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There is an epidemic of overweight in children and teens, with resulting serious health problems. Below are three proposed solutions. Which do you think is the best solution for the overweight epidemic in children and teens?
                  (vote for one)

  Block access by kids to unhealthy foods. Place a heavy 
    tax on junk food or outlaw junk food sale to kids. Replace 
    vending machine junk food and sodas in schools with healthy foods.

  Require physical education and daily exercise in schools. En- 
    courage fun physical activities and non-competitive sports 
    outside of school.

  Teach kids the health risks of overweight and why kids overeat 
    (boredom, loneliness, depression, stress) and help kids figure out 
    other ways to handle those situations.



Age     Height    Weight (lbs  kgs)   female  male

                                     (1 stone = 14 pounds)
Previous Polls:
Sept'04 Poll - What do you think is the cause of the overweight epidemic?
Aug'04 Poll - Do you have a say regarding what groceries are purchased?
July'04 Poll - What do you think about a weight loss buddy?
June'04 Poll - What do you think about the "Supersize Me" movie?
May.'04 Poll - Should overweight be covered in school health classes?
Apr.'04 Poll - What do you think about going to a weight loss camp?
Mar.'04 Poll - How do overweight parents act if you try to lose weight?
Feb.'04 Poll - Would you pay for one-on-one dietitian help on this site?
Jan.'04 Poll - Does talking about overeating make you feel uneasy?
Dec.'03 Poll - What method do you prefer for losing weight?
Nov.'03 Poll - Can you lose weight without visiting a health professional?
Oct.'03 Poll - What motivates kids and teens to obtain a healthy weight?
Sept.'03 Poll - How do you feel about being weighed in school?
Aug.'03 Poll - How often do you feel bored?
July '03 Poll - What do you think about the junk food tax?
June '03 Poll - Do you use food to comfort yourself?
May '03 Poll - Why do guys, but not girls care if the other is overweight?
Apr.'03 Poll - Why do kids say, "I'm overweight... how do I lose weight?"
Mar.'03 Poll - Why do more girls want to lose weight than guys?
Feb.'03 Poll - Do you think schools should ban soft drinks?
Jan.'03 Poll - What is most useful to you about this website?
Dec.'02 Poll - What do you think about McDonalds' being sued?
Nov.'02 Poll - Have you ever talked to someone about your weight?
Oct.'02 Poll - What if someone rejects you because of your weight?
Sept.'02 Poll - How do you feel about your health and being overweight?
Aug.'02 Poll - How do you feel about exercise?
July'02 Poll - How do you feel about going on a diet?
June'02 Poll - How do your parents treat you in regard to your weight?
May'02 Poll - How do you feel when you try to resist a fattening food?
April'02 Poll - What do you think helps the most to lose weight?
March'02 Poll - Does weighing yourself help you lose weight?
Feb.'02 Poll - Does watching TV cause you to gain weight?
Jan.'02 Poll - Are chat rooms helpful to you for losing weight?
Dec.'01 Poll - What is the main reason you overeat?
Nov.'01 Poll - What helps kids/teens most to not overeat?
Oct.'01 Poll - Why are overweight kids/teens teased and rejected?
Sept.'01 Poll - What is the main reason why kids/teens are overweight?
Aug.'01 Poll - What is the main reason you want to lose weight?
July'01 Poll - Have you asked a doctor or dietitian for help w/ your weight?
June'01 Poll - Why have the number of overweight kids doubled since 1980?

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