Continued from Maree, Child's Age 35 - 10/27/02 - IP#:

There are a lot of changes happening on the planet at this time, as you can see by the disasters around the globe. We are all affected by the crime, drugs, wars, famine, and obesitiy on a deeper level then most of us realise, {subconsciously}. This is all happening for a reason. So the ones who are here with love in their hearts, can help the ones who have forgotten what love is. It is a lesson to take control of our own destiny, and to stop expecting to be saved. So many of the human race rely on others to pull them out of the mud. It is o.k to a certain point, but we can't do it 'all' for everyone. A lot of people have forgotten what responsibility really means. Children need love and support, we all know that. But nothing is going to change until the adults take a good look at themselves and admit that they have issues upon issues. This is what is screwing our children up. I say to to parents, 'go get help'!! Go to people who understand the mind and how it really does make or break your life. If you haven't got it together, how in Gods name do you expect the children to have it all together. Disease starts in the mind, on an energy level. Negative thought forms and patterns create illness. If these thought patterns go on over a period of time, they manifest into the physical body as a disease. We can undo the disease by undoing the thought pattern. Turn the thoughts around so they are happy and positive. Once the thought is strong in its belief, the disease cannot be there. The illness will disappear. Remember, if the overweight problems have been manifesting for a long time. It will take a while for it to reverse its affects. Parents, Be patient with yourself first. Kids, Be patient with yourself first. E-mail -