From JJ, Age 13 - 11/15/04 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
My mum is such a b*tch!!!! I asked her "can you please stop buying junk food, I really think it would make us healthier and we might lose a little weight" you know what she said?? "No, I need it" I said she sounded like a drug addict and she agreed!!!! (she is majorly obese[as am I])I told her "please stop buying the junk food, I have no will power and you always offer it too me. We aren't healthy and I think this would be a good idea" she goes "if you want to lose weight we should find a plan and stick to it, I'll find one, until then I'll eat my chocolate bars" that was two months ago!!!What can I do to stop myself from eating the candy and junkfood she CONSTANTLY buys?? Thanks Guys. You guys are great.
Reply from Marilyn, Age 39 - 11/17/04  - IP#:
Ask her if she would at least store it somewhere that you don't have access to and to please not offer it to you. If you are allowed to request snacks when she goes shopping request other snacks you can eat when she tempts you with the junk. Research healthier ways to prepare snacks you family enjoys.
You may need to turn to another family member and get their help getting her to realize the damage she is doing by not supporting your desire to lose weight. If she is acting like a junky she may need help that you are not able to provide.
Reply from Amanda, Age 16 - 11/16/04  - IP#:
Sit your mom down and tell her that obesity can cause death through things like high cholestorol thats what i have, and my mom is being really supportive. Tell your mom that this is a serious matter and if ya'll don't do something she could lose you or worse she could die too. I know thats a scary subject but that became reality to me about a week ago and before when i got mad i said i wish i'd die now im wishing my cholesterol would go down so i won't die. Tell your mom that if shes gonna by candy keep it simple and only by a piece for when you have snacks like after lunch. Any other time reach for the health food. Also you and your mom should go to a gym if that is to imbarrasing because it used to be for me then try riding bikes skating and instead of picking up the tv remote pick the weights and try to gain muscle and tone down the fat. Also good health snacks are fruits and veggies they aren't all that bad and after a while things like cheese burgers and pizza wont taste good. Try getting to were you don't go to many places to eat but rather eat at your own house or even a sub way. If you wanna talk write me back my name is Amanda and there is another Amanda and Im about to be 17 the other one is 15 don't get us mixed up
Love Amanda I hope things go good and if you'd like to e-mail me my sn is and I might not be able to e-mail you if you don't have aol or wmconnect.
Reply from susan, Age 14 - 11/15/04  - IP#:
tell her u have a plan. if u think about it every diet basically is the same thing controlled portions of healthy food and junk food, no refined sugar and no excessive starches. thats your plan. if shes still a b*tch then forget about her and do your own thing. sometimes you just have to accept that some people arent receptive to change and just wont do anything unless they are iin the most dire of situations. hope i helped!
Reply from ~*sweets*~, Age 13 - 11/15/04  - IP#:
If your mom can't help then you need to do this yourself, you can and you will!! I believe in you. There has to be at least SOME healthy foods in your fridge. Okay so heres what you do, sence this is going to be hard don't go on a diet that is way too hard for you situation. So, everyday at anytimes try drinking 3 glasses of milk a day. Also, Try drinking 5 glasses of water a day. And for the food part when she offers it to you say no thanks and get some crackers or something and if you have no healthy foods go to a friends house and eat her food. If your mom gives you money you can go grociery shopping yourself and buy yourself some foods. When you eat, eat in small porstions and you can eat unhealthy food because remember this isn't a diet but just eat less of healthy foods. I wish you the best of luck and stick with that plan for a month or two! post if you did good each day it will help!!