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From D, Age 13 - 09/05/01 - IP#: 64.20.91.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 5'4 and 160lb and I've been worried that I weigh too much. Last year I only weighed 135lb. My friends and famaly say I'm not fat and I don't need to loose weight but I still feel like I should. What should I do?
Reply from Alexis, Age 15 - 09/05/01  - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx

From Alice, Age 13 - 09/05/01 - IP#: 213.123.122.xxx  Click here to reply  
My friend is overweight, occording to the site calculator thingy (She is 13, is about 4foot 6inches and weighs 112lbs) I think she is perfect the way she is, but lately she has been getting really depressed. I need to cheer her up, but I don't know how to go about it - I think that I might hurt her feelings. Can anyone suggest what I should do?...Talk to her?...Not talk to her?...Ignore her?...Tell her she looks great?...Please help!!
Reply from Alice, Age 13 - 09/09/01  - IP#: 213.123.123.xxx
Reply from Maggie, Age 13 - 09/07/01  - IP#: 24.222.160.xxx
Reply from Alice (Again!), Age 13 - 09/06/01  - IP#: 213.123.118.xxx

From nothing important, Age 12 - 09/04/01 - IP#: 64.174.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
im 12 and i weigh 200lbs, im 5'3" HELP
Reply from Angela, Age 11 - 09/05/01  - IP#: 209.214.177.xxx

From Brandon, Age 12 - 09/04/01 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 12 and weigh 150lbs. and am 5ft. 4in. Can some one please respond and tell me if i'm obese.
Reply from Bill, Age 15 - 09/05/01  - IP#: 64.20.91.xxx
Reply from Robby, Age 13 - 09/05/01  - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx
Reply from clare, Age 16 - 09/05/01  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx

From katie, Age 13 - 09/04/01 - IP#: 12.33.156.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi people,im 13 years old 5'6 and 180lbs whats the fastest way to lose 40 lbs,~(Katie)~
Reply from a good fat friend, Age 12 - 09/08/01  - IP#: 12.150.150.xxx

From candy, Age 13 - 09/04/01 - IP#: 202.156.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
My friends pulled me to macdonalds and u guess w ad happened next.. i put on 5 lbs...
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 09/04/01  - IP#: 213.1.103.xxx

From anonymous, Age 11 - 09/03/01 - IP#: 65.9.196.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi i am 11 years old and wiegh 150 pounds. But, I am Tall, and no one seems to notice. but the kids at school do. they tease me and call me names. if you have any tips for me please let me know!. Everyday I do 80 cruchtes. and at night i do 80 more crutches, plus 100 sit ups. and to top that! i play softball all year round and on 3 teams! PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
Reply from danielle, Age 14 - 09/09/01  - IP#: 24.101.118.xxx

From Meg, Age 16 - 09/01/01 - IP#: 63.42.146.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 5'8 and I weigh 220 pounds...talk about being over weight! And what makes it worse is that I'm a junior in Highschool and Homecomming and Prom are both comming up but my goal is to lose 50 pounds by March. Do y'all think that's too much? I don't! But if anyone has any tips on how I can do it I'd really appreciate it! Thanks! email me at komoriuta16@hotmail.com
Reply from catherine, Age 15 - 09/03/01  - IP#: 195.92.67.xxx

From lay, Age 13 - 09/01/01 - IP#: 212.134.16.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi guys im 5'6 and i weigh 170 i have rolls and rolls of fat on my stomach and thighs and it really depresses me if anyone wantsto email me indianahjones@hotmail.com, pleas id really like sum1
Reply from rebecca, Age 12 - 09/08/01  - IP#: 12.150.149.xxx
Reply from Brittany, Age 13 - 09/07/01  - IP#: 65.91.141.xxx

From ATeamGuy, Age 16 - 08/31/01 - IP#: 152.163.197.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey all, i've been a 'lurker' for awhile, and this site looks cool, but way back when i was 11, my grandmother died and i put on a little gut back then. Fortunately it hasn't gotten bigger, but if any of you just want to talk about your experiences or for encouragement to lose, or if you're frustrated that you put on weight over the summer, just feel free to e-mail me at brave1055@aol.com, i'm open to any and all!

From Kristen, Age 15 - 08/31/01 - IP#: 205.188.198.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 5'6 and 186 pounds. I've tried so many diets excercise. I have high blood pressure and if I don't lose weight I'm going to have to go to the cardiologist. MY mom calls me fat and so do most of the kids at school. If you have any advice email me please at sweeter_honey4@yahoo.com
Reply from karen, Age 14 - 11/11/01  - IP#: 208.140.85.xxx
Reply from Rebecca, Age 12 - 09/08/01  - IP#: 12.150.149.xxx

From Felicia, Age 11 - 08/31/01 - IP#: 64.12.101.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi. My name is Felicia and I am overweight. I am about 5 foot 1 and weigh about 167lbs. May parents are divorced. My dad lives in MI. My mom lives here in TN. I never talk to my dad. I live with my mom. My mom always tells me I am fat. I have low self esteem. Prople teese me at school and I have no friends. The first thing in the morning, fitst thing after school, and right before I go to bed (not every day, thank goodness) my mom always tells me I am fat. I am seeing a shrink right now, but it does not help me. Please, if you can help me please do! Please e-mail your reply. My e-mail address is crazedfan@otownmail.zzn.com . Thanks.
Reply from J.L, Age 15 - 11/08/01  - IP#: 216.90.103.xxx
Reply from Harper, Age 10 - 09/10/01  - IP#: 65.89.128.xxx
Reply from A good fat friend, Age 12 - 09/08/01  - IP#: 12.150.150.xxx
Reply from Charlene, Age 12 - 09/04/01  - IP#: 152.163.213.xxx

From Karen, Age 15 - 08/30/01 - IP#: 216.179.5.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey i need major help. i am 256lbs with 35-45% of that muscle. i've tried eating better and i go to the gym when i don't have swimm practice. i just can't seem to lose the weight. my whole family is large. i am tried of being picked on at school. you guys have any suggestions?
Reply from clare, Age 14 - 08/31/01  - IP#: 207.3.67.xxx

From liz, Age 17 - 08/30/01 - IP#: 198.81.17.xxx  Click here to reply  
i have always been a little overweight but i have also always played sports and been pretty good...now i have asthma because of my sports and the weight doesn't help and i dont know how to lose it.

From Beth, Age 13 - 08/30/01 - IP#: 63.61.187.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey guys, I have a promblem. I've been on a diet for 3 days, which I've been cutting back on my intake and only eating healthy. Well my body's not used to this and I was so weak all day and than I passed out, how long will it take for my body to get used to eating less?
Reply from Nicole, Age 14 - 09/12/01  - IP#: 24.66.12.xxx
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 09/01/01  - IP#: 62.7.113.xxx
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 09/01/01  - IP#: 202.156.0.xxx

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The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
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