From Brittney, Age 18 - 06/19/06 - IP#:  Click here to reply  
Ht. 5"11, Wt. about 230 - ok, the deal is that i have actually gained weight- it snuck up on me-- the way i eat is ok- i dont eat a whole lot in my days, but after work im so tired i go to sleep around 7... will working out an hour a day fix my gainage?? this is really depressing and i want to get fit
Reply from Nadie, Age 15 - 06/20/06  - IP#:
yes excersize is a great way!! it can only be 30 minutes but also i know you dont eat much but maybe itd help if you watch your type of foods or reduce your portions that could help as well
Reply from Emily, Age 17 - 06/19/06  - IP#:
Hey...i totally feel you on that one....what i do is i go to work (8-5) then i come home and rest up for a while then i go run 2 the way you and i are about the same size. i think that we could really help each other on this. If you want to email me or IM me my adress is we can help each other....dont worry about the gainage...just get into some kind of work out routine along with dieting and the pounds will come off. GOOD LUCK AND DROP ME A LINE IF YOU WISH!!!
Reply from Pecan, Age 15 - 06/19/06  - IP#:
Exercise will actually help boost your metabolism and energy levels. I know work can be tiring- I work at a day care with little kids- but just a walk around the block to get the blood flowing can do a lot of good for your energy. Also- try to enjoy everything you are eating- don't think of it as a chore or second nature. Try to remember how you feel after you eat- sluggish, tired? Then compare it to when you exercise. You will find that exercise really gives you energy, whereas food makes you tired. Hope this helped =)
Reply from Kaylee, Age 14 - 06/19/06  - IP#:
1 hour of excercize a day will keep you fit feeling better and if you already eat good then it will help drop the extra pounds too. also if you go to bed @ 7 try eating dinner around 4 or 5 so you have time to digest before you go to bed.