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From Claire, Age 13 - 08/14/01 - IP#: 213.122.217.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi, i have never posted here before. School starts again in about 3 weeks and i also have a party in october and i want to be thin for it. i want o lose about 2 stone overall(28lbs) i REALLY need motivation and advice etc, everything really appreci8d. thank u!
Reply from Shelly, Age 16 - 08/14/01 

From Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01 - IP#: 198.164.251.xxx  Click here to reply  
i need someone to help me--fast. I'm around 30 pounds overweight, and I want it off before October. It's so hard, though, and if anyone has any suggestions for me, can you please reply, or e-mail me at bibbis2000@yahoo.ca Thank you thank you thank you.

From James, Age 15 - 08/13/01 - IP#: 205.188.195.xxx  Click here to reply  
I want to try to lose weight but i need some tips or advice and support from other people in my situation im 5 foot 1 and 155 pounds im like 50 pounds overweight could someone please respond
Reply from Cody, Age 13 - 08/23/01  - IP#: 204.248.150.xxx
Reply from Kt, Age 11 - 08/16/01 
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/14/01 
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/14/01 

From gel, Age 14 - 08/13/01 - IP#: 24.186.124.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi...my first day of high school is coming up really soon...i am oiver weight i wanna at least lose 5-10 pounds before i go cuz i am sick of being made fun of....can anyone help?
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/14/01 
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01 

From Kat, Age 12 - 08/13/01 - IP#: 208.155.75.xxx  Click here to reply  
hi i havent posted for a while. does any one know some lowwer stomach area exercises it would be really helpful thanks
Reply from KT agian, Age 11 - 08/16/01 
Reply from KT, Age 11 - 08/16/01 
Reply from gel, Age 14 - 08/13/01 

From Luisa, Age 13 - 08/12/01 - IP#: 213.1.154.xxx  Click here to reply  
Help i've put on 10 pounds during the holidays and still gaining please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply from michael, Age 24 - 12/21/01  - IP#: 62.253.0.xxx
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 11/10/01  - IP#: 62.7.93.xxx
Reply from biddy, Age 30 - 10/31/01  - IP#: 202.87.125.xxx
Reply from biddy, Age 30 - 10/31/01  - IP#: 202.87.82.xxx
Reply from biddy, Age 30 - 10/31/01  - IP#: 202.87.82.xxx
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/15/01 
Reply from Princess, Age 12 - 08/14/01 

From *GuRLiE*, Age 14 - 08/12/01 - IP#: 24.156.164.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone...well I really want to lose about 30 pounds, maybe even more. Does anyone have some ways to lose weight FAST? Like over the course of a month or so? Please help!
Reply from KT, Age 11 - 08/16/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/13/01 

From Liz, Age 14 - 08/12/01 - IP#: 142.166.251.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey. I'm about 5'1'' and 145 pounds--way too much. And I hate it. I'm so ugly. I'm going on a cruise in October and I want to be THIN! If anyone has any tips 4 losing weight fast and that will stay off, then can you pleese e-mail me at bibbiss2000@yahoo.ca. I can't stand looking at magazines anymore, with all those pictures of perfect, thin models. If anyone feels the same way as me, than maybe we can help eachother. THANX
Reply from tay, Age 14 - 01/30/03  - IP#: 12.18.91.xxx
Reply from Kiara Lyn, Age 14 - 10/11/01  - IP#: 216.142.233.xxx
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/15/01 
Reply from nikkie, Age 13 - 08/14/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/13/01 
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/12/01 

From Laura, Age 14 - 08/12/01 - IP#: 62.31.65.xxx  Click here to reply  
Well, its been a while since my last post and things have not gone well, I'm now over 270!
Help me, I need some tips, some sympathy, anything!
Reply from Cody, Age 13 - 08/23/01  - IP#: 204.248.150.xxx
Reply from djciccio, Age 18 - 08/19/01 
Reply from Kat, Age 12 - 08/13/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/13/01 

From hetty, Age 14 - 08/11/01 - IP#: 195.92.168.xxx  Click here to reply  
does anyone know how to lose weight sucessfuly?
i try and try and i never seem to lose much.
i excersise lots.
please reply.
Reply from sarah, Age 18 - 11/06/01  - IP#: 4.18.153.xxx
Reply from Samantha, Age 16 - 08/16/01 

From candy, Age 13 - 08/11/01 - IP#: 202.156.0.xxx  Click here to reply  
i m thinking of going of a no eating diet. anyone has any comments on it?!
Reply from *Zanadi*, Age 14 - 11/24/01  - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx
Reply from Kiara Lyn, Age 14 - 10/11/01  - IP#: 216.142.233.xxx
Reply from ashley, Age 12 - 08/13/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01 
Reply from catherine, Age 15 - 08/12/01 
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/11/01 

From James, Age 13 - 08/11/01 - IP#: 209.47.160.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi. I have not put any thing up here before. I feel like a big blob of fat. And I look that way too. I some times want to be anerexic to lose weight. But I ralise that that is bad. It just seems like such a good idea when all my friends are at lest 200-250 pounds lighter then I am. I can't talk to them about it they would not under stand. Incase you were wondering how much I weigh I weigh 35 stone. (420 ponds) I just feel so bad. I tryied to diet for a month and lost 10 pounds. Then I stoped for a day break. This turned into me not starting again and gaining back the 10. This made me feel depresed so I ate alot. So much that to date I have gained 50 pounds or so. This is because of the viscious circle. Please help. I need it badly. I have been warned by my docter that if I don't loose at least 50 pounds I will have a heart attack in under 2 years. And it is just so hard to loose weight. Especially if you have close to 300 pounds of extra fat on your body. Like I said I need help badly PLEASE HELP.
Reply from Alicia, Age 19 - 12/16/01  - IP#: 216.88.226.xxx
Reply from jake, Age 16 - 09/29/01  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from eri, Age 12 - 09/29/01  - IP#: 64.12.103.xxx
Reply from Cody, Age 13 - 08/23/01  - IP#: 204.248.150.xxx
Reply from jdm2001, Age 16 - 08/19/01 
Reply from jdm2001, Age 16 - 08/19/01 
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 08/19/01 
Reply from jess, Age 13 - 08/19/01 
Reply from james, Age 15 - 08/13/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/13/01 
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01 
Reply from Luisa, Age 13 - 08/12/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01 

From Christina, Age 15 - 08/11/01 - IP#: 205.188.192.xxx  Click here to reply  
This is for anyone looking to lose weight: i have since gone on a diet and i am losing slowly but surely, in two weeks i have lost 7 pounds. that may not seem like a lot but it is to me. the thing is for anyone out there that is trying to lose weight the first thing is not to look at the scale. that may seem like something crazy but it is true. i may have only lost like 7lbs but i can tell my clothes are getting a little bigger and i can tell that with just 7lbs! Another thing is u may think that u aren't doing well if u look at the scale and then may give up, that is one of the worst things to do b/c u may of gained muscle and are actually skinnier. My number 1 tip is DON'T BELIEVE WHAT THE SCALE SAYS! lol If anyone needs anymore advice on getting started email me at Babybone3686@aol.com and put blubber buster in the subject so i don't delete it Thank You!
Reply from Zanadi, Age 14 - 11/24/01  - IP#: 24.69.255.xxx
Reply from Sheila, Age 15 - 08/13/01 
Reply from Liz, Age 14 - 08/13/01 

From Angelica, Age 14 - 08/10/01 - IP#: 63.225.202.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey everyone well I'm 5 ft 6 inches I'm trying to lose 50 pounds if anyone knows of any tips or ideas or needs someone to talk to PLEASE email me I hate looking at myself in the mirror I really want to lose my weight I f anyone can help or talk to me PLEASE do!my email address is marilopez01@netscape.net
Reply from angelica, Age 14 - 08/13/01 
Reply from candy, Age 13 - 08/12/01 

From Samantha, Age 16 - 08/10/01 - IP#: 209.206.177.xxx  Click here to reply  
PLEASE HELP!!!! I need to know some ways to loose weight. I am doing the no eating diet and it's working wonders for me. But i just want to know who else is on this diet and tell me how much weight they have lost and stuff. Thanx all of you!!!. Please reply, or email me....Bambi_1432000@yahoo.com THANX
Reply from sabrina, Age 16 - 11/03/01  - IP#: 24.4.254.xxx
Reply from sunshine, Age 14 - 10/13/01  - IP#: 203.116.61.xxx
Reply from Crystal, Age 16 - 08/10/01 
Reply from Angelica, Age 14 - 08/10/01 

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