelly, Age 14 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
From kimberly, Age 17 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
OMG ive been on the cabbage soup diet for one week and ive lost eleven pounds. I was using it just to kick start my weight loss and now i will follow a 1500 cals a day diet and do half an hours exercise per day. Im really proud of myself and seriously the weight literally dropped off. i lost five pounds in the first three days and i wasnt hungry at all. In fact, sometimes i felt like i had eaten too muh because i was that full. I put on my jeans that i havent been able to fit in to for like three months and they are baggy on me round the waist. My mum couldnt believe it and now she is trying it for a week. If any of you decide to do the cabbage soup diet make sure that you dont do more than half an hours exercise per day, follow the diet and dont introuduce or reduce any of the foods unless of course you dont like smething where you will have to compromise, try the website... (view more)OMG ive been on the cabbage soup diet for one week and ive lost eleven pounds. I was using it just to kick start my weight loss and now i will follow a 1500 cals a day diet and do half an hours exercise per day. Im really proud of myself and seriously the weight literally dropped off. i lost five pounds in the first three days and i wasnt hungry at all. In fact, sometimes i felt like i had eaten too muh because i was that full. I put on my jeans that i havent been able to fit in to for like three months and they are baggy on me round the waist. My mum couldnt believe it and now she is trying it for a week. If any of you decide to do the cabbage soup diet make sure that you dont do more than half an hours exercise per day, follow the diet and dont introuduce or reduce any of the foods unless of course you dont like smething where you will have to compromise, try the website and that will give you some motivating tips etc and what ever you do dont follow it for more than a week. If you wont to stay on it, take two weeks off it inbetween {like i am} and eat healthily and exercise then you can return to it to burn off the last pounds. Good luck people and im really happy. Wish me luck. Good luck to you alland i know you can do it. (view less)
Reply from -----, Age 15 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from allie, Age 15 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from paisley, Age 18 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Rachael, Age 14 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
From kenzi, Age 13 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey im 5'3'' 135 i really wanna lose 10 lbs by the time summer cums & be toned but every time i start sumthing dnt no if its working or not!i exersise 4 times a week w/soccer & try 2 jog a 1/2 mile every morning !will sum1 help me?????plezz-luv yaz~kenzi
Reply from KENZI, Age 13 - 12/07/04 - IP#:
Reply from maria, Age 16 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Catherine, Age 15 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
From me, Age 17 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
OH DEAR 15 days until a big moms wedding. need to lose 18lbs by then. will do so by a fruit and veg diet. You can eat unlimited amounts of fruit the first day, unlimited amounts of veg the second day then on the third day you get unlimited amounts of fruit and veg and just keep rotating this diet. My friend did it for three weeks and lost 24lbs.
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
From cheerfreak, Age 13 - 12/06/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
im 13 and im 4'10 and 140lbs and need to be 100 how can i lose 40lbs plz answer my Q. thank u
Reply from katie, Age 14 - 12/25/04 - IP#:
Reply from lyn, Age 13 - 12/10/04 - IP#:
Reply from butgirl, Age 13 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
From Catherine, Age 15 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey everyone, I havent been here in a long time! How is everyone? I just joined a gym, we got an awesome deal, and I have worked out there 5 times already and I love it. There is a swimming pool, tennis, basketball, squash, aerobic classes, weights, and workout equipment. It is awesome, I havent done swimming yet, but I want to. They also have a sauna too! I am already seeing results. I am eating alot better too! I have been hanging out with my cousin a lot, and she is really fit, so she is wearing off on me. Everything in my life is great right now. I still have a lot of weight to lose about 25-35 pounds, but I am working on it. Hope everyone is doing good!
Reply from shannon, Age 16 - 12/08/04 - IP#:
From sarah, Age 15 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply name is Sarah. it's been a while since i have been here.. i weigh 225lbs.. i have started a 1000-1200 calorie diet and have started exercising.. i want to lose bout 50-65lbs. i'm tired of being made fun of at school.. and all my friends are a whole lot skinnier than me.. so im gonna try my hardest to be as skinny like them.. which i hope it works.. also i wish you all luck on ur weight loss programs.. anyone can talk to me if they want.. i will be on here all the time.. thanks..byebye
Reply from Jennifer, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
From Anna Walker, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
Hey guys I weigh 395lbs and my height is 5'4or 5'5 give or take. I've been overweight sence like birth, when I was born I probable came out with a tub of lard, I just recentlty found this site and this is my first post I want to weigh around 110-ish so that means I have to loose 285lbs. yes I relize its alot, but I am dedicated I just was wondering is one of you guys/girls could just help me get on the right foot to start, if you could I would greatly appericate it. Thank you so much! God Bless Everyone!! Sincerly yours, Anna Walker ( I posted this before but I wanted more advice, I hope you don't mind.)
Reply from --, Age 16 - 12/08/04 - IP#:
Reply from Anna Walker, Age 13 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Conrad, Age 17 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from Anna Walker, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
Reply from Dawn, Age 17 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
From Heather, Age 19 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I must say that working out is a pain in my butt. I started working out for 15 minutes at at time 2-4 times a day. I have been doing this for five days now. I drink about two to three glasses of water a day and only eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I am eating healthy foods mostly but I'm so impatient. How long should I continue this before I give up and make myself a sundae? How long should it take to see results? I'm thinking about a month? I am barely 5'4 and about 145 lbs.
Reply from Amal, Age 14 - 12/06/04 - IP#:
Reply from KENZIE, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
Reply from Marina, Age 17 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
From Jennifer, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey everyone, i am 13 years old and 220 lbs. i am also 5 foot and 10.5 inches tall. i play basketball, but i am still overweight. can anyone think of a diet plan i could use? i really could use it thanx, jennifer
From ann, Age 17 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
any 1 ever lost inches from ya waist. if u have how many how long did it take? thanks!
Reply from kristi, Age 15 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
From katy, Age 18 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
the freshman 15 is not a myth. i went from 155 to 170 pounds in a few short weeks:-( even though 170 isn't that heavy for someone who is 5'6" i really must lose weight because i have ALOT of belly fat and my clothes don't fit well anymore. anyone have any useful strategies for weight loss?
From Jane, Age 14 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
I haven't been hungry at all recently. All I'm eating during the day is fruit for breakfast, yogurt and some all bran cereal for lunch and then a miso soup for dinner. In total I only have 400-500 calories a day and I know it's way too low for me. And I exercize for about 2 hrs every day and its intense. I play squash for 1 and a half hours and then do some intense ab work. My question is if i'm not hungry, should I eat more than i'm eating now? By the way, I'm 5'5 and 142lbs.
Reply from Christina, Age 16 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
Reply from anne, Age 17 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
Reply from Jacquie, Age 15 - 12/05/04 - IP#:
From kenzi, Age 13 - 12/05/04 - IP#: Click here to reply
hey im 5'3'' 135 i really wanna lose 10 lbs by the time summer cums & be toned but every time i start sumthing dnt no if its working or not!i exersise 4 times a week w/soccer & try 2 jog a 1/2 mile every morning !will sum1 help me?????plezz-luv yaz~kenzi
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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