From Michelle, Age 13 - 07/04/08 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5'4", Start: 144 lb, Today: 144 lb, Goal: 100 lb - Im not what you would call new coz i have been reading the posts for a while trying to find insipiration. I found out just by cutting out wheat and sugar i could lose up to 60lbs a month!!!!! I have juvenile arthritis in all my joints, which includes knees and ankles so its hard to do exercise. I am so sick of always feeling depressed about my weight and i know i can keep it off once i lose it coz i have lost weight before and kept it off but i have been this weight for a while and think it's time for a change. Starting today i will be a different woman!!!
Reply from ellie, Age 15 - 07/05/08  - IP#:
are u actually overweight and 100 lbs is tooooo low aim for 135
Reply from Emily, Age 13 - 07/04/08  - IP#:
well, actually, u are right about sugar but cutting carbs is a big myth...actually, complex carbs help u lose weight! all the carb crap is just a myth...and sugar, well dont cut out fruit sugars! just the bad(but tasty!) stuff!