You will see the results so far as soon as you vote, or you can click "see the results without voting".  Please vote only once for each poll.  Thanks a lot. 


  Do you believe that watching TV causes you to gain weight? 
  (vote for one)

Yes, because I always eat while watching TV.

Yes, because most of my free time is spent watching TV, 
   instead of exercising.

No, watching TV does not cause me to gain weight.

     Your age        Your sex: female  male


Previous Polls:
Jan. Poll - Are chat rooms helpful to you for losing weight?
Dec. Poll - What is the main reason you overeat?
Nov. Poll - What helps kids/teens most to not overeat?
Oct. Poll - Why are overweight kids/teens teased and rejected?
Sept. Poll - What is the main reason why kids/teens are overweight?
August Poll - What is the main reason you want to lose weight?
July Poll - Have you asked a doctor or dietitian for help w/ your weight?
June Poll - Why have the number of overweight kids doubled since 1980?

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