From Aida, Age 16 - 04/05/05 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Hey...the diet is going great but soo much pain! everyday I do like 25-50 situps/crunches a day and the next day my ribs and my stomach and stuff are in painnnnnnnn, everytime I cough or get up (from sitting) or laugh really hard, lay down on my bed or anything..they hurt a lot. I stretch after doing the situps too..well a little, I don't really know how to stretch after doing them..? so please anyone can you tell me how to prevent the pain or will it always be there? My mom and sis said that the pain is just because I've just started doing these situps/crunches...once I do them everyday I will get used to it, my body will become immune to it and there will be no more pain. I dunno, you tell me.
Reply from helen, Age 15 - 04/05/05  - IP#:
THATS A GREAT AMOUNT OF SITUPS what you can do is instead of raising the amount every day like i suggested... just until you get use to it do the same amount for about 1-2 weeks and see if the pain goes away and if it hurts really bad take ONE rest day but do another form of excersize so you stay active.. it is a good thing that the muscles in your stomach are hurting you just dont need it to become a great discomfort or you will get discouraged also NEVER drink alot of water before and ab workout because you will feel it going around and around in your stomach and it might make you throw up or just feel really sick
for stretching lay on your stomach and then bring your self up like a seal and hold that for ten seconds
and if you can... lay on your back and then put your hands face down back wards and pull yourself up..its kinda like a backbend that cheerleaders do to show off but it is a good stretch.. well i hope this helps..
Reply from amy, Age 15 - 04/05/05  - IP#:
hi the pains a good thing it shows your muscles are tigntening and thats what you want. If it is hurting your ribs like you say take a break between sets for example do 10 take a minuete then do 10 more this way you can do more aswel and it doesn't hurt. Make sure you are eating a healthy diet at the same time otherwise the sit ups do not help at all. good look!
Reply from Tasha, Age 17 - 04/05/05  - IP#:
Yes what your mum and sister says is true, the more you do of the crunches, the more your muscles will get used to working and the less pain you will have. Basically your muscles are doing this because they have barely been worked like this before and getting used to the idea of working like this is causing discomfort, always make sure you stretch BEFORE and AFTER stretching. Keep with it, but if you still have these aches after 2 weeks and you are stretching properly too, you may have to decrease the number of situps you do a day, and just gently bring up the number, so your muscles can get used to you exercing. Hope I Helped. Sasha
Reply from Kelsi, Age 14 - 04/05/05  - IP#:
She is right. Your body isnt used to using those muscles so hard so they hurt. To prevent them try doing warm ups (Jumping Jacks, going from side to side) before you do your situps. Also drink lots of water before during and after and go for a walk or something beforehand. And your mom is right, the more you do, the less painful it is! So not to worry!
Good Luck Girly!