

Here is where we answer your questions about your weight and reaching your weight goal. Our site provides general health information only and cannot give medical advice.
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 Weight Loss and Your Physical Appearance

=> Im 13 and 260 lbs. Ive been overweight my whole entire life. I really want to lose weight but I'm scared of many things that I'm not sure of. Maybe could you answer them? First. I want to lose weight. Of course. but i don't want saggy skin. will i get saggy skin even being at this young age? Second. I have stretch marks, will they fade within time or no? last. uhh.. this is embarrassing but.. my breasts seem to sag. as i lose weight will they.. firm up.. or sag more? i really hope you can answer these questions. Thank you.

=> I am 12 and a half and I have lost 29 pounds I used to be 169 pounds but now I am 140 pounds so I have a question when will I lose my buffalo back BTW I am 5'3 and still growing oh and also what is the healthy weight for me??

 Congratulations on wanting to lose weight, that's the first step. Too rapid of weight gain or loss can contribute to saggy skin and stretch marks. But, there are things you can do to minimize both.

Saggy Skin. Skin takes time to resume its former level of tautness after fast weight loss. Losing weight at a healthy rate can minimize developing saggy skin. Younger people have more elastic skin, which has an easier time of "springing" back.

Stretch marks can occur with rapid growth or weight gain when the body expands faster than the skin can grow. They appear most often on the stomach, under arms, sides of the body, thighs, buttocks and hips. Stretch marks may not completely disappear but they do tend to fade over time. Losing weight will also help. The amount of time skin has been "stretched" by weight gain may influence it's ability to retract after weight loss. Nutrition can also play a role in how your skin responds.

A hump behind the shoulders sometimes referred to as "Buffalo Back" can form for several reasons. Some common reasons are: extreme obesity, a side effect of a prescription medicine, osteoporosis, long-term steroid use and Cushing's syndrome (a rare condition where the body has too much cortisol hormone). You should see your healthcare provider to diagnose the cause of the hump behind your shoulder. They can perform tests to determine the cause. If your hump is the result of obesity, a diet and exercise plan may help you lose weight and the hump.

Here are a few things you might try to help your skin return to it's previous condition:

1. Continue to exercise. Adding some weight training to your routine will help tone the muscles beneath the skin, which may make the skin appear more firm.

2. Drink lots of water. Water is an essential part of maintaining skin elasticity.

3. Eat enough protein. The ingredients that help keep skin elastic are collagen and elastin. Foods such as cottage cheese, milk, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish all contain collagen and elastin forming components, as well as oils that are needed help maintain healthy skin.

4. Take Care of Your Skin. Daily exfoliation can help to remove dead skin cells and increase skin circulation, thus improving skin tone. Stay away from harsh chemicals and too much sun exposure. They can decrease your skin's elasticity.

5. Above all, be patient. Waiting 1-2 years after reaching a healthy weight is often encouraged before considering more drastic measures such as surgery. Surgery has health risks of it's own and can also lead to scarring.

Fast weight gain can be a sign of emotional eating or a food addiction. Check out the tips on Say Goodbye to Problem Foods and "How Do I Lose Weight?" to help get your eating under control. Keep working towards your weight loss goals, you can do it!

 fast weight loss - Tips For Safe Weight Loss

=> I am 12 and want to lose weight in 2 weeks.Prom is in 12 weeks and I would like to lose weight.My friends are making fun of me and asking where would I get a dress PLEASE HELP ME!!!

=> i'm 13 years old, my height is 163 cm or 164 , and my weight is 58 kg and i really want to lose weight up to 10 kg in 2 weeks , i know it is possible but kinda dangerous, i just wanted to ask what should i do so that i can lose fat this much in this duration , i don't eat a lot , i just eat 1 or 2 meals a day i don't eat dinner , and sometimes i skip breakfast, i don't exercise a lot , i have no problem with exercises but i only need motivation and orders(steps\ exercises) to follow , what should i do please help me!!

=> i am 17, exactly 5ft and 190 pounds. How long will it take me to lose 60 pounds? i graduate on june 3rd, 2017 and want to reach my goal by then. Please help. thank you.

=> I am over weight in the stomach I have 2 months till summer and I live beside a beach I wanna swim all day but I don't wanna go out in public since I live in Canada I covers it up whitch coats this winter but now what I need something fast

=> I'm 13 years old, I'm between 5'2 to 5'3 and I weigh 143.3 pounds, I just wanted to see what I could do to loose weight FAST I tried diet before and I just couldn't do it, I was always starving and that caused me to not think straight in school, plz help me loose weight asap!!

=> I am 12 and way 200 pounds and want to now how to lose a bunch of Waite in 3 months. And how do I do that?

=> Im 13years old im about 5'9 maybe 5'8 im about 220lbs maybe i try to lose weight but i seem to not ever get there i wanna try some easy but fast weight loss ideas but i have no clue.. I get talked about because of my weight.... I dont go outside anymore at all because of my body.. Please help

 FACT: fast weight loss doesn’t work and doesn’t last! Quick diets, and food fads are bad ideas. They don’t work either. So, BE SMART, LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY! Sure, we'd all like to lose weight fast but weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Safe Weight Loss takes time and effort, so be patient.

Generally, successful weight loss requires healthy portion controlled eating and increased activity or exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more energy (exercise) in order to lose weight.

Try a STEP BY STEP APPROACH instead. Better choices, better results. And, check out
How to Lose Weight and other Weight Control Tips for more ideas.

Instead of focusing on "I want to lose 30 pounds by "X"," try making WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. Learn to set achievable goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. Then when you lose the first 5 pounds make your next goal to lose another 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it! When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight easier. If you mess up one day, try anew tomorrow. Remember, weight loss is a daily journey!

Here are a few more tips:
1. Keep a food and activity diary. This helps you focus and tracks your progress. Try cutting back on food amounts and increase your activity every day. Review your progress daily. Once you reach that goal, try a new goal. You’ll be more likely to stick with it and it won’t be so overwhelming.

2. Check your weight on a scale every couple days. That way, if you are gaining, you can cut down food amounts a bit more and increase your activity. Lose weight the healthy way! You'll be glad you did!

Remember that losing weight involves making better choices, including healthy eating and exercise, so think about a plan you will be able to stick to. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you.

 fast weight loss - It's Unhealthy and Unsafe

=> im a 13 year old girl nd i want to lose weight before december wat should i do?

=> I am overweight and weigh 180 and i have tried over 10 diet plans and none of them worked, and I would like to lose 50lbs in 2-3 months and don't give me any of that 2lbs a week is healthy stuff. I know it's totall bull. I am 14

 fast weight loss doesn’t work and doesn’t last! Quick diets, and food fads are bad ideas. They don’t work either. So, be smart, lose weight safely! While most of us would like to lose weight fast, weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Safe Weight Loss takes time and effort, so be patient.

Generally, successful weight loss requires healthy portion controlled eating and increased activity or exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more energy (exercise) in order to lose weight. It's time for a STEP BY STEP APPROACH. This involves making better choices. So think about a plan you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you.

Instead of focusing on "I want to lose 30 pounds by "X"," try making WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. Learn to set achievable goals. For example, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. Then when you lose the first 5 pounds make your next goal to lose another 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it! When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight more attainable.

 fast weight loss

=> What can I do I'm overweight and 14 year old but I want to lose weight in 3 weeks

=> I am 12 years old and I weigh 163 pounds. I get really mad that I am over weight and I am going to 7th grade. All my friends are all skinny and that is my question how do I lose weight before I start school on July 31. Please give me some advice I want to be at least 105 pounds sp my friends can see that I can do it. I want my friends to see a different Zoe in 7th grade. Will you help me and five me advice. Thank you.

=> im 13 years old and I weigh 178 pounds and I need to lose about 60 pounds. What do I do

=> I'm turning 14 and I weigh almost 200 pounds i need help and quick i cant take myself like this and people make fun of my weight and i cant take it i wanna at least lose 30 lbs and maybe in a month or two and i need info asap I'm really active but cant ever seem to lose weight i do wrestling swimming track BMX and walking i don't snack at all and I'm not going for liposuction

=> So I am not over weight..... But I feel like I could lose a little because I can tell I have gained a little..... So it's Sunday and I have a dance on Friday how can I feel slim but lose a little in a safe way?

=> So im 212lbs and 5ft 5-ish nad im 12 years old so how do i lose weight fast and easily

=> I'm 14,and I weigh 245 pounds,I want to get in shape during ssummer,I want to become slim,so how do I lose weighrn

=> I'm 10,and I weigh 278 pounds,and I get teased all the time about being fat,my belly is huge and I'd like to lose weight during the summer,how can I do that

=> I really need to lose weight,I weigh 285 pounds,people tease me,and I really want to become skinny over the summer

=> Hi I'm 10 years old and 103.3 pounds I have a muffin top . I want to loose as many pounds possible by July (When I go to the beach ) how long will it take for me to loose weught

 Remember the story of the Tortoise and the Hare? Fast out of the gate, the Hare sped but soon floundered. Meanwhile, slow but sure came the Tortoise, and won the race! Similarly, just like the Hare, fast weight loss just doesn't work and doesn't last!

Although most of us would like to lose weight fast, gradual weight loss (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. One to two pounds a week doesn't seem like much, especially when you have decided you want the weight gone quickly, but it's the healthiest way to do it.

To lose weight, we need to take in less (food) and put out more energy (exercise). You will need to take an honest inventory of yourself and make a plan. It's time for a STEP BY STEP APPROACH. This involves making better choices, including healthy eating and exercise, so think about a plan you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you.

Instead of focusing on "I want to lose 30 pounds this summer," try making WEEKLY WEIGHT LOSS GOALS. Learning to set achievable goals is key. For example, if your goal is to lose 30 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. Then when you lose the first 5 pounds make your next goal to lose another 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it! When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight more attainable.

 fast weight loss - It Is Unhealthy and Unsafe

=> I am a 12 year old girl, I am 102 lbs and 160 cm , I have a big event coming up in around 3 weeks pls how can I lose weight?

=> My sister and I are both trying to lose weight for a big trip we are about to take soon. I am 5'6" and 170 pounds while my sister is 5'0" and 160 pounds(though I'm younger than her). We are doing a diet plan that requires a strict diet, running, and dancing. I am terribly out of shape but my sister is athletic. What do I do? How can I get in shape for summer? How much weight can I lose in about 3 months?

=> I need to loose my weinght in 1 month....i am 13yrs old

=> is it possible to lose alot of weight in 5 weeks?

=> im 11 years old and im 239 pounds i try to lose weight i just cant because i eat too much people make fun of me ALOT and im tired of it i start school in 5 weeks and i want ti lose weight b4 then can you help me

=> hi am a 16year old girl from Namibia i am in the 10th Grade, i would like to find out how to lose 30pounds in just a month without exercising?

=> I weigh 150 and I'm 5'2 and I'm about to be 15! I would like to lose about 20 pounds maybe even 40! We'll my question is I sit ok for teens to use green tea while trying to lose weight?

=> My sister and I are both trying to lose weight for a big trip we are about to take soon. I am 5'6" and 170 pounds while my sister is 5'0" and 160 pounds(though I'm younger than her). We are doing a diet plan that requires a strict diet, running, and dancing. I am terribly out of shape but my sister is athletic. What do I do? How can I get in shape for summer? How much weight can I lose in about 3 months?

=> Im 13 and i weigh about 140 plds and im 5ft tall. Whats an easy and fast way to loose weight and still be healthy

 TV advertisements, weigh loss Internet sites and magazine ads that promise fast weight loss are promoting unhealthy and unsafe practices. Diets that promise rapid weight loss and food fads are just plain bad ideas. Don't do them.

The Healthy Way: Losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is considered safe weight loss, and is a good goal. Generally, successful weight loss involves two parts: 1) healthy portion controlled eating and 2) exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more energy (exercise) in order to lose weight. It's as basic as that. Take a look at the School Area of this site such as How Do I Lose Weight, and Weight Control Tips.

One to two pounds a week doesn't seem like much, especially when you have decided you want the weight gone, but it's the healthiest way to do it. Instead of focusing on the total weight loss goal, try making little goals that lead up to the big goal. When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight more attainable. For example, if your goal is to lose 40 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it!

Here are a few more tips:
1. Keep a food and activity diary. This helps you focus on what you are currently doing and can help you track your progress. Try cutting back on food amounts (watch out for fried or fatty foods as well as sodas) and increase your activity. Review your food diary EVERY DAY and identify better food choices you can make the next day. Do the same with activities. Try to be active most days. If you do fun activities you enjoy, you are more likely to do them. If you mess up one day, try anew tomorrow. Remember, weight loss is a daily journey!

2. Check your weight on a scale every couple days. That way, if you are gaining, you can cut down food amounts a bit more and increase your activity.

Remember that losing weight involves making better choices, including healthy eating and exercise, so think about a plan you will be able to stick to for the rest of your life. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you.

 fast weight loss - Tips For Safe Weight Loss

=> im 13 year old and i people started to bothered me about my weight how can i take it down until May 5,2013

=> I just turned 13 I weigh 120 pounds and am 4'11" I want to lose weight before May because the entire 7th grade class will be going to a water park at the end of the school year and i don't want to look over weight are there any tips u can give me to lose weight quickly i want to lose about 30 pounds

=> I am 12 years old and I weigh 127.5 lbs nd im am overweight and don't like it I want to lose about 30 lbs in about a month or two. and im really concered about my weight. please help my concern!

=> Hi guys I'm 5.5 in height and weigh 158 (pounds) and large build I am 12 going on 13 and I want to lose leg fat cuz that's most of it I'm a VERY healthy eater (usually) a vegetarian actually I eat fish (because they don't feel pain) and I want to lose weight I'm not over weight but I feel the need to be skinny!!! help!

 fast weight loss doesn’t work and doesn’t last! Quick diets, and food fads are usually unsafe and generally bad ideas. While most of us would like to lose weight fast, or lose weight in a certain area (typically our stomach or thighs), weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Safe Weight Loss takes time and effort, so be patient.

Generally, successful weight loss requires healthy portion controlled eating and increased activity or exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more (exercise) in order to lose weight. Check out How to Lose Weight and other Weight Control Tips for more information.

Here are a few more tips:
1. Keep a food and activity diary. This helps you focus and tracks your progress. Try cutting back on food amounts and increase your activity. Review your progress daily. Start with small goals like weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week.
2. Check your weight on a scale every couple days. That way, if you are gaining, you can cut down food amounts a bit more and increase your activity. Lose weight the healthy way! You'll be glad you did!

 fast weight loss - Why It Doesn't Work and What you CAN DO

=> how can i lose weight about 10 pounds or 12 would be great i have to lose this by december the 18 and i need to know how

 fast weight loss doesn’t work and doesn’t last! Quick diets, and food fads are bad ideas. They don’t work either. So, be smart, lose weight safely! While most of us would like to lose weight fast, weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Safe Weight Loss takes time and effort, so be patient.

Generally, successful weight loss requires healthy portion controlled eating and increased activity or exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more (exercise) in order to lose weight. Check out How to Lose Weight and other Weight Control Tips for more information.

Here are a few more tips:
1. Keep a food and activity diary. This helps you focus and tracks your progress. Try cutting back on food amounts and increase your activity. Review your progress daily. Start with small goals. For example: to lose 1-2 pounds. Once you reach that goal, try a new goal. You’ll be more likely to stick with it and it won’t be so overwhelming.
2. Check your weight on a scale every couple days. That way, if you are gaining, you can cut down food amounts a bit more and increase your activity. Lose weight the healthy way! You'll be glad you did!

 How To Keep Weight Off Forever

=> I'm 140 and I want to be around 115. I try to go on diets and things but they do not seem to work. What should I do to keep the weight off forever?

 Many "diets" promise fast weight loss results. fast weight loss is not recommended, in fact, most people who lose weight quickly end up gaining it back and then some.

When working on permanent weight loss, think about a plan you would be able to stick to for the rest of your life. Losing weight involves healthy lifestyle changes that you will commit to forever. It may take several tries before you find something that works for you, but then you will start seeing positive changes.

Head on over to our Healthy Weight School for more information.

 fast weight loss - Why It Doesn't Work

=> I'm 10 years old and my height is 5' 1'' and a half. I weigh 110 lbs. What weight should I be and what can I do to do it? I want to get big muscles and a six pack. And I want to make that all happen before September please

=> i have to lose 4 to 5 kgs how can i lose them in the fastest way possible

=> I want to lose weight fast in 8 days before school starts.So am surving on grapes and water is that the right way to lose weight in 8 days

=> im 12 years old. i am overweight and get teased sometimes about bieng overweight, so i started the 17 day diet and in the first week i lost 13 pounds. i was wondering how i can loose weight fast and get muscular, like abs and upper body muscle. i can see the diffrence in my weight (smaller) and my endurance inproving.

=> i am 11 and i am throughly 12 stone what can i do i love cakes and ice cream e.t.c i am so upset all my friends are skinny and nobdoy loves me cause i am fat my mum said i need to lose weight fast to do you have any tips btw i am at school at 8:30 till 3:30 please HELP!!!

=> I am 15 years and I weigh 70kg how can I lose serious weight in a week

  While we would all like to lose weight as quickly as possible, weight loss that occurs gradually by making healthy changes tends to stay off the longest. 1 to 2 pounds a week is generally considered safe for losing weight. While that doesn't seem like much initially, that adds up to 8 pounds a month!

Take a look at the Q and A section on this site. You can do a search for the topic you would like answered. When you are ready to get started on your weight loss journey, check out the Healthy Weight School.

 fast weight loss

=> im 14 years old i wait 146 but i want to get skinny fast and before i turn 15 i would like to get skinny in a month what should i do?

=> Dear Lucy, im a 12 yr old girl that is 5'8" and i weight 263 pounds and i want to dye my hair and my mom says i cant until i weight 130 pounds. how do i do that really fast because school starts in august and this is june and i wanna do it before school starts plz hlep!!!!!!

=> I just turned 12 years old in May, and I'm about 140lbs. I'm 5 feet and 2 inches tall. My goal weight is 90 to 100 pounds. It's June 11th and I want to reach this goal weight before school starts up again. However, I have no money for products or equipment and cannot leave the house. I don't want to be 140 pounds anymore, so could somebody PLEASE tell me what I should do?

=> I am 16 years old and am about 110kg,I want to lose most of this in 2-3 months...please help me on how to lose weight and live a healther life

=> i am turning 13 next month and i weigh 130. ive been gaining alot of weight on my tummy has lots of fat to loose. i am much heavier than my friends. i also do gymnastics and its hard to get my body over because i weigh to much. and i fly in cheerleading and they cant lift me. i really need a way to loose weight or tips. i do wii fit every night i wanna lose 20 pounds by next year. please help me i am tired of being embarresed of my weight.

=> I'm 12 and 5'4" but I'm 175 pounds. I really want to be atleast 120 by the end of the summer. Or the end of 2012. Please help me! I'd really appreciate it

 This is one of the most often asked questions. While most of us want to lose weight as quickly as we can, weight loss that occurs gradually (1-2 pounds a week) is more likely to stay off. Diets that promise rapid weight loss don't work and are not necessarily safe.

One to two pounds a week doesn't seem like much, especially when you have decided you want the weight gone, but it's the healthiest way to do it. Instead of focusing on the total weight loss goal, try making little goals that lead up to the big one. When you accomplish the smaller goal first, you will feel more successful and it will make working toward the end goal weight more attainable. For example, if your goal is to lose 40 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. STEP BY STEP, that is the way to do it!

Trying to get to a healthier weight is hard work. Remember that losing weight involves making better choices, including healthy eating and exercise, so think about a plan you would be able to stick to for the rest of your life. All the small changes you make everyday will add up over weeks and months to a healthier body and a healthier you. You may not actually see results right away, but if you keep at it, I know you can do it!

When you are ready to move forward, check out our Healthy Weight School.

 Safe Weight Loss

=> i'm 12 years old and getting ready to go on a cruise the 19th of june well my point is my mom made a bet where we both go on diests and who ever looks best in a swimsuit gets a 100 dollars and gets to ware the swimsuit i weigh 139.4 and less then 5 ft. tall and i have been walking on our treadmill ATLEAST 1 or 2x a day and walk 30 min. to an hour i need to get skinny faster how?

=> how should i go about losing weight i am almost 500lbs

=> i was just wonder what dress size should i aim for whilst trying to loose weight- i am a 12 year old girl about five foot five inches i am in size 14 or 16 clothes i. Weigh 14.6lb i would like to get down to 10stone is this an ideal target weight and dress size 10

=> Hi im 16 150lb at 5'3 i have a medium/large frame i want to weigh 115-120lb what is the best way to do this? and is this reasonable to get done by august and how would i do this?

 Congratulations on wanting to lose weight. That is the first step to a healthier you!

Before you decide to start on a weight loss program, it is always a good idea to check with your health care provider to make sure that you don’t have any underlying health problems. They may recommend a special diet plan for you. Safe weight loss takes time and effort, so be patient.

In general, losing 1 to 2 pounds per week is considered safe, and gradual weight loss tends to stay off longer. Quick diets, food fads, anfast weight lossss are bad ideas. They don’t work. So, be smart, lose weight safely!

It might also be helpful to revisit some of information in the School Area of this site such as How Do I Lose Weight, and Weight Control Tips. Generally, successful weight loss involves two parts: 1) healthy eating and 2) exercise. We need to take in less (food) and put out more (exercise) in order to lose weight.

Keeping a food and activity diary can get you focused on what you are currently doing and can help you track your progress. Strive to eat healthy foods and cut back on the amounts of food you eat. Review your food diary and identify better food choices you can make the next day. Do the same with activities. Try to be active most days. Do fun activities you enjoy, you are more likely to do them. If you mess up one day, try anew tomorrow. Remember, weight loss is a daily journey!

 Losing Excessive Stretched Skin After Childbirth or fast weight loss

=> im 20,i have a 2year old, i was abot 140lbs before getting preg and wen i had my child i was 250lbs , i have been "sorting my life out" for 6munths now, and have lost 40lbs just from eating well and walking, will the stretched skin go back in to place or do i need to do more for that to happen ?? thanks

 Congratulations on your successful weight loss! As you have discovered, stretched skin takes time to resume its former level of tautness. The fact that you are losing weight at a healthier rate now can help avoid the formation of saggy skin.

Here area few things you might try to help your skin return to it's previous condition:

1. Continue to exercise. Adding some weight training to your routine will help tone the muscles beneath the skin, which may make the skin appear more firm.

2. Drink lots of water. Water is an essential part of maintaining skin elasticity.

3. Eat enough protein. The ingredients that help keep skin elastic are collagen and elastin. Foods such as cottage cheese, milk, beans, seeds, nuts, and fish all contain collagen and elastin forming components, as well as oils that are needed help maintain healthy skin.

4. Take Care of Your Skin. Daily exfoliation with sea salts can help to remove dead skin cells and increase skin circulation, thus improving skin tone. Stay away from harsh chemicals and too much sun exposure. They can decrease your skin's elasticity.

5. Above all, be patient. Waiting 1-2 years after reaching a healthy weight is often encouraged before considering more drastic measures such as surgery. Surgery is expensive and is not covered by most insurance policies. It also carries health risks of it's own and can lead to scarring. Good luck on your path towards a healthier you.

 Boredom eating and fast weight loss

=> i know im over weight but i have a problem that its not really cavings but just eating out of boredom and cause it taste good i try running and exercising but its not working as quick as i would actually like it too and my weight is a big problem so is there any way i could lose weight quickly and stop my horrible eating habits

 Rapid weight loss is not the safest method to lose weight, and it has been shown that weight loss that occurs gradually tends to stay off. It is generally considered safe to lose 1-2 pounds per week.

We don’t lose weight when we are consuming more calories than our bodies need. It sounds like you are active and exercising, which is an excellent start. If you find that you are eating out of boredom and even when you are not hungry, you may be using food to cover up emotions. This emotional eating becomes a habit, but habits can be broken with effort and patience. Try to plan ahead to deal with this situation by using something other than food to make yourself feel better. For example, if you are bored when you get home from school, keep a list handy of other things you could do instead of reaching for that snack. Go for a walk, draw or paint, chat with a friend. Of course, if you are truly hungry, you should eat a healthy snack, and always make sure you are drinking enough water. Ask your mom to pick up some healthy snacks that are easy to keep in the cupboard for just such a moment rather than chips or cookies.

Check out this previous tip about how to stop boredom eating to learn more.

 How can I lose weight really fast?

=> hi need to lose weight fast about 60 pounds.cuz im going somewhere special.Almost everyday i cry i alwys say i will starve tomorrow then you will see me running to the ice cream truck.

 fast weight loss is not recommended and it is not safe. Starving yourself is not healthy and telling yourself that you will starve tomorrow sets you up for failure. Make more specific goals for yourself that you can achieve. Start out with the goal of losing 10 pounds, and then write out how you are going to achieve this. Are they healthy ways? Then write out a list of things that you think may prevent you from reaching your goal. Make a plan of how you will address these obstacles. That way you have a plan ahead of time instead of right in the middle of the battle.

 How can I lose weight fast?

=> I am trying to lose 35 pounds in one month.

=> Should I starve myself?

=> I am going to Puerto Rico in 4 months and I need to lose over 50 pounds!

 fast weight loss is not recommended. It can lead to health problems and most people who lose weight quick end up gaining it back and then some. In fact, one way to tell if a weight loss program is a gimmick is if it promises quick results. The most weight that health experts recommend for a person to lose in a week is 2 pounds. That equals 8 pounds per month. It doesn't seem like much, especially when you have decided you want the weight gone, but it's the healthiest way to do it. Instead of focusing on the total weight loss goal, try making little goals that lead up to the big one. Then when you accomplish the smaller ones you will feel more successful and still be working towards your big goal. For example, if your goal is to lose 35 pounds, make your first goal to lose 5 pounds. It makes it seem much more doable and helps you feel good throughout your weight loss efforts. Sometimes people try to starve themselves to lose weight fast. This is not healthy and cannot be maintained over a lifetime. When working on weight loss think about a plan you would be able to stick to for the rest of your life. If it doesn't seem possible chances are it won't provide you with permanent weight loss. Your best bet for weight loss is healthy eating and exercise.

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The purpose of this board is to help overweight teens.
Overweight preteens are asked to use the PreTeens Area.