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From Melanie, Age 12 - 09/21/02 - IP#: 142.163.8.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey! Since school has started I hardly ever get out for walks ,I haven't gained any weight back but I really need to keep losing.What should I do? I would really like it and it would be a BIG,BIG help if someone could repley. Thanks.
Reply from Angie, Age 11 - 09/26/02  - IP#: 63.214.223.xxx

From carmen, Age 15 - 09/21/02 - IP#: 4.63.48.xxx  Click here to reply  
hey guys now dont laugh but im really fat im 5'3 and 230 pounds how can i lose weight please please please help me thanx in advance
Reply from Lin, Age 15 - 09/24/02  - IP#: 65.71.34.xxx

From Jay, Age 13 - 09/20/02 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hey im new here and i need some help for losing weight i dont seem to eat too much but i always seem to gain weight i put on 11 lbs over the summer alone! even though i was active so i was wondering if anybody had any tips?
Reply from Jay, Age 13 - 09/23/02  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 09/23/02  - IP#: 64.85.240.xxx
Reply from serenity, Age 13 - 09/22/02  - IP#: 24.130.42.xxx

From manda jh, Age 14 - 09/20/02 - IP#: 172.138.213.xxx  Click here to reply  
I've lost 16lbs so far! That's almost 10% of my original body weight gone! Only one more pound and I've lost 10%, or 17lbs of me. Exciting! I'm 151.5 now...and 5'4"...This is so sweet.
Reply from ~*~Court~*~, Age 14 - 09/28/02  - IP#: 66.183.148.xxx

From Zoë, Age 13 - 09/20/02 - IP#: 148.78.249.xxx  Click here to reply  
HELP!!!! I need to lose about 30 lbs in about 5 months so I can wear a bikini on my cruise over spring break!!!! anybody who can help me, please do!!!!! thanks in advance!!!!
Reply from Kayla, Age 15 - 09/29/02  - IP#: 152.163.189.xxx

From Lara, Age 17 - 09/20/02 - IP#: 216.101.185.xxx  Click here to reply  
Hi you guys...does anyone know what I can do to speed my weight loss? I've lost seventeen pounds so far - I started my diet about four to five weeks ago, and am now 5'5" and 116 - but I seem to have plateaued and I just can't lose any more. Does anyone have any good suggestions?
Reply from solange, Age 14 - 09/30/02  - IP#: 195.93.50.xxx
Reply from Jessika, Age 13 - 09/21/02  - IP#: 24.66.94.xxx
Reply from amanda, Age 14 - 09/20/02  - IP#: 66.21.129.xxx
Reply from Keli, Age 20 - 09/20/02  - IP#: 152.163.189.xxx

From Kylie, Age 14 - 09/19/02 - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx  Click here to reply  
Ok I need some help. I can't get motivated to work out. I'm 5'6 and 155lbs and I want to lose about 15 or 20 pounds but I don't know how to get motivated to do it. Email me @ PserChic823@aol.com if ya get a chance
Reply from Dean, Age 11 - 09/20/02  - IP#: 196.2.33.xxx

From cathy, Age 15 - 09/19/02 - IP#: 209.178.189.xxx  Click here to reply  
HELP i need to lose 15 pounds for homecoming im 5'3 and 125, HELP I WANT TO LOOK SKINY, my legs are so big its embarrassing because i have short stubby ugly legs so i need to lose weight!
Reply from tru, Age 14 - 09/26/02  - IP#: 205.188.209.xxx
Reply from Amy, Age 19 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 64.12.96.xxx

From Alex, Age 14 - 09/19/02 - IP#: 206.222.81.xxx  Click here to reply  
i have gained 5 pounds. now i weigh 263 pounds. i hate this up and down stuff! i'll never get to my goal at this rate!
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 09/25/02  - IP#: 24.46.138.xxx
Reply from Alex, Age 14 - 09/22/02  - IP#: 206.222.81.xxx
Reply from brian, Age 13 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx

From Maddie, Age 15 - 09/19/02 - IP#: 67.82.119.xxx  Click here to reply  
okay no one EVER answer my posts neways im 5'8" and i weigh and im sad cause i gained some weight...i wanna go back on a diet but i have no motivation and no clue where to pick up...please help me!!!
Reply from Daniella, Age 13 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 63.26.198.xxx

From Jennifer, Age 14 - 09/19/02 - IP#: 64.85.240.xxx  Click here to reply  
Does ne one know some good ways to lose weight? My goal is to be 140 or 135 by December. I really need to firm up my butt, legs and stomach. PLEASE help me!
Reply from Jennifer, Age 14 - 09/20/02  - IP#: 64.85.240.xxx
Reply from BRIAN, Age 13 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx

From Shinelda, Age 14 - 09/18/02 - IP#: 24.71.223.xxx  Click here to reply  
Yay! I lost five pounds in two weeks! I feel happy. I now weigh 155 pounds, and my mini-goal is 140. My mini-mini goal is 150, so I'm almost halfway there! My major goal is 120 or less. Wish me luck!
Reply from Jessika, Age 13 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 24.66.94.xxx

From brian, Age 13 - 09/17/02 - IP#: 64.233.211.xxx  Click here to reply  
i walk 1.5 miles today and for lunch i ate half what i usually eat.
Reply from Lara, Age 13 - 09/21/02  - IP#: 212.134.224.xxx
Reply from Rachel, Age 16 - 09/18/02  - IP#: 24.192.202.xxx
Reply from henry, Age 13 - 09/17/02  - IP#: 14.165.157.xxx
Reply from manda jh, Age 14 - 09/17/02  - IP#: 152.163.189.xxx

From cathy, Age 15 - 09/16/02 - IP#: 216.244.12.xxx  Click here to reply  
i need to lose 15 POUNDS IN TWO Months cuz i want to get into soccer and i want to get into shape, i have big calves like there swoll seriously im 125 and 5'3 i know im not overweight but im very close if you have ne ideas PLZ REPLY!!
Reply from Sukey, Age 15 - 09/18/02  - IP#: 64.180.81.xxx
Reply from swimf@n, Age 14 - 09/18/02  - IP#: 24.200.47.xxx

From Shayna, Age 11 - 09/16/02 - IP#: 24.46.138.xxx  Click here to reply  
I'm 11 and im gonna try out for cheerleading next year...i need some way to loose weight...i mean im already on a diet...and drink lots of water...and exersize...but i need some motovation!
Reply from Shayna, Age 11 - 09/19/02  - IP#: 24.46.138.xxx
Reply from swimf@n, Age 14 - 09/18/02  - IP#: 24.200.47.xxx

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