From Sydnee, Age 16 - 06/24/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 206 lb, Today: 203 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 120 lb - hello, im new to this site. For as long as i can remember i have always felt fat. When i was younger i would look at all the other girls and wonder why i couldn't be like them. But since i was younger i didn't know why. Now im 16 and i have been trying to lose weight since the beginning of high school.But i recently started dieting again. Im now a junior and i finally lost 3 pounds since school ended 3 weeks ago. i wish it was more but its better than nothing right? (:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/24/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - Hey teens and kids, I know being overweight is diffiult, but we should not give up, I am planing on getting a new swimsuit!!! by next week hopefully crazy, I lost an inch of my swimsuit it is too big on me!!!! I am going to get a new size in the swimsuit section.. Whoo yahoo!!! I am so exicted.. I hope to weigh 140's by my brithday, wish me a good summer.. Jessica 15
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I put water in my food on Saturday, that worked, teens and kids try putting water on your foods, or put your fork under the napkin, and trust me it works, it is a really good tip, I could not stop laughing after I did that, I was like I did very well putting water on food. I hope this will help you teens and kids.. I hope to have helped Jessica 15
From Taylor, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'2", Start: 263 lb, Today: 212 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 210 lb - 2 POUNDSS AWAYYY ! , i hope you guys are atleast tryingg cause if i can do it you can do itt ! forreal i never though i would lose 50 or more poundss ! omggg soo much hard work but soooooo worth it ! :)))
Reply from Maddie, Age 16 - 06/25/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#:
From Amy, Age 16 - 06/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 286 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - I just went and weighed myself, and i realized the weight in the one i posted earlier was wrong. that was from three weeks ago, so it looks like i gained more weight. Its all going to my stomach. I tried to convince myself earlier when i wanted mc donalds that i didnt need it...but I went and got a ton of fries and two burgers for dinner, anyway. and a large milkshake afterwards. it was sooo good! i love my stomach even though its very large but i have noticed its getting harder to do stuff - i have to squeeze through some doorways and i cant button my pants as well... :/
Reply from lily, Age 16 - 06/28/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#:
From Amy, Age 16 - 06/23/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 134 lb, Today: 278 lb (BMI %tile: 98), Goal: 130 lb - Im Amy. I used to be kinda skinny, but I started eating more and not playing soccer, and I've put on a lot of weight in the last several years. At first, I hated being like this. I had to buy all new clothes and it was difficult to force myself into even the larger sizes, and I would always bulge out of jeans or shorts. Now, I dont care. I actually enjoy my weight. Yes, I have stretch marks. I jiggle, and i hate 3 large fat rolls that layer my stomach, and it's hard to get up sometimes. But I can eat whatever I want! i eat when i get stressed out, but lately i havent been trying to stop myself. I've put on a lot more weight, and now I have to wear my pants below my stomach. unfortunately my stomach hangs out all the time, but my parents wont buy me new pants or shirts until i start losing weight. but I dont WANT to lose weight. I love to overeat. I feel like i... (view more)Im Amy. I used to be kinda skinny, but I started eating more and not playing soccer, and I've put on a lot of weight in the last several years. At first, I hated being like this. I had to buy all new clothes and it was difficult to force myself into even the larger sizes, and I would always bulge out of jeans or shorts. Now, I dont care. I actually enjoy my weight. Yes, I have stretch marks. I jiggle, and i hate 3 large fat rolls that layer my stomach, and it's hard to get up sometimes. But I can eat whatever I want! i eat when i get stressed out, but lately i havent been trying to stop myself. I've put on a lot more weight, and now I have to wear my pants below my stomach. unfortunately my stomach hangs out all the time, but my parents wont buy me new pants or shirts until i start losing weight. but I dont WANT to lose weight. I love to overeat. I feel like i should care and want to lose weight since I am getting fatter and fatter, but the food is so good! soon none of my clothes will be able to fit anymore though, but i dont know what to do. I dont think anyone can help me at this point. :( (view less)
Reply from cupcake, Age 13 - 06/27/11 - IP#:
Reply from Melissa, Age 16 - 06/24/11 - IP#:
Reply from Thea, Age 15 - 06/23/11 - IP#:
From jenny, Age 13 - 06/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'4", Start: 145 lb, Today: 145 lb (BMI %tile: 92), Goal: 119 lb - mu name us jenny and i have struggled with my weight i have always tried to lose weight ever since the 6th grade and give up i am now entering 9th and i really want to lose weight im serious about it ,i do swim team for an hour every morning 4 days a week and i walk a lot but my problem is i eat toooo much please please help me i want this to be the summer were i dont give up any advice will help thanku soooooo much!
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/22/11 - IP#:
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/22/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - Hey teens and kids, the best way to avoid a lot junk food that are in your homes, there is one way, make your own dinner healthy, and eat eariler, that way you dont get tempted to eat it, go take walk outside or walk to town for a while , and alos bring a water bottle with you.. Or walk your pet dog, he)she will like a walk... Have a great summer, teens and kids. I hope to have helped Jessica 15. If you grils need helpe with advice about excriseing, ok I been searching on websites excrisieng bikes, are the best, I would look on freecycle, because that way you wont be paying a lot of money for them.. They are great I used to use it at my grandpartens house, a lot to stay fit, It is really good for kids who are trying to lose, or use a regular bike, either one will burn a lot of calories... Dont give up loseing weight even some of are in the 300's or 200's or mid 100's ... (view more)Hey teens and kids, the best way to avoid a lot junk food that are in your homes, there is one way, make your own dinner healthy, and eat eariler, that way you dont get tempted to eat it, go take walk outside or walk to town for a while , and alos bring a water bottle with you.. Or walk your pet dog, he)she will like a walk... Have a great summer, teens and kids. I hope to have helped Jessica 15. If you grils need helpe with advice about excriseing, ok I been searching on websites excrisieng bikes, are the best, I would look on freecycle, because that way you wont be paying a lot of money for them.. They are great I used to use it at my grandpartens house, a lot to stay fit, It is really good for kids who are trying to lose, or use a regular bike, either one will burn a lot of calories... Dont give up loseing weight even some of are in the 300's or 200's or mid 100's just keep trying Thomas Edsion would say dont give up.. And once you have gone from 1 obese, and 2 overweight. And last reach a helahty weight range for your hight, body, age and sex, trust me you will look like a new girl or boy, and new body, and will be able to run faster.. And fit clothes, and find your size easly, and you can rides at fairs, asument parks, once you get under the 200 pound limit, you will feel great and happy, and a new life... I hope to have encourged you kids and teens.. (view less)
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/21/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I am very happy to anouce that I have lost 10 pounds since last summer, I went from 165 pounds to 155!!!! yahoo yeah... I feel better about my clothes, I am almost 16 years old, still trying to lose weight, not giving up. I hope this might others to lose some weight and for thoses who are just got started to lose weight,, cut orange soda, regualr soda, candy, I hope to have helped for thoses who are new on here.. Jessica 15
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I almosted messed up on the junk food, I only mostly vetables, without the dip, and one chicken, and I took the skin off and did not eat it, I threw it away, but a voice inside of me said eat the skin I said no no. And said watch tv, I said no.. And excrised, I did swiming with my niece, ... And ran around with her.. It worked I only drak a couple of glass of soda in one cup.. orange soda nasty.. I used to like it now I dont so much... I am better off without it, anyway,, I had a glass of water, I found the diet for teengers only book at Borders yesterday, I read some pages from 20-21 for my age and hight is consered fit, for 15-16 years old, I dont remeber what it is for 13-14, or 17-19. I have to look it up again, it is such a great book, I totally recmmand it, It is a popular for teens, who are to lose weight or just want to eat bette who are at a helahty range,, It is still in print ... (view more)I almosted messed up on the junk food, I only mostly vetables, without the dip, and one chicken, and I took the skin off and did not eat it, I threw it away, but a voice inside of me said eat the skin I said no no. And said watch tv, I said no.. And excrised, I did swiming with my niece, ... And ran around with her.. It worked I only drak a couple of glass of soda in one cup.. orange soda nasty.. I used to like it now I dont so much... I am better off without it, anyway,, I had a glass of water, I found the diet for teengers only book at Borders yesterday, I read some pages from 20-21 for my age and hight is consered fit, for 15-16 years old, I dont remeber what it is for 13-14, or 17-19. I have to look it up again, it is such a great book, I totally recmmand it, It is a popular for teens, who are to lose weight or just want to eat bette who are at a helahty range,, It is still in print which suprised, me a lot of books on here that are recmmand are out of print safe dieting for teens, is out of print, 20 tone for teens, and the weight loss jounarl has stories and your own pages to write in also, and the other is stories how teens lost weight, I wish I could read it in my hand If I do find on clearnce at Bordrs, or Barrns& Noble, I would let you teens know, it is a popular book, I just hope they will come back in print.. I been trying to find it. I mean nooks are not cheep, books in your hand are cheeper.. Your better off without a nook... Try finding these out of print books, Amazon, or Albris. Or Borders or Barrns& Noble books clearnce.. I hope to have helped Jessica 15 (view less)
From Jessica, Age 15 - 06/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'3", Start: 162 lb, Today: 157 lb (BMI %tile: 94), Goal: 118 lb - I was told by my mom last week that I lost 10 pounds since last summer I believe I weigh 155 pounds I been out of the 160's for a while now, 118 pounds is still my goal, I lose 10 pounds, from last summer, I excrised, and ate less, and I am trying to get back on track on the water, I ate salds, and cut my meals in half, hey teens and preteens, the food praymaid is no longer around now, it got replaced with the food plate. Now, I ate a lot of vetables, raw or cooked, healthy of coruse, not freid, and horse back, riding is a good excrise, groming is the fun part, I cut milk chocolate out for now until I reach a healthy range, when I reach 118 pounds, new jeans, sweaters, sweatpants, sweatshirts, hoddies.. And new shoess.. Hey teens and preteens, I know summer is going to be here in 2 in a half hours, I know some of us will be bord, 11-15-16 try doing a babysiting course at the Red... (view more)I was told by my mom last week that I lost 10 pounds since last summer I believe I weigh 155 pounds I been out of the 160's for a while now, 118 pounds is still my goal, I lose 10 pounds, from last summer, I excrised, and ate less, and I am trying to get back on track on the water, I ate salds, and cut my meals in half, hey teens and preteens, the food praymaid is no longer around now, it got replaced with the food plate. Now, I ate a lot of vetables, raw or cooked, healthy of coruse, not freid, and horse back, riding is a good excrise, groming is the fun part, I cut milk chocolate out for now until I reach a healthy range, when I reach 118 pounds, new jeans, sweaters, sweatpants, sweatshirts, hoddies.. And new shoess.. Hey teens and preteens, I know summer is going to be here in 2 in a half hours, I know some of us will be bord, 11-15-16 try doing a babysiting course at the Red Cross, or the hopsitals. Or vlounter at an anmial shelter. Drink a lot of water, do swiming biking, canoning, boating, rinning, walking, joging, or go do a hike.. Or walk the dog, friend's dog, or your neigbors dog.. I quit binge eating since I got here.. I am not giving up to lose weight, even though I am still at risk to get obesty. But not as much as I was last summer, I excrise, I go walking in my backyard... Have a great summer teens and preteens, Dont just sit and eat, and do nothing, summer means be usefull, do more excrseing, and drink more water, our bodies sweat, I hope to have helped. I used to be very skinny when I was very young, I think from 1-11 years I guess when I was 12 I got overweight, but I am working on it, guys dont foucs on the past, foucs on the prsent which is now, some of us who are obse can lose weight and reach a helahty range, and be healthy and happy, being obse is unhelahty possibly not able to do rides because of being so heavy, we can lsoe weight, I mean 500 pounds is the worst weight to weigh and is very bad for your healthy and body well being, not 401, no no guys Im sorry to offend some of yous, but it is unhelahty I would say 60 for 3'9 for 8 years old.. That is a helahty wiehgt for 3'9.. There was a time when kids and teens, were very active and moving more, that needs to come back we live in a sad gentrion. I hope the obesty for the familes will go down one day, but none of us should like being fat, you should feel misbile, and gulity. I feel gulity being overweight.. 380 pounds is hrobile for anyone, we need to rethink before saying I love being fat, not unnh sorry that bad for you, eat less junk food, and more helahty food, eat raw vegtables, with out ranch dressing try them plain, or furit without crmale, diping, and eat them plain, and I dont like flavoried waters anymore.. That are not 0 calories. I drink water plain, I know some of us dont like water, love soda like reguale soda, orange soda, .. 150 calories, regualr coke, 10-140 root beer 120 calories it should be once in a while, it your choice teens, and preteens. I hope to have helped Jessia15 (view less)
From hii, Age 14 - 06/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'11", Start: 184.5 lb, Today: 174 lb (BMI %tile: 87), Goal: 170 lb - I have a question. I have always wanted to be a model, if i lose like 40-45 lbs will i have the model body? haha srry if this is a stupid question.. thankss for answering!!
From taro, Age 17 - 06/20/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'7", Start: 165 lb, Today: 165 lb (BMI %tile: 86), Goal: 115 lb - I'm asian and most of my asian friends are the stereotypical type that are waayyyy skinny, its terrible, I look like a gorilla next to them. I'm usually good at concealing my fatness so I look chubby, not fat, when in fact I'm extremely overweight. Yesterday a cute guy I just met picked me up without my consent, I could feel him STRAINING, it was sooooo embarrasing, I'm so sick of hiding my fat, besides the summers here so its getting so hard...I'm scared of all the pool party like this needs to be over for me and I am dead serious. Good luck to all, we will make it <3
Reply from Lisa, Age 17 - 06/28/11 - IP#:
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/20/11 - IP#:
From Eve, Age 17 - 06/19/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'5", Start: 170 lb, Today: 173 lb (BMI %tile: 93), Goal: 125 lb - I feel like I just cannot win. I have worked out for a constant 6 days doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred and doing 3 miles in 30 minutes on the elliptical. I just don't understand. I'm just such a comfort eater and the more I don't lose weight, the more I eat and I feel hopeless. I cannot remember when I wasn't fighting being over weight.... ever. I just want to be thin and healthy and the only person in my family without type 2 diabetes. But I feel like I sabotage myself:/
Reply from Jessica, Age 15 - 06/20/11 - IP#:
From Cupcake, Age 13 - 06/19/11 - IP#: Click here to reply
Ht. 5'1", Start: 151 lb, Today: 150 lb (BMI %tile: 97), Goal: 130 lb - Been walking alot but gained 2 pounds. I feel really fat. Can anyone help?
Reply from Taylor, Age 16 - 06/19/11 - IP#:
The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area. |